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Tristam Izumi

New Member
Jul 29, 2019

No node has ever given me a single research point. Scanning them just reveals their type.

Oh, and I figured out what "Fading" does. The total storage amount does decline over time... and once drained, doesn't seem to be recharging either (or so slowly that nothing happens for multiple Minecraft days). It's basically a dead, useless node. Drain it immediately when you find it, and then forget it exists.
Scanning nodes with the Thaumometer should always give you research points, usually 3-5 of each aspect in the node (if I remember correctly). It's the only reason I've been able to maintain stocks of the base aspects ranging from 100-300, though they definitely dipped below that during heavy research sessions.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First of all you shouldn't transform princesses into liquid DNAs, you can always use them to duplicate bees you already have.
As for most mutations you won't get purebreds directly you'll get hybrids most of the time.
What I usually do, once I have a princess with at least 1 species I want and 1 drone with at least 1 trait from the same species I inject them both with high fertility serum then cross them in an apiary with an oblivion frame until I get a line of pure bees. Once I have the pure line the hybrid drones go directly into the mixer to the dna tank :p.
Then I make them breed some more, use some of the drones to get the species and traits if they have any that I want.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm. Right now I'm just trying to get past Common. I've already got a genepool up, and I've been feeding the hybrid drones to it. Still not quite sure what the point of the hybrid princesses are. Wouldn't I want to get to Imperial and Industrious bees before I start worrying about traits?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hm. Right now I'm just trying to get past Common. I've already got a genepool up, and I've been feeding the hybrid drones to it. Still not quite sure what the point of the hybrid princesses are. Wouldn't I want to get to Imperial and Industrious bees before I start worrying about traits?

Anyway if you're going for mutations your princesses should always end up pure bred.
And before Imperial there is the majestic bee with the high fertility, that's probably my most valuable serum :p.

As for hybrid princesses you would have for any reason and don't need to create a purebred line, you can always drop them in an automated apiary with a stack of purebred drones you want to duplicate and the princess will end up pure bred too after several reproduction cycles.

Do you have a purebred common line?
If yes make it reproduce in an apiary until you have a bunch of drones(they should stack if it's purebred).
You then take any normal bee princess(meadow, forest, etc) and use it with your common in an apiary with 3 soul frames.
You'll probably end up with hybrids like:
princess: cultivated/meadow
Drone 1: common/meadow
Drone 2: cultivated/meadow

You take the princess and Drone 2(which both have cultivated) and put them in an apiary with an oblivion frame(optional but it really helps, found in dungeons at the start of the game, or in loot bags).

You'll then end up with something like:
Princess: meadow/meadow
Drone 1: cultivated/meadow
Drone 2: cultivated/cultivated

Then you cross the princess with Drone 2.

Note that you may lose the cultivated trait you want during this process, in this case you may want to use one of the previous drones you didn't use that had cultivated or try the mutation process again.

But once you keep breeding them with a bit of luck you'll end up with a purebred cultivated princess and purebred drone.
It's a lot easier once you have the high fertility serum since you have more choices, and hence can push for purebred faster.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyway if you're going for mutations your princesses should always end up pure bred.

See, this is where I think I'm getting lost. How do I ensure my princesses end up pure bred? I don't think its possible. Of course I start out with purebred Meadows + Forest, but then I get hybrids, maybe a purebred common or meadow/forest. So what I'm thinking is that I need to keep going until I get the purebred common princess and drone, and convert everything else to dna. Is this an efficient path to Imperial/Industrious?

EDIT: And by 'keep going' I mean only breeding purebred Forest and Meadows bees

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
As for hybrid princesses you would have for any reason and don't need to create a purebred line, you can always drop them in an automated apiary with a stack of purebred drones you want to duplicate and the princess will end up pure bred too after several reproduction cycles.

I'll second this. For example you mentioned you already have common. One of the 1st things you should do is take your common pair and breed them until you get at least 10 extra drones. Then put them away for safe keeping. Take the stack of drones and breed them with a princess that has mixed traits. After the breedings are done you should have a purebred common princess. Because this princess is a spare you can now breed her with a meadows or forest drone to get the next mutation. Sort of rinse and repeat keeping at least one set of purebred bees of each species until you get imperial and industrious. Then everything changes because you can get the advanced genetic machines and start pulling traits (like species and effects) out of the extra drones.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a note saying I updated the post higher.
Basically you cross your bees until you get a purebred line by stacking the odds in your favor the best you can.

Also my example is quite pessimistic, it's much easier to get purebred early, the mutation rates are quite high with 3 soul frames.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Got it guys. Thanks a ton - that was a huge help. I'll keep grinding away here. I just got a purebred common and drone, so i'll go crazy gettin common drones.

Edit: shit i'm usin impregnated frames. Time to switch!

Henry Link

Popular Member
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
Got it guys. Thanks a ton - that was a huge help. I'll keep grinding away here. I just got a purebred common and drone, so i'll go crazy gettin common drones.

Edit: shit i'm usin impregnated frames. Time to switch!

One other note here. Use the soul frames to force a mutation. Once the mutation occurs and get a like common/meadows princess with a couple of mixed drones you can put them in with chocolate frames to try and get the traits to stabilize.

  • Breed a meadows & forest using soul frames yields a common/meadows princess with common/forest drone.
  • Breed the two using chocolate frames yields common/common princess with a common/meadows drone.
  • Another breeding with chocolate frames gives you the common/common pair. There may be other traits (like fertility) that may still be different.
Keep breeding selecting the best matches until the drones start to stack and all the traits are identical. Then you have your purebred pair for the species. Now go through the steps for duplicating drones. Once you have enough keep this pair someplace safe. Duplicate the princess by using about 10 drones stacked then move to your next breeding with soul frames. In this example you next ones would be common plus hive bee (meadows or forest).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Scanning nodes with the Thaumometer should always give you research points, usually 3-5 of each aspect in the node (if I remember correctly). It's the only reason I've been able to maintain stocks of the base aspects ranging from 100-300, though they definitely dipped below that during heavy research sessions.

...and I have been doing most of my research with nothing but the single-point regenerating RP from crystal clusters near the table. Turns out my Thaumcraft version had a bug that wouldn't yield RP from nodes...welp ._.

On the upside, I just updated Thaumcraft, went on a scanning spree for all the nodes I mapped and got about 400 RP of various types.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
Got it guys. Thanks a ton - that was a huge help. I'll keep grinding away here. I just got a purebred common and drone, so i'll go crazy gettin common drones.

Edit: shit i'm usin impregnated frames. Time to switch!

If you get lucky with Spoils Bags, you could also use Nova Frames Oblivion Frames for fast death, making it a lot easier to breed your bees - otherwise, I just use Chocolate Frames. I haven't tried how effective Soul Frames are, though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you get lucky with Spoils Bags, you could also use Nova Frames for fast death, making it a lot easier to breed your bees - otherwise, I just use Chocolate Frames. I haven't tried how effective Soul Frames are, though.

Nova Frames are a creative mode item that guarantees 100% mutation rate and instantly kills the bees. You can't get it from Spoil Bags...
What you can get from Spoils Bags are Oblivion Frames that kill the bees in one cycle but don't change the mutation rate(and that I mentioned).

For the different frames overview let me link to the very nice ftb wiki page:


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2013
Nova Frames are a creative mode item that guarantees 100% mutation rate and instantly kills the bees. You can't get it from Spoil Bags...
What you can get from Spoils Bags are Oblivion Frames that kill the bees in one cycle but don't change the mutation rate(and that I mentioned).

For the different frames overview let me link to the very nice ftb wiki page:

I always get those two frames mixed up! I meant Oblivion Frame! >,< *frantically edits*

To be fair though I also didn't see your post - perhaps it was lost in a late refresh, or something?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nova Frames are a creative mode item that guarantees 100% mutation rate and instantly kills the bees. You can't get it from Spoil Bags...
What you can get from Spoils Bags are Oblivion Frames that kill the bees in one cycle but don't change the mutation rate(and that I mentioned).

For the different frames overview let me link to the very nice ftb wiki page:
That page is out of date. It still talks about Thaumic Bees, but since MC 1.5.2 the mod is named Magic Bees.
One of the changes is, that the frames now don't cost vis during usage, only during creation. Also the frames from Extra Bees now are capped on certain values. shows, that chocolate frames and soul frames both now change the time to live to 75% per frame, with a maxium at 50% (so it doesn't matter, if you use 3, 5 or 8 chocolate frames). I personally now only use Necrotic Frames and Metabolic Frames. With 3 Necrotic Frames, the bee ages now 37 times as fast (so a bee with lifespan shortest - shortened dies after one bee tick, normal - longest after two bee ticks). 3 Metabolic Frames raise the mutation chance by almost factor six.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I messed up my biome config file and I am created weird chunk borders. How can I regenerate the chunks?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I messed up my biome config file and I am created weird chunk borders. How can I regenerate the chunks?

I'd revert to biome config for chunks that you want to keep, backup the world and remove badly generated chunks with MCEdit (use latest version).