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The dog days of summer, a desert without an oasis... no new FTB releases, no pack updates at all... Has anyone discovered any new and exciting user-created modpacks while browsing thru the thousands of them on Twitch? I tried SevTech but just can't get into that one... but at least it's not the same old thing like FTB has pretty much become - same pack with just a different name on it. Where are the new and exciting packs at?
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The dog days of summer, a desert without an oasis... no new FTB releases, no pack updates at all... Has anyone discovered any new and exciting user-created modpacks while browsing thru the thousands of them on Twitch? I tried SevTech but just can't get into that one... but at least it's not the same old thing like FTB has pretty much become - same pack with just a different name on it. Where are the new and exciting packs at?

Recently caught a few streams from GenerikB of a pack called Exoria. Seen a bunch of unfamiliar mods in there (There's one with hostile robots!)
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How do i get power to Ex Compressum mod (Skyfactory3?
I know you can place the generator right next to the items that pulls power but how/which wire can i use? (in the picture not working, also tried wire in different positions)
Is my first time playing Minecraft in like 7 years so is extremely frustrating
How do i get power to Ex Compressum mod (Skyfactory3?
I know you can place the generator right next to the items that pulls power but how/which wire can i use? (in the picture not working, also tried wire in different positions)
Is my first time playing Minecraft in like 7 years so is extremely frustrating
View attachment 36733
one of the few(ignoring eu) examples of incompatible machines (one is fe , one is rf. normally its not a problem but there are cases which it is ,more so cause its a 1.10 pack)
Try a generator/dynamo from a different mod would be my advice.
one of the few(ignoring eu) examples of incompatible machines (one is fe , one is rf. normally its not a problem but there are cases which it is ,more so cause its a 1.10 pack)
Try a generator/dynamo from a different mod would be my advice.

The thing is that the Sieve works if the generator is back to back with the Sieve, but cant find any wires can conduct power
The thing is that the Sieve works if the generator is back to back with the Sieve, but cant find any wires can conduct power

I remember doing what you're trying (using those conduits from magma generators to sieves and crushers) but can't remember exactly how I had mine setup. I *think* I had the power coming out of the top of the generator like you, but going in to the bottom face of the sieve but can't be sure.

So, just to check everything - you said you've tried different positions but have you tried every face of the sieve and every face of the generator?
Does someone knows how to read NBT tags in 1.12 ?

How does it works : Astral Sorcery crystals grow in liquid starlight (size is a nbt tag). When a crystal is full sized, it can produce 2 small crystals when trying to grow it up again.

I'm using CC's Turtles to duplicate my crystals.
→ The Turtle place Liquid Starlight, throw the crystal in and wait until it absorb the Liquid
→ The Turtle suck twice to get one or two crystals in Slots 1 and 2
→ The Turtle put the Slot 2 in a chest
→ Loop

With this setup, the Turtle throw over and over again the same crystal, and sometimes get a second one.
Here I want to stop the process when the crystal is full sized (Size=900), but to detect this I need to read NBT tags and get the value.
Is there any way to do this ? I can't use an Exact Matching filter because the Crystal Cutting (another tag...) is random for each crystal.

EDIT : I read for the 15th time the Peripherals++ doc and I found this. I can get NBT from this, i'll check this asap
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The dog days of summer, a desert without an oasis... no new FTB releases, no pack updates at all... Has anyone discovered any new and exciting user-created modpacks while browsing thru the thousands of them on Twitch? I tried SevTech but just can't get into that one... but at least it's not the same old thing like FTB has pretty much become - same pack with just a different name on it. Where are the new and exciting packs at?

Here are the ones that have caught my eye:

Danny's Real Tech


S.A.M.M. Steam and Multi-block Machines
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I’m not sure if this is a simple question, but I came across something odd in my single player world. There’s a chunk in my world where naturally spawned blocks (ie: dirt, water, trees, Stone, etc.) are disappearing. Particles seem to be swirling off of these blocks into a central point. A pig wandered through and was pulled up off the ground and was killed in this central spot. Any ideas as to what I’m dealing with and can I make it stop?
I’m playing FTB Infinity Evolved. That’s really all I know about it...
u found a "rare" hungry node , a bunch of people typically use them for the late part of thaumcrafts mid-game.(mark it with a waypoint on journey map)
i would be very careful around them till u can move fast enough(or short range teleport from a handheld item) away from them or u might die from fall dmg(yes being immune to fall dmg helps but only gives a lot more time without the other part)
As for what you can do, Obsidian is immune to its effect, so you could theoretically build a box around it. You’ll still be subject to the “gravitational” effects but it won’t kill things anymore.
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if you are going to surround it with obsidian, leave the top for last, and keep ender pearls or other ways to teleport handy, and don't take anything you don't mind possibly losing permanently. If you manage to survive a hungry node long enough it'll eject you upwards. If you've capped the top it'll make it much harder to escape.
As for what you can do, Obsidian is immune to its effect, so you could theoretically build a box around it. You’ll still be subject to the “gravitational” effects but it won’t kill things anymore.

This is pretty much the recipe for rescuing your gravestone from an unfortunate encounter with a hungry node.
Return to the grave with obsidian, let the hungry node draw you into it and while it's doing so, quickly build a wall between the hungry node and the gravestone.
Very important to put a roof on the wall once you've successfully stopped yourself, and only then break your grave. Otherwise your stuff will get sucked into the node.
Then, to escape, you simply dig "down and away" from the node, one block down, one block away until free from its grasp.
I’m not sure if this is a simple question, but I came across something odd in my single player world. There’s a chunk in my world where naturally spawned blocks (ie: dirt, water, trees, Stone, etc.) are disappearing. Particles seem to be swirling off of these blocks into a central point. A pig wandered through and was pulled up off the ground and was killed in this central spot. Any ideas as to what I’m dealing with and can I make it stop?

If you can wall it off in a 3x3x3 box of obsidian, you can use the Wand Focus of Equivalent Exchange to jar it. If you decide you don't want to mess with that, it's possible to break nodes by punching them - risky, since you have to get in close - and someone said that pouring water over one will also work - less risky, since you can pillar up above the gravity range before building a scaffold over to make your waterfall. (I can already hear the Thaumcraft purists raging. Sometimes it's all about risk management.)
Yup - absolutely this. If it’s causing a major issue, don’t be afraid to remove it.

For me, the one that’s nearest my base on the pack I’m playing is far enough to not be a hazard, and also I’m feeding it crafting tables every so often to help boost its power - inside my Obsidian box that’s adjacent to the node, I’ve got a wand charging pedestal. I was quite surprised to find out that as long as the pedestal has Obsidian between it and the node, you can actually charge a wand from it just fine without anything being sucked in!

Once I’ve got it to a pretty large size, i’m going to enclose it completely in Obsidian and either Blood Magic telepose or just jar-and-move it to a local tainted biome to get it changed to a tainted node, then move it to its final resting place and energise it for centiVis purposes.

So, those nodes are absolutely a hazard and you should get rid if it’s causing an issue, BUT they can be turned to constructive purposes with some cunning thinking :)
I don't know if I'm in the correct topic, if not please excuse me.

I'm looking for a modpack equivalent to the Ultimate modpack (1.4.7), but in a more recent version, and preferably with active servers available. Could you suggest me some modpacks ?

Thank you.
I don't know if I'm in the correct topic, if not please excuse me.

I'm looking for a modpack equivalent to the Ultimate modpack (1.4.7), but in a more recent version, and preferably with active servers available. Could you suggest me some modpacks ?

Thank you.

I don't do public servers, but both FTB Infinity Evolved and FTB Continuum are more recent additions to the 'official pack' list. Continuum is the most recent, and most likely to have a higher number of active players.