Yes.Can an alveary with frame housings have frames automatically inserted by an ME network export bus?
Yes.Can an alveary with frame housings have frames automatically inserted by an ME network export bus?
I assume the cart has a bridge building module? If not, well, there's your problem. If so, I wonder if maybe the lava is interfering with the bridge builder putting down a block.I still have no solution to this.
Also I am using ATlaunchers Resonant Rise pack, I am averaging 25fps with optifine on normal distance, anyone know why? I have allocated 3gbs of ram to it. ALso my specs are
i5 3350p @ 3.5ghz
8gb ddr3l
6870 1gb ddr5
I assume the cart has a bridge building module? If not, well, there's your problem. If so, I wonder if maybe the lava is interfering with the bridge builder putting down a block.
Yes and have done that. I think i know what java I have mainly because I am running 32GB of ram normally and i usually keep my ftb launcher over 2. but changed it to 2 and still getting major block lag on the server.Do you have a 64bit version of java installed? Without that, you won't have fun playing modded Minecraft.
Do you have more than 2GB of memory assigned in the FTB launcher? If so, turn it back down to 2GB max. Anything more will just slow things down without additional benefit. The cases where you actually need more than 1GB to run smoothly are few and far between.
It's a third party pack primarily distributed via the AT Launcher. Numerous comments I've come across lead me to believe that it might possibly be available on the FTB launcher as well, via a pack code you can find on the Overload forums? Don't know anything more than that though.
The new beta pack for 1.6.4What is this "Overload 1.6.4" you're talking about?
Not enough power perhaps? The engine may have pumped enough power into the pipes to start building the quarry frame, but when that drains out, the engine might not be producing enough to keep it going. Try adding a few more engines.Is there something wrong ?
BuildCraft doesn't have many machines like IC2 - it doesn't do ore processing or armour or tools. BC has the Quarry that you seem to be using, the Filler, the Builder doesn't work any more, there may be a few others but I've not used them. Some other mods use BC power to do similar things to IC2, such as Thermal Expansion. Railcraft adds boilers, Forestry adds bee-related machines like the Centrifuge and Squezer, and the Carpenter for various other manufacturing tasks. Modular PowerSuits adds BC-powered armour, but you'd need a Thermal Expansion Energetic Infuser to charge it up.Can you also tell me some machines that can help me advance with buildcraft ? ( I learned IC2 now and trying to learn BC then the magic mod )
Not enough power perhaps? The engine may have pumped enough power into the pipes to start building the quarry frame, but when that drains out, the engine might not be producing enough to keep it going. Try adding a few more engines.
BuildCraft doesn't have many machines like IC2 - it doesn't do ore processing or armour or tools. BC has the Quarry that you seem to be using, the Filler, the Builder doesn't work any more, there may be a few others but I've not used them. Some other mods use BC power to do similar things to IC2, such as Thermal Expansion. Railcraft adds boilers, Forestry adds bee-related machines like the Centrifuge and Squezer, and the Carpenter for various other manufacturing tasks. Modular PowerSuits adds BC-powered armour, but you'd need a Thermal Expansion Energetic Infuser to charge it up.
Have you bought minecraft? Can't play FTB if you haven't yet.Hey I am new to FTB, can someone tell me why my username and password is throwing this error: invalid username or password error Feed The Beast Launcher
Sorry for answering three pages laterAhh sorry forgot to mention, yeah 1.5.2 Unleashed 1.1.3.
Ahh yeah I did read about the cap, but so far didnt see any "degraded" princesses. No wonder if it actually caps at x5Thanks mate will try it out.
Edit: Actually, would there be any problem in it if I replaced the Soulframes with Chocolate frames to shorten lifespan? I mean the mutator and the chocolate frames together?
In terms of resources input to out; build 1. If you're going to be building more power really soon anyway you can go for more but the returns will be the same as 1 as long as you aren't feeding more than 400 MJ/t into them.If I'm setting up multiple mfr laser drills, is it better to pile all the power I can into the first drill's chargers and the build a second drill, or is it better to build both drills/chargers a once with half as muh power each.
In a nutshell: if I have limited power to send to my laser drill(s), is it better to load up a single one or build several and spread the energy out over them?
I am alittle bit confused about the Redstone Energy Cell.
I just made it and now how do i store MJ to it?
Do i need to use engines with tanks to charge it up?
For what it's worth, a combustion engine fueled by lava only produces 1MJ/t. You should really consider making magmatic engines - they produce 4MJ/t from lava and don't need coolant. Combustion engines are really meant to be used with Oil/Fuel.Thanks for replying immediately! I'll try adding more engines.
So could you drain the dark node down to 0, plant a silverwood right next to it, and purify it instantly like that?The bigger one (current charge, not maximum charge) eats the smaller one when they merge.