This, but also remove the redstone signal first. Mine didn't work until i removed the signal as wel before replacing the controllerTry breaking and replacing controller
This, but also remove the redstone signal first. Mine didn't work until i removed the signal as wel before replacing the controllerTry breaking and replacing controller
Sorry, yeah that's just the max efficiency height. (had just come back from work after multiple shifts on little sleep so I was a bit out of it)I made a 4 block high oven in AgS and was able to make steel. I'm not sure if the configuration is different in AgS but considering the main purpose of the mod is steelmaking, it would be a bit silly to force the highest possible oven for it.
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^ What level speed trait do ya have on your bees?
Two letters. AE.In addition to my previous question, I need a design to get proven frames quickly to 12 alveraries. (Ignore the disk drives, I tried to use routers.)
Logistics Pipes might work with supplier pipe on frame inputs, a provider on the chest with all the materials for the frames or the frames themselves. If making frames with LP then you will need a LP crafting pipe and crafterIn addition to my previous question, I need a design to get proven frames quickly to 12 alveraries. (Ignore the disk drives, I tried to use routers.)
Logistics Pipes might work with supplier pipe on frame inputs, a provider on the chest with all the materials for the frames or the frames themselves. If making frames with LP then you will need a LP crafting pipe and crafter
Supplier pipe will work because it can keep one stocksProven frames can only be attained through trading. Since they are easy to get, I plan to trade a ton of emeralds for very large supply which I only need to refill every blue moon... and distribute that. I would like to use routers, but don't know how to get it distributed to every frame housing only when they are empty. I saw something about relays in other designs....
An Emerald Comb is a 4% chance specialty with a 100% chance of yielding an Emerald Fragment (is it dust in Mindcrack because of GregTech?), of which you need 4 to make an emerald. A Slowest worker with 4 Proven frames in an alveary would have a production modifier of 300% - so you'd have a 12% chance every bee tick of getting a comb. With 12 bees running, that would be 144% chance of getting a comb every bee tick. In 1 hour (131 bee ticks), you'd get ~47 emeralds. Over the lifespan of a Proven Frame (720 bee ticks, ~5 1/2 hrs) you'd get ~259 emeralds. iirc, proven frames are 6 frames for 1 emerald, so subtract 8 emeralds from that to pay for the Frames used on the Emerald Bees. Net profit across a single round of Proven Frames is just over 250 Emeralds at a rate of 45.7 Emeralds/hr.This may or may not be a simple set of questions:
I am currently using the Mindcrack Pack
I want to set up 12 alveries, all with 4 proven frames and a radioactive queen producing radioactive combs continuously. One emerald can be traded for six proven frames. If I let the system run for an hour:
) Roughly, what is the ratio between emeralds used to make the frames, and emeralds gained (return on investment), If I run the system with 12 emerald queens?
) How many frames are needed to make the system run for an hour without supply of frames running out?
) Roughly, what would be the output (in radioactive combs) if I run the system for an hour with 12 radioactive queens?
1) Bees and frames would both be automated, with gates and routers respectively.
Speed is a very easy way to up the probability of things being produced each bee tick. Slowest applies a 30% modifier (i.e. if the specialty is normally a 1% drop, it's instead a 0.3% drop), and Fastest applies a 170% modifier (i.e. 1.7%). That's more than 5 times more productivity (on paper anyway).Speed doesn't seem to matter in the long-run with small amounts of active queens, but I didn't test speed with large amounts of active queens.
An Emerald Comb is a 4% chance specialty with a 100% chance of yielding an Emerald Fragment (is it dust in Mindcrack because of GregTech?), of which you need 4 to make an emerald. A Slowest worker with 4 Proven frames in an alveary would have a production modifier of 300% - so you'd have a 12% chance every bee tick of getting a comb. With 12 bees running, that would be 144% chance of getting a comb every bee tick. In 1 hour (131 bee ticks), you'd get ~47 emeralds. Over the lifespan of a Proven Frame (720 bee ticks, ~5 1/2 hrs) you'd get ~259 emeralds. iirc, proven frames are 6 frames for 1 emerald, so subtract 8 emeralds from that to pay for the Frames used on the Emerald Bees. Net profit across a single round of Proven Frames is just over 250 Emeralds at a rate of 45.7 Emeralds/hr.
2) 1 hour is 131 bee ticks and proven frames last for 720 bee ticks. Across 48 frame housings, however, you're using an average of 8.73 frames/hr (1.455 emeralds/hr).
3) A Radioactive Comb is a 2% specialty, so your setup will yield a 6% chance per bee tick per bee - 72% chance per bee tick overall. That should yield ~94 Radioactive Combs per hour.
NOTE: these rates assume your bees are nocturnal and can work during rain or you have a Mystcraft age that compensates for those traits..
Speed is a very easy way to up the probability of things being produced each bee tick. Slowest applies a 30% modifier (i.e. if the specialty is normally a 1% drop, it's instead a 0.3% drop), and Fastest applies a 170% modifier (i.e. 1.7%). That's more than 5 times more productivity (on paper anyway).
Supplier pipe will work because it can keep one stocksjust do provider on inventory with frames and supplier on frame inputs with one proven frame to set on the suppliers
This makes me will have to use routers I guess...I don't know what to say. BTW have not played Mindcrack in a whileSupplier pipes don't exist it the Mindcrack pack.
At the amount of effort and resources you're putting into this, wouldn't a tree farm and a string farm be easier? Pipe wood through two auto crafting tables to get sticks, pipe that and string into an auto crafting table for frames, pipe those to alvearies.Proven frames can only be attained through trading. Since they are easy to get...
Just FYI, the only difference between an untreated frame, impregnated frame and proven frame is durability; there's no need to treat your sticks as even a basic setup can pump out a ton of untreated frames.I got the routers working, they are just a bit slow since there is only one source of frames. I have an automatic seed farm, but since I don't want to use seed oil using normal seeds or make another tree farm for walnuts, this works for me.
Thanks for the help.
Just FYI, the only difference between an untreated frame, impregnated frame and proven frame is durability; there's no need to treat your sticks as even a basic setup can pump out a ton of untreated frames.
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