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I'm breeding trees. I just built an arborist's chest. It shows 7/29 species discovered (I'm not running Binnie's Mods),

However, despite that thing now tracking my species, in the treealyzer and in the chest both I still see only questionmarks in the sections pertaining to mutation paths. Why is that? And what must I do to make the discovered mutations show up there?

(EDIT: Forestry
inserting using just a golden pipe into the side of the firebox, tried to export the spent bucket using multiple methods (autarch gate, RedEngine, turtles)

From a post I found here, your method should work. I've tested it extensively using all sorts of methods of extraction in a creative world and nothing is able to extract the bucket from any side of the firebox at the moment. I'm stumped.

It might be an issue with Railcraft or a bug, I don't know.

Did you consider using a solid fuel that doesn't use a container you'd need to extract? I had a highly efficient and cheap MFR tree farm (using fertilizer to boost production at first)/quick-wood-to-charcoal-through-IC2-fastest-furnace setup that worked flawlessly in a previous world...
I know this is kind of an opinion based question but what is the best mod pack? (mainstream) FTB minecrack was huge and many big names played it a lot like etho and docm ect. Is Unleashed the new hotness? I think I might want to start playing again but I don't know If I should roll with unleashed or minecrack (its not being developed much anymore I guess?)
From a post I found here, your method should work. I've tested it extensively using all sorts of methods of extraction in a creative world and nothing is able to extract the bucket from any side of the firebox at the moment. I'm stumped.

It might be an issue with Railcraft or a bug, I don't know.

Did you consider using a solid fuel that doesn't use a container you'd need to extract? I had a highly efficient and cheap MFR tree farm (using fertilizer to boost production at first)/quick-wood-to-charcoal-through-IC2-fastest-furnace setup that worked flawlessly in a previous world...

it's a bug, confirmed by CovertJaguar :/ won't be fixed till 1.6
inserting using just a golden pipe into the side of the firebox, tried to export the spent bucket using multiple methods (autarch gate, RedEngine, turtles)
Did you try a Factorization Router or Inventory Turtle targeting the exact slot where the empty bucket winds up?
OK. You should definitely try the Xycraft Fabricator. (I find it very convenient since it can be connected to an inventory, and I've missed it since XC is not included in more recent versions yet). If you enter the recipe yourself in the left side pane using an empty battery, it should work. If it doesn't, just quit and restart Minecraft and avoid opening the NEI interface before trying.

The fabricator has the same issue. My problem is the RE-Battery required for the recipe must have a damage value of 27. How do I edit the configs to fix this or how do I get an RE-batter with 27 for the damage value?

I did find a solution while looking for a the config file. The readme.txt has a description of all the recipes. The recipes for the charge pad efficiency upgrade must use a fully charged RE-battery. So I can make a ME pattern now and automate it.
what mobs yield positive essence when used in a MFR auto-spawner/grinder setup?
im using creepers as a start, but the amount of essence needed for the spawner is more than whats given by the grinders.
what mobs yield positive essence when used in a MFR auto-spawner/grinder setup?
im using creepers as a start, but the amount of essence needed for the spawner is more than whats given by the grinders.

Depending on how current your version is, in the most current versions the answer is none. It isn't supposed to form a stable stand-alone loop.
how can you tell it what to target?
I don't know the slot-targeting command for Inventory Turtles, but I do know how you'd set up a Router to pull from a specific slot.
  1. Place a Router adjacent to the firebox.
  2. Click the bottom button until it reads "into slot 0".
  3. Click the "Insert" button so it reads "Extract".
  4. Make sure that there's an empty bucket in the slot in the boiler where empty buckets would normally end up.
  5. Click the "+" button on the right-hand side of the Router GUI until the bucket shows up.
  6. You'll probably want to install a Machine Filter upgrade in the Router so it won't pull lava buckets that haven't been burned yet.
I can't confirm that even this method will be able to pull out the buckets (but I think that it has a better chance than anything else), so you might still have to wait for a bugfix update from CovertJaguar.

what mobs yield positive essence when used in a MFR auto-spawner/grinder setup?
im using creepers as a start, but the amount of essence needed for the spawner is more than whats given by the grinders.
In older versions of MFR, large slimes or magma cubes would work, especially if you could use the Slime Embiggening syringes. However, your best bet now is to grind mobs from Soul Shards or a vanilla spawner.

OK, I'm missing something though... I have power, I have shown it what to do in the schematic area, I have import/export busses set up and working but its not emptying my air cells!

Edit, added picture.

You probably need to drop a blank Schematic into the slot to the left of the arrow. I don't know why Assemblers need Schematics to work, but apparently they do.
What mod are the microblocks in Unleashed from? They became bugged when I saved and exited and rejoined, becoming invisible and crashing the game when broken.
I am also having issues with Chickenbone's mods, and I believe the bugs are caused by Forge Multipart. Any help would definitely be appreciated.
I am not experiencing any crashes. I am using minecraft 1.6.2. I can't duplicate the on any FTB packs. I am NOT using optifine or any similar mods. I HAVE put scala-library in the mods folder. The only mods I am currently using are Forge, multipart, chickencore and the other chickenbones mods (WR-CBE, TL, NEI, CC, ES
1) Any vanilla things placed in the same block (like torches) become invisible and have no hit-box. Any light produced by the torches disappears. In survival mode they are taken from the inventory like normal. They cannot be removed from the world, even if the block they are placed on is destroyed, or if water is poured onto them.
2) Microblocks do the same thing, even without multiple in the same block. Again, they can't be deleted, and the block becomes unusable.
3) Wireless Redstone blocks are invisible, except for the number labels and the floating ball on the transmitter. These too cannot be destroyed or altered.
I'm unsure if this is the correct place to ask this, but I'm not going to bother posting in Chickenbones' forum because it is to crowded.
I have tried solving this myself to no success, and I have not been able to find anyone else with this problem. I am posting in hopes that I missed something obvious. Thanks!
I am also having issues with Chickenbone's mods, and I believe the bugs are caused by Forge Multipart. Any help would definitely be appreciated.
I am not experiencing any crashes. I am using minecraft 1.6.2. I can't duplicate the on any FTB packs. I am NOT using optifine or any similar mods. The only mods I am currently using are Forge, multipart, chickencore and the other chickenbones mods (WR-CBE, TL, S-L, NEI, CC, ES
1) Any vanilla things placed in the same block (like torches) become invisible and have no hit-box. Any light produced by the torches disappears. In survival mode they are taken from the inventory like normal. They cannot be removed from the world, even if the block they are placed on is destroyed, or if water is poured onto them.
2) Microblocks do the same thing, even without multiple in the same block. Again, they can't be deleted, and the block becomes unusable.
3) Wireless Redstone blocks are invisible, except for the number labels and the floating ball on the transmitter.
I'm unsure if this is the correct place to ask this, but I'm not going to bother posting in Chickenbones' forum because it is to crowded.
I have tried solving this myself to no success, and I have not been able to find anyone else with this problem. I am posting in hopes that I missed something obvious.
Did you catch the message at the top of his MCF thread about Multipart interactions in 1.6.2?

Latest News
There is currently a bug in forge for 1.6.2, if you wish to use ForgeMultipart, please place in your mods folder
In unleashed 1.1.3 how do you drain water out of an area? I made my base on an ocean island and am making modules out in the ocean but cannot seem to drain the water with a pump do I need two or more?
So, in the latest version of the Unleashed pack, I can't access the minimap options. I know before they where keyed to M and you had to de-key everything else from M first, but I have done that and it still doesn't work. Anyone know why? xD

it is keyed to = not M on FTB Unleashed...took me forever to find this out too.
Is there any special trick required to get forestry tree farms working? I build the farm, the multiblock activates, I provide fertilizer, saplings, dirt, water and power. The farm places the humus on top of the designated area and then sits there doing nothing except using up some power from every few seconds. How do I get it to actually plant saplings?

Found my problem, those pictures here show the layer where the humus will go, not where you have to place the floor. Strange that the farm would place the humus on the wrong layer though.
I'm breeding trees. I just built an arborist's chest. It shows 7/29 species discovered (I'm not running Binnie's Mods),

However, despite that thing now tracking my species, in the treealyzer and in the chest both I still see only questionmarks in the sections pertaining to mutation paths. Why is that? And what must I do to make the discovered mutations show up there?

(EDIT: Forestry

Anyone for this?