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Factorization's ore processing chain seems as if it's the first designed with SMP and chunkloaders in mind. You can set it up and leave it to run overnight. For producing double ores, it is nearly as fast as other mods.
Wait. Oh. That's where I went wrong. Thought you could only form one crystal per process.
You get 1.5 crystals for every ore chunk, and you can process up to 5 in parallel. The tricky part is getting 5 chunks in the different slots, and not just all in one as pipes would do. That's what the routers in the back are for.
Anyone know exactly how much biofuel it takes to get a 36HP boiler up to maximum temp? I know the math has been done, just can't remember the forum I saw it in, much less the thread.
In addition to that, what about a charcoal powered one?

Using a steve's carts farm will provide you with enough charcoal, saplings, and apples, that you can make 2 36HP boilers! More can probably be made, though.
In addition to that, what about a charcoal powered one?

Using a steve's carts farm will provide you with enough charcoal, saplings, and apples, that you can make 2 36HP boilers! More can probably be made, though.
protip, use a TE sawmill to increase your heat gain per block of wood.
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In addition to that, what about a charcoal powered one?

Using a steve's carts farm will provide you with enough charcoal, saplings, and apples, that you can make 2 36HP boilers! More can probably be made, though.

Well, I've already done that math. A 36HP boiler requires 15.84 fuel units per tick at maximum heat. A bucket of biofuel provides 32,000 fuel units. It takes about 36 buckets of biofuel an hour to keep a bioler hot.
A Still operating at full capacity produces a bucket of biofuel every 85 seconds, or about 42 buckets an hour.
A Fermenter can produce more biomass per tick than six Stills can use, when processing saplings with apple juice and mulch.
It takes 3 apple squeezers to just barely outpace the consumption of 1 fermenter
There by, I can run 7 36HP steam boilers on 3 squeezers, 1 fermenter, and 6 stills, with a small surplus building up of each liquid. That's more power than most people ever need. I'm planning on two of these facilities, so I can crank out enough power to keep a Mass Fabricator running at 2048eu per tick full time. The problem I'm finding is supplying enough apples to the system, steve's carts tree farm can't hack it.

What am I going to do with all that UU matter? I dunno, probably void it, the point is building the system to make it :-D
Anyone know exactly how much biofuel it takes to get a 36HP boiler up to maximum temp? I know the math has been done, just can't remember the forum I saw it in, much less the thread.

In addition to that, what about a charcoal powered one?

Currently working on that (see spoiler link in my sig). Been at it on-and-off for some two months now, had to re-measure twice because of Railcraft balance changes, but now all that's left is computing the functions, drawing the graphs and prettying up the spreadsheet for public release. It's gonna be awesome :D

A 36 HP boiler requires 22,160,000 heat units to reach maximum heat. It doesn't matter what you use to supply the HU. With biofuel at 32,000 and Charcoal at 1,600, you would require an absolute minimum of 693 buckets of biofuel or 13,850 pieces of charcoal to heat the boiler. The whole process will take five hours, six minutes and 42 seconds. And at that point, you're at 47% fuel efficiency and only beginning the long, long climb towards the truly profitable regions, so you better bring yet more fuel ;)
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@jumpfight5: Yes! I'm going to make my power the way it's made in real life: long, expensive, inefficient, and with continuous maintenance required! I don't know why I'm so happy about this, but I am.

@Omicron: Thanks for the number on heating up your boiler! Going with 47% efficiency from 0c to max temp, you'll need to burn another 816 buckets of Biofuel to show a profit over combustion engines, as you get about a 45% efficiency increase using biofuel in a hot boiler versus a combustion engine.
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According to my spreadsheat, you need to keep a 36 HP boiler constantly running for almost 32 hours, before its median efficiency (MJ/fuelunit) is better than a combustion engine. A 36 LP boiler reaches that point already after a little over 16 hours.
This is because they both output the same MJ per fuel unit at maximum heat. The only reason to use HP boilers is for maximum output from minimum space and iron investment.
So, because blaze rods can't be used anymore for coal dust, should I power a boiler or two with it?
And all that extra char, saplings, and apples from steve's carts will allow me to power at least 10 boilers. :P

What will I do with that energy? Maybe a couple tesseracts, maybe a matter fab, maybe just let it disappear into nothing like it likes to do when the boiler's full...But my ability to gloat will be awesome. An 100% efficient steve's carts farm along with a blaze killing farm that'll let me get enough XP to enchant anything which I can put in that magic to EU converter thingy.

I'm getting good at this :D
Anyone know if EBXL Woodlands biome counts as Forest / Forest Hills for the purposes of breeding Heroic bees? I don't want to risk my only Steadfast drone.
Using FTB direwolf20 5.0.1, where can I get sulfur? I thought I could get it by pulverizing netherrack, but that sulfur is useless for everything else I can find. Is this an ore dictionary error?
What you're seeing is a Thermal Expansion sulfur chunk. Try tossing it in the pulverizer again, it may yield regular sulfur (unless GregTech adds that recipe).

GregTech also has several other major sources of sulfur, but unfortunately it is not present in the DW20 pack.

Railcraft should generate sulfur ore where smooth stone borders lava deep in the earth.
Anyone know of a good setup to automate water mills? Apparentally, they don't connect to pipes >.>

Also, does anybody have a good reactor setup? If my dang watermills won't work, I'll go with Uranium. I've got a ton, but am not used to the new version (with the quad uranium cells and no ice/water buckets).
Anyone know of a good setup to automate water mills? Apparentally, they don't connect to pipes >.>

Also, does anybody have a good reactor setup? If my dang watermills won't work, I'll go with Uranium. I've got a ton, but am not used to the new version (with the quad uranium cells and no ice/water buckets).

Water mills don't connect to liquid pipes because it was determined that it would be too OP given how cheap water mills are. It would be extremely easy to make ten watermills and hook them up to a pump or aqueous accumulator to generate as much power as a geothermal generator without needing any lava.

You can still automate water mills using buckets, though. Most designs use a redpower deployer to fill a bucket from an infinite water source, connected to a filter to pull out full buckets and send them through tubes to water mills. Then you just use a retriever to pull empty buckets back out and send them back into the deployer. You'd have to have a timer to pulse the deployer, retriever, and filter, and the retriever needs blulectric power.

This is the most common design I've seen:
T = tube
R = retriever
F = filter
D = deployer
W = water

6 water mills go on top of the 6 tubes to the left. You can easily add more, but once you start needing more than the 12 EU/t this setup provides, it's time to look into other power generation options, such as geothermal, nuclear, or steam.
This could be done really neatly and simply using Routers. You will need one deployer, one timer, three routers, and as many watermills as your heart desires (or rather, your power grid). No additional piping, tubes, or blutricity needed.