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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That could be kinda cool... it means I can have TE4 and ExtraUtils on a server, and I know people will use the EU transfer cables instead of item/fluiducts which will mean less lag :D
They're rewriting the conduits to solve these problems. The new ones won't be multipart compatible, because that was causing trouble in TE3.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But Ender IO is too OP (isn't it?)... I never install it, just because I don't like "one mod to control them all" sorta things :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
But Ender IO is too OP (isn't it?)... I never install it, just because I don't like "one mod to control them all" sorta things :p
Depends on what you class as too OP. The item conduits, top tier energy conduits and top tier fluid conduits all need ender pearls, which aren't the easiest to get hold of early on.
The SAG mill and Alloy furnace are about par with TE's equivalents.
The enchanter isn't too expensive to make in materials, but getting the enchants onto books is a pretty hefty level cost.
Dark Steel Armour is by no means OP, nor the Dark Steel tools.
It has a tesseract alternative, which is slightly cheaper but requires power. The rest of the items it adds are like MFR, but more expensive to use (for example Killer Joe wears down the swords IIRC).

I use it mostly because it allows me to compact builds down and not worry about weaving power, item and energy conduits all over the shop.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Golem farm: How to do it wrong.

Perhaps you or someone else can help me then, what I need to have happen is:

1: farm needs to react to different seeds, so when a new seed pops up in that enderchest it gets planted when next available crop gets harvested.
2: has to be compatible with pams harvest craft seeds. (MFR isn't or I'd use that)

The reasons for 1 and 2 is because I am automating all of pams harvestcraft crops in one room and if I get low on a particular resource then it will get me more of that resource without me having to go and change out my crops manually.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You do it the MUCH easier way... have a harvest golem with the order upgrade (this will make it harvest and replant)
Then instead of setting the golem to do EVERY farmland, you just need to have it know where the patch is, so if you have a layout like this:
With X being any non-farmland block and F being farmland
You will only need to tell the golem to go to one of the F's in each set eg. FFF* with *being where the golem is being told to go, instead of F*F*F* like you have it

Doing it this way will mean you could have 2 of each crop type, and never run low on any, as you could have Potato, Spice Leaf, Soybean, and Carrot, all in one patch, and the golem will work with them all separately


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Perhaps you or someone else can help me then, what I need to have happen is:

1: farm needs to react to different seeds, so when a new seed pops up in that enderchest it gets planted when next available crop gets harvested.
2: has to be compatible with pams harvest craft seeds. (MFR isn't or I'd use that)

The reasons for 1 and 2 is because I am automating all of pams harvestcraft crops in one room and if I get low on a particular resource then it will get me more of that resource without me having to go and change out my crops manually.
I see, so you can't just use an order upgraded harvest golem due to 1.
Last time I tried (in 1.6.4) MFR was compatible with Pam's Harvestcraft


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MFR should work, but it can be buggy with crops like tomatoes that when harvested will leave the "stalk" behind


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You do it the MUCH easier way... have a harvest golem with the order upgrade (this will make it harvest and replant)
Then instead of setting the golem to do EVERY farmland, you just need to have it know where the patch is, so if you have a layout like this:
With X being any non-farmland block and F being farmland
You will only need to tell the golem to go to one of the F's in each set eg. FFF* with *being where the golem is being told to go, instead of F*F*F* like you have it

Doing it this way will mean you could have 2 of each crop type, and never run low on any, as you could have Potato, Spice Leaf, Soybean, and Carrot, all in one patch, and the golem will work with them all separately

3 of each crop isn't going to be enough output, it would also ruin my aesthetic. I completely forgot to mention but my base will be powered with culinary generators, my fault, no way you could have known my output needs.[DOUBLEPOST=1411043862][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yeah, I know it's not a BUG but it would be "buggy" for their system :p

I'll check the newest version, the one I am using in 1.7.10 doesn't work with it at all, seeds or ingredients itself.

if MFR works I could just have a static field of tomatos and crops that it doesn't work with then harvest normally with golems.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you are running on cullinary generators... why not do this:
Soybeans, wheat, tomatoes and (I think it is) spice leaves so you can keep making pizzas, and then have the pizzas autocraft, and output into the generators... They should supply more than enough power :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can't you just select one type of food and roll with it? It might be a complex one with many different ingredients. It's not that these generators are affected by Spice of Life are they?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've had some issues with harvesters in 1.7.10...the damn thing wouldn't even recognise fully grown potatoes right in front of it...

I gave up and stole a mooshroom from the nearby mushroom biome. Food problems sorted :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Everyone's using culinary power after Dire has led the thing: everyone's making destabilized redstone ages.....
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