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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Items? Not that I know of. Tinker's Construct lumber axes fail because the tree is too large.

Oh, while we're on the topic of Thaumcraft 4:
I'm looking for a way to procure a large amount of research points for aer, aqua, ordo and terra. In roughly even proportions. Maybe less ordo and more aqua. What can I use? I've been chewing through stacks of sugar cane and nether wart in deconstruction tables and it's not really giving as much as I'd like to have. Most stacks only yield 4-5 research points for the four combined, and I can easily use hundreds.

haven't tested my iron tinker axe on natura red wood (there's no XL ones active on server I play) but large jungle trees only take 1/6 of its dura ...I think manu TC axe will easy bring down largest of all trees no prob especially if its upgraded for durability as it should be done.

Are there any items other than that axe from TC that can cut down extremely large trees easily? (thinking the sacred oak from... I think natura?)

Thaumacraft adds one special axe that brings down all of tree at once...and It can be enchanted to be unbreakable:)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my new simple question: can you automate repairing, say lumber head or drill of steve auto farmer cart? yes I know those heads last very very long time but I'd wish to automate it to level I never would need to check on it unless some production chain breaks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a question.. Does anyone know how to make TC's items shiny??
I have a couple of them, but only 2 of them shine, and have a light blue name instead of the boring white one..

Thank you guys ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sure I've seen TiCo tools used to place torches with a right-click. How does this work? Is it a modifier, or a function of specific tools? Or am I mistaken?

I think you have seen a MPS Fist with the Torch Placer module installed ^^
I don't think there is a TiCo's tool which can do that :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay I made an account here specifically for this question, as I haven't been able to figure this out after hours of experimenting and searching the web. I'm playing Unleashed, and I'm attempting to get my remote thermal monitor to turn off my nuclear reactor. I understand that it is supposed to send a redstone signal after the specified temperature is reached, but no matter how I attempt to hook it to the reactor it never shuts it down for me. I'd really like that extra layer of security so I can go off adventuring without having to worry about blowing up my reactor and house on the odd chance something crazy happens.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't you need a redstone signal to turn the reactor on? In that case you could just simply reverse that signal ?

Or just build a case with some explosion-proof blocks :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay I made an account here specifically for this question, as I haven't been able to figure this out after hours of experimenting and searching the web. I'm playing Unleashed, and I'm attempting to get my remote thermal monitor to turn off my nuclear reactor. I understand that it is supposed to send a redstone signal after the specified temperature is reached, but no matter how I attempt to hook it to the reactor it never shuts it down for me. I'd really like that extra layer of security so I can go off adventuring without having to worry about blowing up my reactor and house on the odd chance something crazy happens.

Reactors are turned on by redstone signals, so if your thermal monitor sends a redstone signal, it simply turns the reactor on, not off.

I think you can reverse the signal in the GUI, or if that fails, use a NOT gate to invert the signal on the way to the reactor.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wanted to manually upgrade my mods to 1.6.* but I don't want to manually change the config file so that all mods work together (tedious work :( ). So I thought that I could use the FTB config file for 1.5.2 for that matter. Would that work or has there been significant changes in the mods so that a 1.5.2 config would not work?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes. You can't use 1.5 configs in 1.6. Thaumcraft at minimum will crash if you do, and some other mods might as well (or not work correctly).

However, Forge mods coordinate their IDs by default (you can see the lists on the Forge forum). I've built multiple 1.6 worlds already just by dropping mods in, and I have never had a single ID conflict. It all works out of the box (and has been working since 1.5.x even, if not 1.4.x already).


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2013
I missed the flurry of bee breeding activity, but learned a lot by reading back a bit.

...After the breedings are done you should have a purebred common princess...
...if you're going for mutations your princesses should always end up pure bred...
I just got a purebred common and drone, so i'll go crazy gettin common drones.

I have, up to now, purebred sets of both common and cultivated (all progeny identical genomes and stackable). They are however not holotypes or 'purebred' in the sense they do not have the default genes of the species. Am I screwing myself using these oddball but interesting 'purebreds' to breed further up the lines?

For instance one of my common purebreds has the nocturnal gene (present in both princess and drone as two recessive alleles)- which is both productive for combs and fun to watch at night. This same species also has the shortest lifespan trait versus the slower trait for default common bee (I guess this might be good for quicker mutation induction). In addition my cultivated line has 3X fertility as well as slower pollination, both better than default.

I guess I'm asking if when a mutation occurs, is an entire oddball allele set replaced with the default higher species set (allowing for a gradual approach to default) or am I potentially going be mixing in genes (not present in the default progenitor) that are undesirable in a new 'purebreed' which will now have no chance of attaining a default gemone?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I missed the flurry of bee breeding activity, but learned a lot by reading back a bit.

I have, up to now, purebred sets of both common and cultivated (all progeny identical genomes and stackable). They are however not holotypes or 'purebred' in the sense they do not have the default genes of the species. Am I screwing myself using these oddball but interesting 'purebreds' to breed further up the lines?

For instance one of my common purebreds has the nocturnal gene (present in both princess and drone as two recessive alleles)- which is both productive for combs and fun to watch at night. This same species also has the shortest lifespan trait versus the slower trait for default common bee (I guess this might be good for quicker mutation induction). In addition my cultivated line has 3X fertility as well as slower pollination, both better than default.

I guess I'm asking if when a mutation occurs, is an entire oddball allele set replaced with the default higher species set (allowing for a gradual approach to default) or am I potentially going be mixing in genes (not present in the default progenitor) that are undesirable in a new 'purebreed' which will now have no chance of attaining a default gemone?
Only the species is relevant for the chance of mutation, the other chromosomes are irrelevant. So you're not screwing yourself up. With your breed with better fertility you're even raising your odds for a successful mutation (more drones = more chances).
When a mutation happens, one or both of the parents are treated, as if it would have been a purebred of the new species, so if your result is e.g. a Common-Noble, on of the two alleles of the pollination (a.k.a. flowering) chromosome will be "Slow", even though both of your parents have a "Slowest" there. If that Slow will survive is just a matter of a) Skill in choosing the best mates and b) Luck.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2013
Only the species is relevant for the chance of mutation, the other chromosomes are irrelevant. So you're not screwing yourself up. With your breed with better fertility you're even raising your odds for a successful mutation (more drones = more chances).
When a mutation happens, one or both of the parents are treated, as if it would have been a purebred of the new species, so if your result is e.g. a Common-Noble, on of the two alleles of the pollination (a.k.a. flowering) chromosome will be "Slow", even though both of your parents have a "Slowest" there. If that Slow will survive is just a matter of a) Skill in choosing the best mates and b) Luck.

Thank you, very succinct and what I wanted to hear! So 1/4 of the genome pool is replaced with the higher species entire 'mutated' set and the distribution is mendelian from there. Perfect.
I think my biggest realization from this conversation is the above, as well as finally grasping that the genes are represented as being on different chromosomes and segregate independantly, i.e. no two genes are ever linked unless bound by species (biome, humidity etc). One other thing- the recently acquired mutational set must segregate immediately, as I never see the default genome as complete, just scattered alleles amongst the progeny, makes sense now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Reactors are turned on by redstone signals, so if your thermal monitor sends a redstone signal, it simply turns the reactor on, not off.

I think you can reverse the signal in the GUI, or if that fails, use a NOT gate to invert the signal on the way to the reactor.

I noticed in my experiments that it seemed like that was the case. I looked in the monitor and reactor for a tab to tell it what to do when it received a redstone signal but didn't see any kind of tab like a pulverizer or several other things have. So unless I'm blind, the GUI is out. I have attempted to use a gate before, but I couldn't figure out where to place it. As far as I know my only two options to hook the monitor to the reactor are rednet cables or redstone dust, both of which I couldn't place a gate on/in. (I was trying an autacratic gate)