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Yes, they teleport when hit by a turtle. No, you don't have to do a large drop. A room with Quicksand on the 3rd level will work. They suffocate and won't teleport away.
I take it 3rd lvl is three layers of quicksand?
Do they drop thier orbs when suffocated though? Sorry I could be testing in a test world but quicker and easier asking those with experience the question. Although its very apparent some are tired of answering the same old questions.
I take it 3rd lvl is three layers of quicksand?
Do they drop thier orbs when suffocated though? Sorry I could be testing in a test world but quicker and easier asking those with experience the question. Although its very apparent some are tired of answering the same old questions.
Third level as in head height for the endermen. So from the bottom up it would be floor, air, air, quicksand. They drop items as normal, but not experience. I honestly can't think of a solution that gets xp from them without simply placing the farm so far away from anything else that they can't teleport to escape. Might be worth checking if an MFR grinder works. I suspect they'll teleport away from that too, but I haven't tried.
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Third level as in head height for the endermen. So from the bottom up it would be floor, air, air, quicksand. They drop items as normal, but not experience. I honestly can't think of a solution that gets xp from them without simply placing the farm so far away from anything else that they can't teleport to escape. Might be worth checking if an MFR grinder works. I suspect they'll teleport away from that too, but I haven't tried.
My answer for an enderman exp farm is to do it in the end. I use turtles to build a safe path Wwwaaayyyy out, make a flat platform big enough to act as a spawn area, and then make a covered area to hide under (with water on top). At that point, I just setup a line of turtles and stare at the enderdudes really hard. and pickup the pieces.
Don't see an answer for these, maybe you answered them for yourself by now but...
Here's one, can I make an Industrial Information Panel display the amount of an item I have in my ME drives? Or perhaps a CC monitor? Or do I have to export that item to a diamond chest or a barrel or something?
Is there a reason you don't/can't use the ME Storage Monitors, or did you just not know about them?

And another, if you were going to make helium 3 cells from uu matter, how would you go about doing it? Glowstone?
My method is use the Tome of Alkahest to duplicate Endstone using redstone. 1 redstone = 16 endstone = 1 helium-3 cell + 1 helium cell. 1 UU-matter = 6 redstone = 6 of each cell.

Since 16 glowstone only gives a helium cell it must be insanely expensive by comparison. I won't do the math but I don't think you'd even make a profit that way.
Don't see an answer for these, maybe you answered them for yourself by now but...

Is there a reason you don't/can't use the ME Storage Monitors, or did you just not know about them?
Wasn't aware of them, still delving into all AE has to offer, thanks for the tip.

Exadi said:
My method is use the Tome of Alkahest to duplicate Endstone using redstone. 1 redstone = 16 endstone = 1 helium-3 cell + 1 helium cell. 1 UU-matter = 6 redstone = 6 of each cell.

Since 16 glowstone only gives a helium cell it must be insanely expensive by comparison. I won't do the math but I don't think you'd even make a profit that way.
Yea, it's a loss, I let it run all night to be sure. I just broke down and killed the dragon and set up a couple quarries in the end(Enderchest+import buses FTW). I haven't messed with XR much yet aside from playing around with the gun(take THAT creeper!), I hear the Alkahest crafting is difficult to automate. Does it work with ME crafting, or Xycraft Fabricators? Those are my favorite auto-crafting systems. ME for most things, Xy fabs for stuff that needs to be mad really fast(those things FLY through recipes.).
Enderman Soul Shards.
Do they teleport off when Hit by CC mellee turtles?
Kinda pointless building a farm for them if they gonna teleport out.
Do I have to do that large drop farm at the end to farm Ender Pearls? (on a large scale)

I know on my server one of my users has built an enderman farm in the overworld. He used a 40+ drop (enough to bring them to 1 punch kill) with golems at the bottom to kill them. He collects both XP and pearls. It is a tier 5 shard so it is shut off via redstone.
Yea, it's a loss, I let it run all night to be sure. I just broke down and killed the dragon and set up a couple quarries in the end(Enderchest+import buses FTW). I haven't messed with XR much yet aside from playing around with the gun(take THAT creeper!), I hear the Alkahest crafting is difficult to automate. Does it work with ME crafting, or Xycraft Fabricators? Those are my favorite auto-crafting systems. ME for most things, Xy fabs for stuff that needs to be mad really fast(those things FLY through recipes.).
It is a bit tricky, to be sure. An export bus set to export endstone only by crafting it will only put 1 into the target inventory every time it crafts them, so the extra end stone piles up in the network. The export single/craft option will send all the endstone you have before trying to craft, so you won't have the 1 end stone you need to craft. I think the best answer is export redstone to a fabricator set to that recipe, and import endstone from the fabricator. Stick an inventory with 1 endstone next to the fabricator so it can always craft, and set a level emitter next to the redstone export bus to stop it when you have say 2 stacks of end stone (don't use stack mode, just export 1 redstone at a time).

EDIT: never mind. The fabricator removes the end stone from the adjacent inventory when it wants to craft. Hmm...

Instead of the import bus, use a storage bus configured to store end stone in the fabricator, so it will stay there but be accessible to be exported to macerators/pulverizers. Then all you need to worry about is running out of redstone or exporting the endstone so fast it doesn't get replenished.
Are the Treealyzer's various stats explained anywhere? I'm particularly befuddled by the second tab, namely: the difference between "Native" vs. "Tolerates"; the relevance of "Supports" and "Family"; and why some of the "Fruits" stats on my hybrid trees are struck out with a line.
Enderman Soul Shards.
Do they teleport off when Hit by CC mellee turtles?
Kinda pointless building a farm for them if they gonna teleport out.
Do I have to do that large drop farm at the end to farm Ender Pearls? (on a large scale)
Warded glass and conveyor belts. They can't teleport through warded glass IIRC and conveyors can move them like water but better.
It is a bit tricky, to be sure. An export bus set to export endstone only by crafting it will only put 1 into the target inventory every time it crafts them, so the extra end stone piles up in the network. The export single/craft option will send all the endstone you have before trying to craft, so you won't have the 1 end stone you need to craft. I think the best answer is export redstone to a fabricator set to that recipe, and import endstone from the fabricator. Stick an inventory with 1 endstone next to the fabricator so it can always craft, and set a level emitter next to the redstone export bus to stop it when you have say 2 stacks of end stone (don't use stack mode, just export 1 redstone at a time).

EDIT: never mind. The fabricator removes the end stone from the adjacent inventory when it wants to craft. Hmm...

Instead of the import bus, use a storage bus configured to store end stone in the fabricator, so it will stay there but be accessible to be exported to macerators/pulverizers. Then all you need to worry about is running out of redstone or exporting the endstone so fast it doesn't get replenished.
Why can't I just import the endstone from the fabricator to my storage drives, then export it into a macerator? I don't see the point of keeping it in the fabricator with a storage bus. I'm pretty sure I'm overlooking some important detail.

Edit: Nvm, I see the problem. The tome doesn't craft redstone into endstone like I was thinking, it duplicates endstone at the cost of redstone. I didn't understand the nature of the beast.
Are the Treealyzer's various stats explained anywhere? I'm particularly befuddled by the second tab, namely: the difference between "Native" vs. "Tolerates"; the relevance of "Supports" and "Family"; and why some of the "Fruits" stats on my hybrid trees are struck out with a line.
If it works similarly to the beealyser, then "Native" is the climate that they prefer, while "Tolerates" is the range in which they can operate, both heat and humidity wise.

Supports is for what fruit family its branches can support (won't make it grow on its own, but necessary for the fruits to actually grow).

Not having the game launched right now, I can't say about "Family" for sure.
So are you! :D
"Everyone's right" Party!
I generally don't party with creepers, but if you promise not to blow up my everything...
Third level as in head height for the endermen. So from the bottom up it would be floor, air, air, quicksand. They drop items as normal, but not experience. I honestly can't think of a solution that gets xp from them without simply placing the farm so far away from anything else that they can't teleport to escape. Might be worth checking if an MFR grinder works. I suspect they'll teleport away from that too, but I haven't tried.
Golems with visors. I watched 2(might of been 3) golems take out an enderman, in the overworld, on open ground, and the enderman did not teleport away. Now he did kill 1 or 2 of them(depending on if there were 2 or 3 there), but if you drop the tall guys a bit, the golems can take em out in one hit. I don't know if the enderman teleporting away was a fluke or not though, it was my wife's world, and she normally plays on peaceful, I was just farming some enderpearls for her, so had mobs turned on for a little while. I haven't been able to replicate it, but now I'm curious so I'm about to go try.
It's relatively easy, especially if you live near an ocean, to make an enderman farm teleport proof. Just build the farm out about 32 blocks out from shore, rise it up another 32 blocks from ocean surface, and cover the roof of the farm with water They won't be able to teleport anywhere... You can even cover the ground they spawn above with a water current to carry them to the turtles, so that they're killed a little bit faster. The same can be done out of the ocean, however it's advised to build the farm higher up in the sky, since they can teleport farther away on the Y axis than they can on the X and Z axis. Basically? As long as there isn't a block that isn't either air or covered in water in a 32 block radius (x/z) around where they're spawning, they'll not teleport anywhere, they'll just sit still, even when taking damage from water... Which is funny when done in a Mystcraft age with the Rain symbol, since you can build a farm with no roof or walls, and a floor made of transposers, and the endermen will just die from the rain where they stand.
Which is funny when done in a Mystcraft age with the Rain symbol, since you can build a farm with no roof or walls, and a floor made of transposers, and the endermen will just die from the rain where they stand.
"Yea I've been through the desert on a horse with no name it felt good to be out of the rain..." That line has new meaning now:p

Now my question, how is EU distributed? Say I have a machine making 32eu/t, and 2 machines drawing 32eu/t, which one will get the eu? Or is it divided equally?
"Yea I've been through the desert on a horse with no name it felt good to be out of the rain..." That line has new meaning now:p

Now my question, how is EU distributed? Say I have a machine making 32eu/t, and 2 machines drawing 32eu/t, which one will get the eu? Or is it divided equally?
It is divided evenly as long as they are the same distance from the source. Otherwise the closest will fill up first.
I have a problem on our SMP Server. One player was a derp and we have millions of items floting arround in a pipe. if i break the pipe there are millions of entities on the ground killing fps.
I know some mods add a /killall or similar command to get rid of all entities.(all i find are bukkit)
What is the name of one forge compatible one (1.4.7) ?
I have a problem on our SMP Server. One player was a derp and we have millions of items floting arround in a pipe. if i break the pipe there are millions of entities on the ground killing fps.
I know some mods add a /killall or similar command to get rid of all entities.(all i find are bukkit)
What is the name of one forge compatible one (1.4.7) ?
Either add something to delete item one by one (void pipe for BC, incinerator or transposer directly to lava for RP2) or just delete pipes/chunk in MCEdit (use dev, 0.1.7, version).
Either add something to delete item one by one (void pipe for BC, incinerator or transposer directly to lava for RP2) or just delete pipes/chunk in MCEdit (use dev, 0.1.7, version).
thx but that was not what i was asking for. I know that mods exist that let an OP delete items on the ground, and i am looking for one.