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I don't do public servers, but both FTB Infinity Evolved and FTB Continuum are more recent additions to the 'official pack' list. Continuum is the most recent, and most likely to have a higher number of active players.
continuum might be the most recent but it also violates op request on pack style it is not a big pack it is an attempt at a hardmode pack(be ready to do bees if u truly wanna play it,people say ignoring them degrades the experience alot)
The most recent ftb pack thats mostly just a big pack is ftb beyond.
On the 3rd party packs side yes atm3 is a nice one and it has a truly endgame goal (one thing @Citron does not mention is there going to be a major update soon, check the atm3 reddit for details)
Another note-able pack is Enigmatica 2 it even has a guide in the shape of a questbook
What is up with vanilla v1.13.1? yeah I know this isn't the right place but...

When I try to type "/gamemode 1", Minecraft won't let me do that anymore. So what did Mojang change? It's telling me "unknown command" and I'm too stupid to figure out what I'm supposed to do in order to enable creative mode.

Edit: Well, first thing, I guess the world I was examining was locked, I had to "Open to LAN"... and then instead of "/gamemode 1", they apparently changed the command parser to use real words... so now I have to type "/gamemode creative" instead. Got it working.
Since the ID-remove update (that made forge so better), they are trying to replace most of raw values for real words. That's why.
(I still know some old data values, of god.)
I'm not sure but the commands may be "Survival", "Creative" and "Spectate", replacing 0, 1, and ? respectively. The question mark is because "Spectate" is a new mode and may not have had a numerical value. Spectate mode allows people to view the game in progress without interfering.

For example, in a PvP game when you die you can follow other players without being seen, pass through objects, etc.
0 : Survival
1 : Creative
2 : Adventure
i don't think there's something for spectate
OMG a FTB Revelation pack update just happened... and the change log on Twitch says the only mod updated was Forge? LOL Wat? Oh well, I think there was probably more than just that... I hope, anyways. :)

2.4.1 HOTFIX
Mods Updated:

Well, the pack overview does say: "Revelation is a general all-purpose modpack with optimal FPS, server performance and stability" and therefore I guess updating Forge would help those things... but it sure isn't terribly exciting update if so. I got excited, probably for no good reason. :D
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What is up with vanilla v1.13.1? yeah I know this isn't the right place but...

When I try to type "/gamemode 1", Minecraft won't let me do that anymore. So what did Mojang change? It's telling me "unknown command" and I'm too stupid to figure out what I'm supposed to do in order to enable creative mode.

Edit: Well, first thing, I guess the world I was examining was locked, I had to "Open to LAN"... and then instead of "/gamemode 1", they apparently changed the command parser to use real words... so now I have to type "/gamemode creative" instead. Got it working.

In the chat, I get 'word completion' so only need to type in '/g' then click '/gamemode'. To get the options, I type a space and then can click one from 'adventure', 'creative' 'spectator' or 'survival'.
In the chat, I get 'word completion' so only need to type in '/g' then click '/gamemode'. To get the options, I type a space and then can click one from 'adventure', 'creative' 'spectator' or 'survival'.

Yeah I didn't use my mouse to click on that "auto-complete" text, and trying to use the ENTER key wasn't working either. Very frustrating change, very non-user-friendly and very non-intuitive. My meaningless opinions of course. :D
Hi! I'm using FTB Revelation on a server (I don't own said server, but I do know the server owner).

I'm trying to use OpenBlocks and it's lovely paint system along with Chisel and Bits. I just found out I could set the game so the paintbrush would not automatically turn blocks I paint into canvas, meaning the would still work for Chisel and Bits and I could chop the colored blocks up. Happy day, I was excited.

However, when I paint things with the paintbrush, nothing changes color. The block turned into a OpenBlocks block (so if I paint a grass block, it no longer says it's from Minecraft. It says it's an OpenBlocks grass block) but the hue stays the same.

Do I maybe have a setting incorrect somewhere, or is there something on the server side I could ask my friend to change so they would work?
There is a spectate mode... I've seen it used in several videos.

I think what Citron was saying was that there's no numeric equivalent for spectator mode. EDIT: Turns out that there was a /gamemode 3 command to go into spectator mode, but as of 1.13, all gamemode commands are in full words.
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I think what Citron was saying was that there's no numeric equivalent for spectator mode. EDIT: Turns out that there was a /gamemode 3 command to go into spectator mode, but as of 1.13, all gamemode commands are in full words.

I think that's Mojang's SOP... remember back to 1.7 when they introduced using names for blocks? there was a two version transition. 1.6 == ID only; 1.7 == ID + Name; 1.8 == Name only.

"Spectate Mode" was introduced in 1.11 I think, as option 3 (I just didn't remember the number as I don't do multiplayer) Both are available now in 1.12 and, as stated in my quote with 1.13 it's strictly names.
"Spectate Mode" was introduced in 1.11 I think, as option 3 (I just didn't remember the number as I don't do multiplayer)

It really wasn't around long enough for the ID number to stick with me. Then again, it's so rare that I change gamemode that I usually had to fumble through all the various options even when I wanted to go creative (by which time, I'd usually fallen into the void already.)
So reinstalled FTB Pyramid reborn to play with a friend and see that the guildes UI is still broken and wont load. Currently running the 2.1.1-1.12.2 version of it on the curse luancher. any ideas on how to fix it so we can team up?
I need massive help with this mod. Long story short I used to make a crafting table then a crafting station and be able to easily repair most tool (damaged stone axe, put it in the crafting station with the "main block in this case a stone and it repairs itself).... i'm not sure why this has stopped working....any help would be great!
I'm really new to minecraft so im sorry to ask stupid things... So there isn't a way to simply repair my tools? (as in place damaged pick and source material ie. stone, wood, iron bar in a station or something?) The tool station looks like I have to keep making the pick over and over...
I need massive help with this mod. Long story short I used to make a crafting table then a crafting station and be able to easily repair most tool (damaged stone axe, put it in the crafting station with the "main block in this case a stone and it repairs itself).... i'm not sure why this has stopped working....any help would be great!
I'm really new to minecraft so im sorry to ask stupid things... So there isn't a way to simply repair my tools? (as in place damaged pick and source material ie. stone, wood, iron bar in a station or something?) The tool station looks like I have to keep making the pick over and over...

I'm guessing from your terms that this is Tinker's Construct? The Tool Forge has a GUI where you can select an option for 'repair and modify' (looks like a hammer and anvil icon, and is in the upper left of the button panel), and that GUI will allow you to insert your tool and whatever repair material you need.
I'm guessing from your terms that this is Tinker's Construct? The Tool Forge has a GUI where you can select an option for 'repair and modify' (looks like a hammer and anvil icon, and is in the upper left of the button panel), and that GUI will allow you to insert your tool and whatever repair material you need.
+ You can only repair/modify Tinker's tools, not Vanilla ones.
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You don't mention what version of Tinker's you use but for at least 2 versions you have to use the Tool Station to perform repairs... That or use "Sharpening Kits" from Tinkers to repair on a regular crafting table.

Sharpening kits can be used to artificially boost the "mining level" of a particular tool, I.E. assuming you have a smelter set up you can use an obsidian sharpening kit to make a wooden pick able to mind diamonds, except you only have the durability of a wood pick.
What version I have? Its the most up to date one of that helps... my mod is off of twitch.

So I just have to build a tool station to repair my normal items again?

(As simple as the station when I just place the damaged item in with the source block as it repairs it?).