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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Iron Pipes: Keep in mind that they will never output into a wooden pipe, so you can place one of those where your wood comes into the pipe. Then, you should be able to place a lever next to the iron pipe- on means furnace, off means pulverizer. Or whatever.

@Biofuel: Throw water, saplings, and fertilizer into a fermenter to make biomass, then send the biomass into some Stills. With water, you'll need slightly more than four stills per fermenter, however, if you squeeze the apples for their juice, and use the juice in the fermenter instead of water, you'll get more biomass per sapling, with the need of about six stills, if I remember correctly. I would recommend having saplings first get sent into a juice-powered fermenter, and if that fills up (because you ran out of apple juice), send them into a water-filled fermenter.

@Machines Filling Up: Put a diamond pipe on the machine in question and tell wood, saplings, whatever to go in, it will try to put the items in, but if they won't fit, it will pass them on to the next pipe. A diamond pipe adjacent to an inventory will never drop an item, if there is a direction with no items specified. Just to be sure that nothing goes backwards, it's good practice to place a cobblestone or another item that will never show up in the network in the pipe on the direction where items enter the pipe.

@Pulverizing Apples: Diamond pipes. Have one send apples one way and wood somewhere else.
The biomass still kind of confuses me, but biomass aside I had another question; If I hooked up a wooden pipe to my collection chest to pipe charcoal into my furnaces, would it only draw out charcoal when the furnace was running low?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The biomass still kind of confuses me, but biomass aside I had another question; If I hooked up a wooden pipe to my collection chest to pipe charcoal into my furnaces, would it only draw out charcoal when the furnace was running low?

Nope, you'd need Gates, or, even better, RP2 Managers, for that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just normal Managers? Those are expensive to make... I mean I need a diamond saw just to make some wafers.

I'll admit, they are expensive. How long does it take one Coal to run out? You could use a Timer and a Transposer to keep your Furnace filled.

Or you can just set up a small Factorization power system with a Furnace Heater.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'll admit, they are expensive. How long does it take one Coal to run out? You could use a Timer and a Transposer to keep your Furnace filled.

Or you can just set up a small Factorization power system with a Furnace Heater.
I'm using the charcoal, that's being made on site to fuel the furnaces. Would it just be easier to switch to some electrical furnaces, some solar panels and a bat box? Is there a way to fix over flow, too? And what's it take to get a Stirling engine to explode?

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
A fermenter will turn saplings, water or apple juice, fertilizer (or compost or mulch, if I remember correctly- although I think the nonrenewable stuff gets you the most biomass- though I'm not sure as to whether that's per sapling or per fertilizer), and up to 16 or 17 MJ/t into biomass. Biomass can be burned in Biogas Engines for 5 MJ/t or the Bio-Generator for some EU.

A still will turn 10 buckets of biomass and up to 5 or so MJ/t into 3 buckets of biofuel, which can be burned in the Bio-Generator (not sure if it's more efficient to burn biomass or biofuel in this machine though, considering distillation costs) or a Liquid-Fueled Steam Boiler from Railcraft.

As to wooden pipes, charcoal, and furnaces, BC pipes are rather stupid. I would recommend placing an Iron And or Or Gate (made in the Assembly Table) on the pipe beneath the furnaces. Run some Red Pipe Wire (also made in the assembly table and a component of the iron gates, one craft of them will probably be enough for your purposes) along the pipe from both furnaces to the charcoal chest. On the wooden pipe, you'll need another iron gate- I'd recommend upgrading this one to autarchic, although you could use a normal iron gate and a redstone engine. The pipe under the furnace nearer to the chest should be diamond, so you won't lose items.
Configure both gates on the furnaces to "Inventory Empty" -- "Red Pipe Signal", and the one on the wooden pipe to "Red Pipe Signal" -- "Energy Pulser" or "Redstone Signal" if it's not autarchic, to power the redstone engine.

Thus, when either furnace runs out of fuel, it will tell the wooden pipe to send more. BC gates will only detect items in slots accessible from the side the gate is on- in this case, the fuel slot.

Or, you could just replace the iron furnaces with electric or powered furnaces, depending on whether you're powering your farms with EU or MJ, or throw in another power system and use free energy for Bluelectric furnaces or Factorization-heated stone furnaces.

EDIT: As I said earlier relating to overflow and BC pipes, use diamond pipes. Unless you mean producing more charcoal than the furnaces use- you could use MOAR gates and an iron pipe to send excess wood somewhere else, when hoppers on top of the furnaces fill up.
I've heard that in order to get a gate-controlled iron pipe to work properly, you need a block with redstone on it adjacent to the pipe. The gate won't power the pipe directly, for some reason, so you need the block, and without the redstone, some derpiness will happen when the world loads. I haven't tested this personally, though.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's what I've been doing so far (and even selling excess ember to a wizard villager close by) but after a couple of deals they don't want to buy anymore and I'm left with only a handful of emeralds. And I NEED those emeralds to buy those really expensive symbols from Mystcraft villager. ;) I think the offers regenerate over time but I was thinking more about "set it up once, leave it running for a couple of hours while you mine/adventure/whatever, return to collect ridiculous amount of emeralds for trade" kind of system. ;)
You could add Greg-Tech, it adds a recipe for emeralds from UU-matter. There's also pretty doable, a good sized quarry will get you some rocky bees, if it's set in the (Forestry I think) config.

And what's it take to get a Stirling engine to explode?
They don't.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, so you need to connect them only to something that takes less energy than they produce. Not many such things exist.
I'm assuming that a pulverizer is one of those things, along with a quarry? Is it more efficient to have furnaces burning charcoal when they're making they're own fuel, or would it be better to use electricity and save all of the charcoal? I can't turn off the farm, and I actually have way too much charcoal now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm assuming that a pulverizer is one of those things, along with a quarry? Is it more efficient to have furnaces burning charcoal when they're making they're own fuel, or would it be better to use electricity and save all of the charcoal? I can't turn off the farm, and I actually have way too much charcoal now.

No. Pulverizer can take up to 4 MJ/t IIRC, and Quarry can whatever amount of power you supply to it, although it ceases to have any effect past 30 MJ/t or so.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
A running quarry or pulverizer will take much more energy than a stirling engine can supply, although once either machine has finished its work, it will stop drawing power and eventually cause your stirling engines to explode. However, this problem can, once again, be solved with gates or other machines. Use "Can Store Energy" to detect when Thermal Expansion machines have work to do, "Has Work" for Forestry or Railcraft, and "Work Scheduled" for vanilla BC machines. At least, I assume that works on the quarry...

Or, upgrade you engines to Steam Engines from TE or Hobbyist Steam Engines from Railcraft. Both require water to operate, and both will freeze up upon overheating, requiring a whack from a (Buildcraft-friendly) wrench to resume function. I think.

Or, use Redstone Energy Conduits (also from TE) instead of conductive pipes or placing the engines directly on the machines. No engine except the combustion engine will ever explode when powering conduits, as they will dissipate excess power. Additionally, TE's Steam and Magmatic engines shouldn't ever quit working when on conduits, but will throttle themselves back to almost not running when nothing's using their power.

un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Before i put my fusion reactor down...what do i need to know about being electrocuted?

The answer is a Hazmat Suit?

GT Fusion Reactor -- How to Survive a 1 Million EU/p Shock

also check out the Ultimate Grav and Power Armour versus Superconductor :)
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Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
Will my Electrical Engines still draw EU when my TE machines don't need any power? Currently I have them connected to wooden and gold conductive pipes, would Redstone Energy Conduits give a different answer?
What is the conversion rate from EU to MJ through an energy bridge?
Energy Bridge? What's one of those? Sounds better than a bank of Electrical Engines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will my Electrical Engines still draw EU when my TE machines don't need any power? Currently I have them connected to wooden and gold conductive pipes, would Redstone Energy Conduits give a different answer?

Energy Bridge? What's one of those? Sounds better than a bank of Electrical Engines.
powerconverters central block.

speaking of which, anyone tried using powerconverters with a fusion reactor in place of a supercondensator and has any tips or observations worth sharing?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will my Electrical Engines still draw EU when my TE machines don't need any power? Currently I have them connected to wooden and gold conductive pipes, would Redstone Energy Conduits give a different answer?

Energy Bridge? What's one of those? Sounds better than a bank of Electrical Engines.
Part of the Power Converters mod in Ultimate. The energy bridge is the core block that you attach specific blocks tailored to the different types of power. These blocks are either inputs or outputs.


Forum Addict
Trusted User
Jan 15, 2013
Birmingham, United Kingdom
I knew that adding a supplementary question was a bad mistake. Just in case the original question is overlooked:

Will my Electrical Engines still draw EU when my TE machines don't need any power? Currently I have them connected to wooden and gold conductive pipes, would Redstone Energy Conduits give a different answer?