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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a quick look at how mine is and yours seems the same:

And inside the scripts folder:

When you run the minetweaker reload command (in game) does it come up with an error message (make sure you have the scripts installed on your client to see this, even though other players won't need this)

And did you try removing the configs, because here is my configs folder:
Obviously there is more below it, just showing I don't have any configs, which may conflict


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a quick look at how mine is and yours seems the same:

And inside the scripts folder:

When you run the minetweaker reload command (in game) does it come up with an error message (make sure you have the scripts installed on your client to see this, even though other players won't need this)

And did you try removing the configs, because here is my configs folder:
Obviously there is more below it, just showing I don't have any configs, which may conflict

Removed Configs but folder does recreate on next restart

Are you sure my Script is right?
Also are we both running the same version of Minetweaker ?
Mine came with FTB Monster

After issuing the /mt reload command I just get a "script reloaded, updating all players" in the in game chat


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you have NEi installed, just check that the recipe you added is correct, as it should show the new recipe in NEI... And if it didn't remove the old one (I don't know how geostrata works, so I assume it's a crafting table recipe) then you know the script hasn't worked. If it hasn't, just post exactly what is in the script file :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you have NEi installed, just check that the recipe you added is correct, as it should show the new recipe in NEI... And if it didn't remove the old one (I don't know how geostrata works, so I assume it's a crafting table recipe) then you know the script hasn't worked. If it hasn't, just post exactly what is in the script file :)
I have been using NEI to check....
Also the script is in this thread (above).
I also added a couple more remarks to my previous post.

Here is the script again.

recipes.addShaped(<729>, [[<20>,<331>,<20>],[<331>,<348>,<331>],[<20>,<331>,<20>]]);
[DOUBLEPOST=1410989938][/DOUBLEPOST]The recipe number is just the item number correct ?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well not knowing what items everything in that is all I can go in is maybe one (or more) of those items has a metadeta (729:1, for example) and that could be screwing with it...
Also try:

recipes.addShaped(<729>, [[<20>,<331>,<20>],[<331>,<348>,<331>],[<20>,<331>,<20>]]);
as I always leave a space in my scripts and never have an issue, e.g.:

//remove old coffee table

//new coffee table recipe
recipes.addShaped(<23260>, [[<5>,<5>,<5>],[<5>,<281>,<5>]]);

or using metadata:

//Remove Tesseract

recipes.addShaped(<2009>, [[<ore:ingotBronze>,<20278:2>,<ore:ingotSilver>],[<20278:2048>,<20263:129>,<20278:4096>],[<ore:ingotSilver>,<368>,<ore:ingotBronze>]]);

Other than that, the only thing I can think of suggesting is maybe getting rid of the remove before, and see if that helps


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm... Do you have just minetweaker, or do you also have modtweaker too? If you have modtweaker, and aren't using it, try removing that, as it is pointless having it if you don't use it... and I don't have it installed, and I see no issue with minetweaker.

Also, when you do /minetweaker reload
does your chatlog look like this
<name>: irrelevant text
[/minetweaker reload] <- that is you using the command in game
Scripts Reloaded.
<name> : more pointless text

Or is there a message between the last chat message and the words "Script Reloaded"?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After issuing the /mt reload command I just get a "script reloaded, updating all players" in the in game chat

Thats all that shows up.

No i dont have modtweaker


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a thought, guys - this thread is for quick asking, quick resolution. One-post topics. It looks like you might want to discuss this in a dedicated thread where others might also chime in.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
After issuing the /mt reload command I just get a "script reloaded, updating all players" in the in game chat

Thats all that shows up.

No i dont have modtweaker

Then I'm gonna have to throw my hands up and say "I don't have a clue" maybe it's something to do with Reika not allowing people to edit recipes using minetweaker, I have no clue. Sorry :/

Just a thought, guys - this thread is for quick asking, quick resolution. One-post topics. It looks like you might want to discuss this in a dedicated thread where others might also chime in.
Yeah, sorry Omicron. I would have suggested this a while ago, but each time I suggested something, I though "This will be the 'bug' fixed" but it wasn't :/


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a thought, guys - this thread is for quick asking, quick resolution. One-post topics. It looks like you might want to discuss this in a dedicated thread where others might also chime in.

I was asked to post this here from another thread now I am getting asked to move again?
Maybe someone needs to sort this stuff out lol...

Dont matter anyway cause I am not going to bother trying to get this to work anymore...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just so everyone knows, whoever said this wouldn't be laggy unless I have a shit GPU, they were misinformed.


3fps with i5 3350p + 6870.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
any way to cure radiation poisoning of ic2 experimental/monster pack?milk isnt working,i know about the hazmat thing, but i would like to know if there is something for cure it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
any way to cure radiation poisoning of ic2 experimental/monster pack?milk isnt working,i know about the hazmat thing, but i would like to know if there is something for cure it.
I would have assumed milk would work, probably not though when you think about "AHHHH I am dying from radiation. *drinks milk* much better! :D"
The hazmat suit prevents it from starting.
But other than that the only way I know to get rid of it, is a good ol' fashioned bit of death. Dying SHOULD reset any buffs/debuffs a player has, which means, unless you spawn in the radioactive zone, you will spawn all happy and healthy... and maybe with a cool new arm growing out of your back, who knows*
*subject to availability new arms are not a guarantee and we will not be held liable for any lack of arms you may recieve
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe there was talk of them being in a seperate mod from TE4
That could be kinda cool... it means I can have TE4 and ExtraUtils on a server, and I know people will use the EU transfer cables instead of item/fluiducts which will mean less lag :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That could be kinda cool... it means I can have TE4 and ExtraUtils on a server, and I know people will use the EU transfer cables instead of item/fluiducts which will mean less lag :D
Ender IO has really won me over. Its conduits are fantastic and easily camoflauged, the power monitor is a lovely block for engine control via redstone, and the enchanter has easily become one of my favourite items in the game. The wireless charger is pretty damn awesome as well.