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So I'm the guy that tried running a steam boiler with Blaze Rods. Then I found out rods don't drop often enough to keep the boiler fully fueled so I changed to Wither Skeleton for coal. Which while it does work. The mechanic of no-one being near it, despite the fact it's a T5, it doesn't maintain heat. Unless this is just because the server got restarted and the chunks weren't re-loaded. So what I'm thinking is to either have a massive stockpile of coal so it builds up whilst I'm at my house, then feeds it when I'm offline as my entire base is chunkloaded.


Use the coal to power coal coke furnaces and use the coal coke/creosote to power boilers. However I'm unsure of numbers to how many ovens can power how many boilers with each fuel. I think I heard something like 30 ovens = 4 solid fuel and 1 liquid 36HP. On top of this, how would I rout items. I could use my AE system with buses or perhaps RP tubes.

How do other people set up their systems?
30 ovens will do 4 solid and one liquid 36 boiler... if they are all LP variants. For the same number of 36 HP boilers, you'll need 60 ovens.
So I'm the guy that tried running a steam boiler with Blaze Rods. Then I found out rods don't drop often enough to keep the boiler fully fueled so I changed to Wither Skeleton for coal. Which while it does work. The mechanic of no-one being near it, despite the fact it's a T5, it doesn't maintain heat. Unless this is just because the server got restarted and the chunks weren't re-loaded. So what I'm thinking is to either have a massive stockpile of coal so it builds up whilst I'm at my house, then feeds it when I'm offline as my entire base is chunkloaded.


Use the coal to power coal coke furnaces and use the coal coke/creosote to power boilers. However I'm unsure of numbers to how many ovens can power how many boilers with each fuel. I think I heard something like 30 ovens = 4 solid fuel and 1 liquid 36HP. On top of this, how would I rout items. I could use my AE system with buses or perhaps RP tubes.

How do other people set up their systems?
Short answer: it takes 36 ovens to run 4 solid + 1 liquid 36HP boilers.

Long Answer:
It takes 179 Coal Coke/hr to run a 36HP boiler. It takes 3 minutes to convert 1 coal into coke. 1 Coke oven therefore produces 20 coke/hr., meaning you need 9 coke ovens to run a single boiler.

It takes 357 buckets of creosote oil (NOTE: this was recently buffed, in 1.5 creosote is worth 50% more) to power 1 36 HP boiler for 1 hour. 1 coal converting to 1 coke generates 1/2 of a bucket of creosote. Therefore you need to produce 714 Coal Coke/hr. Round up a bit to make the math work out nicely and 36 Coke Ovens can keep 4 solid fueled boilers and 1 liquid fueled boiler running

For more info visit:This boiler simulator

AE Makes automating this system pretty easy. Export Busses put coal in the top of the ovens, import busses pull coke out of the sides of the ovens. Liquiducts can attach anywhere to take care of the Creosote. On the boiler side: there are a plethora of ways you could use AE to output into the boilers, but my favorite is using an ME Interface between 2 boilers set to export Coal Coke. Boilers pull from adjacent inventories, so you're good to go pretty much instantly. Creosote can be sent to your liquid boiler via liquid tesseract.

EDIT: those numbers for running a boiler are based on a fully heated boiler. You'll need ungodly amounts of creosote to heat up a 36HP boiler.
...ah right. I realize where I derped.

That's what you get when you try to do math in your head at past midnight. You go do such silly things as take "3 minutes" as "300 seconds". :confused:

Yeah, going to bed now :p
...ah right. I realize where I derped.

That's what you get when you try to do math in your head at past midnight. You go do such silly things as take "3 minutes" as "300 seconds". :confused:

Yeah, going to bed now :p
Metric time would be so nice sometimes. Now to go drink a hogshead of mead at a party 240 chains from here. Maybe I'll exercise afterwards - I want to lose at least 2 stones this year.
Sorry for more questions. But today has been productive. Ive dug out the start for my base and I started bringing my machines over. Ive decided to -try- and make it look like a nice mess rather then an unnice mess. Anyway. I want to build T2 solar panels but I cant atm cause of the items needed. The stupid plating. So I decided to wait on that for a minor second and build a magma crucible and a liquid transposer. Here in comes the problem. I have no idea about magma crucibles. I did read up on them and apparently theyre a source of 'infinite energy 'Netherrack burns cheaply, gets converted to lava, powers the magmetic engines, and can still power thermal generators. Now my question is, what would be the best setup? Ive read that you could do 8 magmetic engines, saw a video with 6, etc. Im hoping to finish my power problem today, get my electrolyzer and enchanting table up tomorrow (Ive still never enchanted anything ;-; sitting on 87 levels and 4 lv30 medallions from liquid xp) and then demolishing this mountain and building T2 solar panels.

Anyway, any help or minor guidance would be appreciated. And I would like a clarification, glass cable has a 30 block loss. Does the loss get reset at every junction though? A magma crucible seems like itd be really big so Id probably hide it under everything if I could, halfway up have my mfse or mfe whichever I can afford at the time, then continue up to another mfe or something...

That actually begs another question. Can storage units be put in a row and each will store to its max, pass on excess to the next, etc and then finally leave me with just siphoning power from each in turn? I only ask cause its cheaper to produce mfe's for now then to produce a T3-4 storage upgrade, atleast until I can get more materials. I eventually want a redstone powercell so I can set up lava pumps and go wild.

Sigh. I want so much. =(I dunno forestry yet so Ive skipped setting up tree farms.

Edit: Just came to mind. Given I do set up a repowering magma crucible. How would I actually extra something other then lava? From what I understand it'd feed itself, but when I want molten ender, what then? Do I need to keep my liquid transposer nearby and just switch wiring, then switch back when done?

Editedit: This isnt a simple question at all, is it?
Sorry for more questions. But today has been productive. Ive dug out the start for my base and I started bringing my machines over. Ive decided to -try- and make it look like a nice mess rather then an unnice mess. Anyway. I want to build T2 solar panels but I cant atm cause of the items needed. The stupid plating. So I decided to wait on that for a minor second and build a magma crucible and a liquid transposer. Here in comes the problem. I have no idea about magma crucibles. I did read up on them and apparently theyre a source of 'infinite energy 'Netherrack burns cheaply, gets converted to lava, powers the magmetic engines, and can still power thermal generators. Now my question is, what would be the best setup? Ive read that you could do 8 magmetic engines, saw a video with 6, etc. Im hoping to finish my power problem today, get my electrolyzer and enchanting table up tomorrow (Ive still never enchanted anything ;-; sitting on 87 levels and 4 lv30 medallions from liquid xp) and then demolishing this mountain and building T2 solar panels.

Anyway, any help or minor guidance would be appreciated. And I would like a clarification, glass cable has a 30 block loss. Does the loss get reset at every junction though? A magma crucible seems like itd be really big so Id probably hide it under everything if I could, halfway up have my mfse or mfe whichever I can afford at the time, then continue up to another mfe or something...

That actually begs another question. Can storage units be put in a row and each will store to its max, pass on excess to the next, etc and then finally leave me with just siphoning power from each in turn? I only ask cause its cheaper to produce mfe's for now then to produce a T3-4 storage upgrade, atleast until I can get more materials. I eventually want a redstone powercell so I can set up lava pumps and go wild.

Sigh. I want so much. =(I dunno forestry yet so Ive skipped setting up tree farms.

Edit: Just came to mind. Given I do set up a repowering magma crucible. How would I actually extra something other then lava? From what I understand it'd feed itself, but when I want molten ender, what then? Do I need to keep my liquid transposer nearby and just switch wiring, then switch back when done?

Editedit: This isnt a simple question at all, is it?
The trick with using netherrack is that it's not quite as infinite as cobble. Well, I mean, you can get a lot of it really fast, but you have to mine it (or have something mine it for you). That said, I think it costs 8k MJ to melt netherrack into lava and a magmatic engine produces 18k MJ off of 1 bucket of lava, so it's a pretty big energy surplus.

At max speed (20 MJ/t) it takes 400 ticks to melt netherrack and 1 bucket of lava lasts 4500 ticks in a magmatic engine (produces 4 MJ/t). So You could run about 11 Magmatic Engines off 1 fully powered magma crucible.

To do other liquids, I'd honestly just use a 2nd crucible, it's just easier that way.
The trick with using netherrack is that it's not quite as infinite as cobble. Well, I mean, you can get a lot of it really fast, but you have to mine it (or have something mine it for you). That said, I think it costs 8k MJ to melt netherrack into lava and a magmatic engine produces 18k MJ off of 1 bucket of lava, so it's a pretty big energy surplus.

At max speed (20 MJ/t) it takes 400 ticks to melt netherrack and 1 bucket of lava lasts 4500 ticks in a magmatic engine (produces 4 MJ/t). So You could run about 11 Magmatic Engines off 1 fully powered magma crucible.

To do other liquids, I'd honestly just use a 2nd crucible, it's just easier that way.

Well said. Running low on stuff though so uuugu. Ima need to figure out how to get the most out of my ores I guess. ANd finally do my first enchant so I can get silk touch or fortune.

Edit: So I dont spam with posts. One question regarding redstone. Im trying to set up my very badly set up workshop. And I kinda only want to see the fronts of the machines. So Im trying to work out something so I can flick a switch, redstone turns on all the redstone torches and bam, machines come to life. It works well but its.. backwards. I think.

Turning on the redstone signal turns off the torches, turning it off turns them on. Which doesnt really matter to me but since turning the machines off means the redstone signal stays on Im just worried if that will lead to problems or anything down the line.
Redstone torches are basically simple NOT gates. Power one with another signal, and it turns off. You can repeat this as many times as you want in a chain of torches that turn one on which turns the next off which turns the next on which turns the next off...

This mechanic is the base of all vanilla redstone logic (people have built fully featured computers and 3D-printers with it).
Well said. Running low on stuff though so uuugu. Ima need to figure out how to get the most out of my ores I guess. ANd finally do my first enchant so I can get silk touch or fortune.

Edit: So I dont spam with posts. One question regarding redstone. Im trying to set up my very badly set up workshop. And I kinda only want to see the fronts of the machines. So Im trying to work out something so I can flick a switch, redstone turns on all the redstone torches and bam, machines come to life. It works well but its.. backwards. I think.

Turning on the redstone signal turns off the torches, turning it off turns them on. Which doesnt really matter to me but since turning the machines off means the redstone signal stays on Im just worried if that will lead to problems or anything down the line.
Most machines don't particularly need a redstone signal. In fact, I'm pretty sure most machines have the default behavior of turning OFF when they get redstoned. However, the system you're looking for has a very, very simple solution: red alloy wire. Just run that directly from your lever along whatever side of your machinery you want to designate for redstone (since you're talking torches, I'm kinda thinking the bottom). No need for torches or any of that stuff.
Most machines don't particularly need a redstone signal. In fact, I'm pretty sure most machines have the default behavior of turning OFF when they get redstoned. However, the system you're looking for has a very, very simple solution: red alloy wire. Just run that directly from your lever along whatever side of your machinery you want to designate for redstone (since you're talking torches, I'm kinda thinking the bottom). No need for torches or any of that stuff.

He's probably using Adv. Machines.

My solution is always to just generate a bit of power constantly and leave the torches on all the time so the machines are always ready to go at full speed. There is also a very simple vanilla redstone solution; invert the signal. Put a torch on the wall behind the lever or something. The torch will be off when the lever is on, and if the signal from the first torch controls the other torches under the machines...
Ahhh. Thanks. Ill test and see what works. And I ask cause I have electrical engines. So I dont want them constantly syphoning from my MFEU when Im not around since its only powered by 10 solar panels atm. I have 8 machines hooked up to the poor thing. Only my furnace is constantly on to keep it heated up. But I have 3 electric engines to my other machines. The rest are just directly connected and as such always have power.

Also, I was powering them from the top. I had it set up weirdly. Here's a picture.

See, when the redstone is on, torches are off. Its fine for me but I didnt know if the process of redstone being on and glittering and stuff would cause lag or affect my computer after a while cause I have this area chunkloaded for my deposit system under my base.
Does increasing spawn rate of some ores affect others? I.E. increasing Ferrous ore cluster per chunk may affect diamond or gold spawning?
sup, just wondering, what mod do the quartz crystals come from in the ultimate pack?

Edit: not the usless xycraft one, the white ones.
sup, just wondering, what mod do the quartz crystals come from in the ultimate pack?

Edit: not the usless xycraft one, the white ones.
Applied Energistics. A mod reminiscent of LP with more advanced features including storage and auto crafting.

(Xycraft quartz has a use ._.)
sup, just wondering, what mod do the quartz crystals come from in the ultimate pack?

Edit: not the usless xycraft one, the white ones.
You mean nether quartz? That's vanilla 1.5 stuff.

Or do you mean the light blue quartz that sometimes also gives you dust? That's from AE.
Ahhh. Thanks. Ill test and see what works. And I ask cause I have electrical engines. So I dont want them constantly syphoning from my MFEU when Im not around since its only powered by 10 solar panels atm. I have 8 machines hooked up to the poor thing. Only my furnace is constantly on to keep it heated up. But I have 3 electric engines to my other machines. The rest are just directly connected and as such always have power.

Also, I was powering them from the top. I had it set up weirdly. Here's a picture.

See, when the redstone is on, torches are off. Its fine for me but I didnt know if the process of redstone being on and glittering and stuff would cause lag or affect my computer after a while cause I have this area chunkloaded for my deposit system under my base.

Redstone that switches on and off rapidly causes a little lag from all the block updates and flashing torches, but redstone that stays constant most of the time is fine.

You, sir, need a redstone energy cell and some redstone energy conduits. Also at least glance at PowerConverters for a lossless way to turn EU to MJ!