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Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
How many layers of Warded Stone do I need to use to prevent players from glitching through? Was it two or three layers?
I'm not sure that it is possible to prevent all glitches in SMP. Simply adding more layers doesn't remove the problem. It depends on the mechanics of the glitch. The "glass item elevator" glitch, for example, has no limit. MFFS, on the other hand, should not have any glitches since it actively moves entities itself rather than relying on vanilla mechanics.[DOUBLEPOST=1381960586][/DOUBLEPOST]
How can I distribute items in a particular proportion? I've calculated that for my MFR farm setup to be sustainable, I need five fertilizer going to the wheat for every two that go to the netherwart. What can I do to divide my fertilizer in these proportions?
If you have sufficient fertilizer being produced, and you block all but one of the item storage slots in the Fertilizer (I use dirt), then you shouldn't need to proportion them. You could use a Round Robin Pipe though, I suppose. I use a Provider Pipe and Supplier Pipes. Fertilizers output into a chest, and are turned off by a gate signal when the chest is full.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi. I use FTB ulneashed 1.1.3. I have a question about the Tree Breeding at Forestry. I just want to know, if I can make Myrtle Ebony hybrid with: Saplings = High, Matures = Fast, Height = Large, Yield = High.
I can't find a tutorial about hybrids somewhere. If I can make one, what is important to crate one.

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi. I use FTB ulneashed 1.1.3. I have a question about the Tree Breeding at Forestry. I just want to know, if I can make Myrtle Ebony hybrid with: Saplings = High, Matures = Fast, Height = Large, Yield = High.
I can't find a tutorial about hybrids somewhere. If I can make one, what is important to crate one.
Fairly certain the answer is yes. You'll have to put the Ebony next to tree(s) with the traits you want, then pray that your bees/butterflies cross the traits you want on to your Ebony. It's mostly a game of trial and error that's a lot less hands on than bee breeding/hybridizing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think that will take days, till I get that nice tree that i want. Also I think it is luck to get what you want. Bee Breeding loooks much easier for me.
So you mean, that I just use purebred trees (also the ebony), but when I get for examble a ebony - cherry sapling. the E-C only has the traits of ebony and cherry or does he also has the traits of the other trees?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How do I write proper Mystcraft worlds without the grammar system autofilling modifiers for me? I was writing a world and it replaced all the blocks in a single biome plains with end stone v.v


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think that will take days, till I get that nice tree that i want. Also I think it is luck to get what you want. Bee Breeding loooks much easier for me.
So you mean, that I just use purebred trees (also the ebony), but when I get for examble a ebony - cherry sapling. the E-C only has the traits of ebony and cherry or does he also has the traits of the other trees?

Tree breeding is actually easier than bee breeding because you don't get trait pollution.

With bees, even if a species mutation occurs, you aren't guaranteed to get a purebred bee of the new type. And even if it is purebred, you aren't guaranteed that any of the traits of your new bee are representative of the species it claims to be. There's a fair chance for it to be so, true, but also a fair chance to get for example a purebred Cultivated without the Fast Production trait. The reason is that most of the time, purifying the species of a bee happens through trait inheritance, and not through active species mutation. You get the mutation once, then have some hybrid drones and a hybrid princess as offspring, and then random chance cobbles together a quasi-"purebred" for you from the trait lists of the parents. Which may very well not have the traits you wanted. That's largely the reason why Binnie's genetic machines are so popular: because they give you the security of actually being able to get the bee you want. Without them, it's a multi-round gamble that will force you to backtrack or start over everytime you lose.

Trees, on the other hand, don't work that way, since trees always cross purebred. A single pure sapling results in a tree that can be crossed many dozen times, without intermediately hybridizing and polluting its traits, like a bee does as it gets cycled through generation after generation. And in addition, the result of a species mutation completely discards any hybridization; both active and passive trait lines of a species-mutated sapling are set to the default of that species. You are only ever going to get new tree species as completely purebred, automatically, with all its traits in pristine condition. And with the help of a grafter, you can clone a single sapling infinitely often even on the most scarcely leaved of trees. Or well, 4 or 9 saplings, for trees with bigger trunks.

All you need to do then, is select a starter sapling, and selectively breed it with a series of purebred other tree species, each time waiting for and picking out only the first single sapling that has the combination you want. Clone it a few times for safety (always backup!), then progress to the next tree species to cross it with. It takes a while, but in contrast to bees, you're guaranteed a perfect end result eventually, no matter what mood the RNG is in today. And you don't need a single genetic machine for it. Which is probably the reason Binnie hasn't made any.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a ME system and is starting to try the autocrafting part of it.

I have made patterns on compressed cobble stone.
1 pattern to make compressed
1 pattern to make dubble
1 pattern to make tripple
1 pattern to make quadruple

But when i order 20 quadruple compressed cobblestone
it starts working but after a bit it just stops. Why is this?

I never get my 20 that i asked for.

I do have enough cobble (500k)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tree breeding is actually easier than bee breeding because you don't get trait pollution.

With bees, even if a species mutation occurs, you aren't guaranteed to get a purebred bee of the new type. And even if it is purebred, you aren't guaranteed that any of the traits of your new bee are representative of the species it claims to be. There's a fair chance for it to be so, true, but also a fair chance to get for example a purebred Cultivated without the Fast Production trait. The reason is that most of the time, purifying the species of a bee happens through trait inheritance, and not through active species mutation. You get the mutation once, then have some hybrid drones and a hybrid princess as offspring, and then random chance cobbles together a quasi-"purebred" for you from the trait lists of the parents. Which may very well not have the traits you wanted. That's largely the reason why Binnie's genetic machines are so popular: because they give you the security of actually being able to get the bee you want. Without them, it's a multi-round gamble that will force you to backtrack or start over everytime you lose.
I beg to differ. If your (example) pure Common + pure Meadows has a child that is pure Cultivated, then that child will have all default traits of the Cultivated species. Everytime a child is produced, two checks for mutations are made. If the first check (50% chance for princess.primary with drone.secondary and 50% chance for princess.secondary with drone.primary) results in a mutation, the child will choose its chromosomes, as if the parent princess was a pure, default princess of the mutations target species. If the second check (50%/50% as above) results in a mutation, the child will choose its chromosomes, as if the parent drone was a pure, default drone of the mutations target species. After this preliminary checks, for every chromosome a random allele is picked, one from the parent princess and one from the parent drone. Since with a pure mutation both parents are of the target species, all choices are the default choices of the new species.

Sure, if you don't get a purebred, then only 50% of the alleles are the defaults of the new species. With bad luck or wrong choices with the parents (always analyze your bees when mutating/purifying!), the desired alleles can be bred out again.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a ME system and is starting to try the autocrafting part of it.

I have made patterns on compressed cobble stone.
1 pattern to make compressed
1 pattern to make dubble
1 pattern to make tripple
1 pattern to make quadruple

But when i order 20 quadruple compressed cobblestone
it starts working but after a bit it just stops. Why is this?

I never get my 20 that i asked for.

I do have enough cobble (500k)

AE stops crafting if you change something on the network, brake/add a cable/block etc.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9295 mit Tapatalk


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
AE stops crafting if you change something on the network, brake/add a cable/block etc.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9295 mit Tapatalk

Tried again.
This is before:
Then i clicked and asked for 20 quadruple cobblestone.

This is after 15min where i did not touch minecraft, went afk and came back 15min later.

It did not increase the quadruple with 20. just a few.... And i was not doing anything ingame while this was in production.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I beg to differ. *snip*

I explained what I meant further on in that paragraph. It's perfectly possible to get a "fake purebred" with non-default traits because it doesn't result from a species mutation, but rather from a hybrid queen passing on the same species trait to both trait lines by chance. I've had plenty of such fakes in my Minecraft carreer - one of the main things I dislike about bee breeding. You can do everything right and still win the Zonk.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tried again.
This is before:
Then i clicked and asked for 20 quadruple cobblestone.

This is after 15min where i did not touch minecraft, went afk and came back 15min later.

It did not increase the quadruple with 20. just a few.... And i was not doing anything ingame while this was in production.


Do you have a crafting monitor? If yes what does it tell you? Is it empty?
I personally never had any problem even with complicated crafting recipes that required several machines for a very long time(several hours sometimes) so it's quite strange.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Do you have a crafting monitor? If yes what does it tell you? Is it empty?
I personally never had any problem even with complicated crafting recipes that required several machines for a very long time(several hours sometimes) so it's quite strange.

I have a crafting monitor. First it shows everything is fine and are working with the production.
Then suddenly it stops and it is empty and no longer building items.

I am not clicking anywhere atall.

So it works, but when i ask for large batches, it fails.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How can i light a nether portal without a flint and steel ive tryed lighting it with lava and i cant find any fire charges any ideas?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a crafting monitor. First it shows everything is fine and are working with the production.
Then suddenly it stops and it is empty and no longer building items.

I am not clicking anywhere atall.

So it works, but when i ask for large batches, it fails.

if you make any changes to the network, either via dark cables, chunks getting unloaded, or adding components, the crafting queue will reset. also, if a craft request takes too long in any fashion or doesnt produce the desired outcome, exactly, it will reset.

As a test, time how long it takes to reset while watching the crafting monitor. if its the exact same time for repeated crafting processes, its timing out the request. In this instance youd want to check your patterns to make sure there isnt an unexpected imbalance (for example, accidentally requiring 10 cobble instead of 9 by putting 2 in one spot of the pattern grid) and that all products have a method of production. For example, you can't order up 1000 compressed cobble for continuous compression of igneous extruder products, it would time out because its 'produce cobble' flag never gets reset. It has to be done via autocrafting level emitter+export bus.

If timing wasn't the issue, remove all dark cables from the network, check chunkloaders, and put a dedicated MFSU or REC in front of the ME Controller. That should cover all bases.

Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How can i light a nether portal without a flint and steel ive tryed lighting it with lava and i cant find any fire charges any ideas?
Assuming you're stuck on the Nether side of the portal, lure a ghast to shoot one of its fireballs at the portal. With some luck, it will re-light it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
and put a dedicated MFSU or REC in front of the ME Controller.
This. Check the system is getting enough power. Watch the power meter on the front of the AE Controller to make sure all that compressing isn't overloading your power supply.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
So, this surely is a Thaumcraft spoiler, you've been warned!

I can't complete the infernal furnace research. As far as I know, there are only 3 aspects I can use, and I used all 3 and still can't finish it.

Any tips?

This should do it.

You had an area where you could have cut it down to 1 rune inbetween 2 nodes, instead of 2 runes.

Gerald Huppertz

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey gang, have an AE autocrafting question. Maybe I'm using the wrong machien to achieve my goal.

I have a Gregtech Electric Crafting table with a pattern in the grid of 1 aptite surrounded by 8 ash to make fertilizer. The button is set to teh left arrow (use the pattern entered) I have a fuzzy export bus on the input with aptie and ash flagged. It is set to emit redstone signal when there is more than 500 ash stored.
The problem is I cant get it to fill the aptite and ash properly. It only gets the ash which then immediately gets pulled back out into the network.

I have a similar setup for tiny dusts, which works, except I have the button set to the 4 pattern. This seems to store the dusts until there is enough and they are not pulled back out into the network.

Is there a better way to autocraft the fertilizer?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey gang, have an AE autocrafting question. Maybe I'm using the wrong machien to achieve my goal.

I have a Gregtech Electric Crafting table with a pattern in the grid of 1 aptite surrounded by 8 ash to make fertilizer. The button is set to teh left arrow (use the pattern entered) I have a fuzzy export bus on the input with aptie and ash flagged. It is set to emit redstone signal when there is more than 500 ash stored.
The problem is I cant get it to fill the aptite and ash properly. It only gets the ash which then immediately gets pulled back out into the network.

I have a similar setup for tiny dusts, which works, except I have the button set to the 4 pattern. This seems to store the dusts until there is enough and they are not pulled back out into the network.

Is there a better way to autocraft the fertilizer?


For all shaped/shapeless recipes that don't require a machine for assembly, you should use a molecular assembly chamber with the pattern, not a table external to the network. There are some exceptions to this rule, mainly tiny dusts and any sort of square packing that can be done in an excellent fashion via that table you mentioned.

Set a pattern for your fertilizer, store it in the Mac, then set the export bus mode on the multi farm to 'move items/craft' mode. It will create fertilizer any time the farm needs some and you don't have any.

...but that's not really the question you asked about the table specifically:). To answer your question, the way to fix the electric crafting table is changing the mode button with the lightning bolt/box on it. I can't remember what mode it needs to be in, but that should stop the bus from pulling out of any slot except the result.
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