I've tried this and it doesn't seem to want to keep the variable. Is it possible for it to write the previous variable to a table/function/etc. I am trying to get this code to be able to have a small as possible frame quarry but have it moving in an ever expanding square.
Yeah, I see three options:
* Use Framez instead of Funky Locomotion (it has very good CC support and the computer doesn't reset when moved)
* Write the number to a file inside the computer, rescue that value and add 1 to it every iteration up until MAX_INTEGER
* Run the program outside of the frames and have it move the quarry via wireless redstone like PhilHibbs mentioned
In any case, I'd recommend writing the value to a file and reading it every time regardless of where the computer might be. That way, if, for whatever reason, the computer restarts, you'll always be able to resume from where you left off.
/me pretends to understand
Yeah, I guess... well then why not edit the startup to be pastebin get code?
Or does it not reboot the computer?
Yeah, with HTTP enabled, hacking other computers is really the only puspose of floppy disks.
I think servers can disallow CC from accessing the internet, otherwise you could set up something that DOS'd the server that it was running on. Also some people feel that having something inside of the Minecraft world that reaches out into the real world is cheating. I don't mind doing it myself interactively as a player, but setting up an automated system that needs the real-world internet to work is not elegant.
Yes, when I played on a PvP server I had computers around the world that would tell me when something loaded their chunks. And since each computer was very far from the others, I was using some custom HTTP code to comunicate with my main base. It would also send me an email of someone non-whitelisted entered sensor range in my base. Good times...