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Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Can I get LP to delay sending items to a particular destination?

I flip the lever on my Harvester, and it harvests a small field. Items initially go to the Planter, because it has a Supplier Pipe set to keep it stocked with seeds and carrots. Meanwhile, it is also sending seeds and carrots and wheat to an Enderchest and thence into AE. When the Planter is full, all the rest go to the Enderchest. Then, when the Planter finishes its idle cycle, it starts re-planting the wheat and carrots.

This should work, as hopefully the LP system will have topped it up to 64 of each, and indeed it seems to be working. But, is there any way that I can prioritize the delivery of seeds and carrots to the Planter?

Or, should I just pump everything out of the chest, and set the Enderchest as the default destination for excess items?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An ME Interface will do for a Harvester. It has an inventory, the Harvester will eject into it, and anything that goes into that inventory ends up in the AE network.

ok, i will try this as the import bus directly into AE seems to be none functional. hopefully the interface will work out better. it might have been how i actually achieved it last time. as that serve is currently down i can't check. massive brain derp.

cheers guys/girls/dudes/dudettes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Have you tried growing pumpkins on IC2 crop sticks? I've heard that MFR harvesters can harvest them, and they're a great source of seed oil, but you have to craft them into seeds first.
pumpkins prouduce the same amount of oil as common seeds (wheat). are you suggesting that pumpkins may produce more oil based on the multitude of the fruit? in which case will melons work along side the hypothetical?

Museli said:
“What are you trying to extract the seeds with? I've had issues with an import bus - had to switch to transport pipes.​
interface, work. thank you mr.phil hobbs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can I get LP to delay sending items to a particular destination?

I flip the lever on my Harvester, and it harvests a small field. Items initially go to the Planter, because it has a Supplier Pipe set to keep it stocked with seeds and carrots. Meanwhile, it is also sending seeds and carrots and wheat to an Enderchest and thence into AE. When the Planter is full, all the rest go to the Enderchest. Then, when the Planter finishes its idle cycle, it starts re-planting the wheat and carrots.

This should work, as hopefully the LP system will have topped it up to 64 of each, and indeed it seems to be working. But, is there any way that I can prioritize the delivery of seeds and carrots to the Planter?

Or, should I just pump everything out of the chest, and set the Enderchest as the default destination for excess items?

I simply have a pipe going from my harvester to the planter,diamond pipe that inserts seeds / saplings / whatever, rests/overflow goes into the AE system.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I simply have a pipe going from my harvester to the planter,diamond pipe that inserts seeds / saplings / whatever, rests/overflow goes into the AE system.
Every time a stack gets uses up, a random item will go into that stack. So, seeds might be replaced by carrots. Carrots might be replaced by potatos. Eventually, through random chance, one of your item types will not have a stack to go into because all the slots are full of other stuff. This is why I want to try LP, to keep no more than 64 of each type in the Planter. I suppose I could use Routers instead, one per type of resource, programmed with a single numbered slot. That would actually have the advantage of a buffer of 128 per type rather than 64, as there will be a stack in the router (supplied by LP) and a stack in the planter.

*Edit* Actually I suppose this shouldn't ever happen, as the harvester should always keep the planter stocked at a faster rate than the planter uses them. I guess one way it could happen is if someone spills water on your farmland, and the planter will use up seeds without getting replenished.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
From what I've seen, if I put in one comb, on,ly that one type of comb will go through, other comb types get spat out. I have to put in every single type of comb into it. Same with shards, and sense theres one shard for every element... and a LOT of elements... thats a lot of pipes.

ME cables confuse the bajebus out of me and I can't make heads or tails out of them, I use the me chests and the storage things and thats it... I did mess with them in creative but couldn't really sort them out, and even then the item sorting still seems to only allow passage of the one item, and not all of that item type... ie rock comb, instead of all combs.

Did you mess with the damage value setting? Because I think that affects it. If you need more help watch Direwolf20 Season 5 SMP Episode 21 where he does this exact thing.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
pumpkins prouduce the same amount of oil as common seeds (wheat). are you suggesting that pumpkins may produce more oil based on the multitude of the fruit?
Yes, each crop stick produces multiple pumpkins, each pumpkin produces 8 seeds, wheat produces maybe 1 or 2 surplus seeds. Not sure what the relative growth speeds are though, but I'm pretty sure that pumpkins will out-produce wheat. And you shouldn't need a Planter for pumpkins, as they don't need re-planting. Just Harvester and Fertilizer (if that works on pumpkins, not sure, but if the Harvester does then I guess it should).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The last time I tried out UE based mods was nearly six months ago... back then, it was awful. But I want to give it another chance.

1.) Aside from the Ampz modpack, are there any other UE-based packs I could try out? Ideally some on the cutting edge of updates, maybe even with 1.6.x? If not I'll just run with Ampz, I just don't know how representative it is of the latest developments.
2.) Where would those of you who play with UE recommend to look for info and documentation? Last time I checked the official sites had next to nothing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Resonant Rise modpack by Kirindave on this forum contains ue mods. Documentation is still hard to find, though. I believe he's working on a 1.6 pack, but the current stable build is 1.5.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Among the mods in unleashed is one that allows milk to be poured on the ground from a bucket. Cool, but now I can't drink milk from my buckets? Is there any way to drink it from inventory instead of making a straw, pouring it on ground, then sucking it up?

John Freeman

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any way I can view what mod an item comes from in NEI?[DOUBLEPOST=1378145669][/DOUBLEPOST]Milk Bottle
Among the mods in unleashed is one that allows milk to be poured on the ground from a bucket. Cool, but now I can't drink milk from my buckets? Is there any way to drink it from inventory instead of making a straw, pouring it on ground, then sucking it up?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anybody know how to make coffee from the beans the tree (eventually) drops? There doesn't seem to be a recipe that includes them, and NEI/TMI doesn't know a recipe either.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Coffee comes from IC2 crops there isnt a tree...

ExtraTrees begs to differ.

As far as I can tell, there's no way to turn the coffee berries from the tree into actual coffee. Only use appears to be for making seed oil. :(


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are seared bricks from Tinker's Constructs "safe" for a general building material or will they bog the game down by checking to see if it's part of a valid smelter? Or is the smeltery controller the only block that does that check?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Are seared bricks from Tinker's Constructs "safe" for a general building material or will they bog the game down by checking to see if it's part of a valid smelter? Or is the smeltery controller the only block that does that check?

It's all handled by the Smeltery. Building out of Seared Brick should work just fine. :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there any way I can view what mod an item comes from in NEI?[DOUBLEPOST=1378145669][/DOUBLEPOST]Milk Bottle

Yes you can. Just take a quick look at the block/item ID, go into Item Subsets -> Blocks (or Items) -> Scroll all the way down to the ID, and click it. Be careful not to move your mouse outside of the menus, as the drop-down will instantly close. Also this part may take a few seconds to load. Then go back into Item Subsets -> mod -> and whichever one is not darkened is your mod. Not exactly a simple answer but it's my best one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's all handled by the Smeltery. Building out of Seared Brick should work just fine. :)

I highly recommend the ExtraUtils Colored Brick (black) or the DartCraft Force Brick (black), they are much cheaper for the same general look. I assume you are using Unleashed if you're mentioning TConstruct.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I highly recommend the ExtraUtils Colored Brick (black) or the DartCraft Force Brick (black), they are much cheaper for the same general look. I assume you are using Unleashed if you're mentioning TConstruct.

I prefer the look of MFR's Blackstone, personally. :)