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*slaps self* yes unhinged. i am an idiot. *hangs head*

and thanks :) got a portal now

gah.. the m key was set to locomotive thing too.. man i feel like a total idiot today :)
How do I export cells into a liquid transposer from AE now, in the 1.5.* version I have you don't get the 'uncoloured hole' in the config that used to work.
Make it blue. I am filling buckets with a liquid transposer through an interface pointing into a blue side.
Slap on the interface, then just add a pattern that says Bucket >> Bucket of Water.
Of course the transposer needs to have water in it.
Should work for cells.
playing 1.4.7, Ultimate pack.... made a factorization solar array and was going to setup Power Conerters so it would run my MFR harvester... the recipe for a Factorization Consumer is the defunct Solar Turbine... and it isn't craftable anymore. I doubt there is a workaround but if anyone knows how to convert factorization charge to MJ or EU tht would be magical. :)
playing 1.4.7, Ultimate pack.... made a factorization solar array and was going to setup Power Conerters so it would run my MFR harvester... the recipe for a Factorization Consumer is the defunct Solar Turbine... and it isn't craftable anymore. I doubt there is a workaround but if anyone knows how to convert factorization charge to MJ or EU tht would be magical. :)

Haven't played ultimate for a while, but if the solar turbine is deprecated, then there should be a solar boiler that produces steam powered by those mirrors, and there is a steam consumer in power converters.
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Question about Biomes O' Plenty, Extra Biomes XL, and Highlands mods.

Are there any saplings in BoP/Highlands that are counterparts to the EBXL fir tree saplings? IE they grow giant 2x2 trees with no branches and can be regrown with bonemeal easily even if leaves are in the way?
Make it blue. I am filling buckets with a liquid transposer through an interface pointing into a blue side.
Slap on the interface, then just add a pattern that says Bucket >> Bucket of Water.
Of course the transposer needs to have water in it.
Should work for cells.

Ahh yes, working as intended now, Thanks!
Are quarries able to mine Cobalt/Ardite?

playing 1.4.7, Ultimate pack.... made a factorization solar array and was going to setup Power Conerters so it would run my MFR harvester... the recipe for a Factorization Consumer is the defunct Solar Turbine... and it isn't craftable anymore. I doubt there is a workaround but if anyone knows how to convert factorization charge to MJ or EU tht would be magical. :)

No workaround. You'll need Creative or /give to get the Factorization Consumer in Ultimate. :(

But, as the guy above me mentioned, you can just pipe the steam from the solar boiler into a Steam Consumer. :)
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In the UNLEASHED 1.1.2 pack in a few videos I have seen people with a little Item Name box at the top of the screen, how?
In the center top of the screen? That is the Tooltip in NEI. Open inventory, options, enable Highlight Tooltip.
i need to make steel. and you cant make a blast furnace without going into the nether, but to go into the nether you need steel to make flint and steel. so I googled Started Guide for GregTech suggested going through an industrial centrifuge. but to make that you need advanced circuits which use glowstone...

second part, and nope not working for me :( tried all the keys, checked the keybind list.. nothing about waypoints
NotEnoughItems allows you to look up recipes in-game by hovering your cursor over any item in any inventory screen (including the NEI item list on the right-hand side of the screen) and pressing the "R" key on your keyboard. Also note that the box at the bottom of your inventory screen is a search box.

Using this, you'll find that steel can be made in the Industrial Blast Furnace, not the Centrifuge. I think that it can be made from all Overworld materials- but note that it is a large and very expensive multiblock structure (34 basic Machine Casing- lots of iron) that will need to be replaced almost entirely (with steel or, better, chrome casings and some heating coils) before it can be used to make higher-tier stuff.

Also note that IndustrialCraft adds a secret recipe for Glowstone using gold and redstone. Four gold dust and five redstone dust (or maybe five gold and four redstone, I don't remember) in an alternating pattern in a crafting grid will yield one single glowstone dust.

As a final note, GregTech isn't designed for people new to modded Minecraft. If you get tired of all the things that Greg changes (usually making things harder to get and more expensive, as you have already found), you may have better luck with Unleashed. Unleashed has more mods anyway, some of which (notably DartCraft) are more aimed towards making the early game easier.
NotEnoughItems allows you to look up recipes in-game by hovering your cursor over any item in any inventory screen (including the NEI item list on the right-hand side of the screen) and pressing the "R" key on your keyboard. Also note that the box at the bottom of your inventory screen is a search box.

Using this, you'll find that steel can be made in the Industrial Blast Furnace, not the Centrifuge. I think that it can be made from all Overworld materials- but note that it is a large and very expensive multiblock structure (34 basic Machine Casing- lots of iron) that will need to be replaced almost entirely (with steel or, better, chrome casings and some heating coils) before it can be used to make higher-tier stuff.

Also note that IndustrialCraft adds a secret recipe for Glowstone using gold and redstone. Four gold dust and five redstone dust (or maybe five gold and four redstone, I don't remember) in an alternating pattern in a crafting grid will yield one single glowstone dust.

As a final note, GregTech isn't designed for people new to modded Minecraft. If you get tired of all the things that Greg changes (usually making things harder to get and more expensive, as you have already found), you may have better luck with Unleashed. Unleashed has more mods anyway, some of which (notably DartCraft) are more aimed towards making the early game easier.

with the heating coils, you dont even have to totally convert over to the reinforced casings.
from the wiki:
The maximum necessary temperature of 3,000 can be reached using 24 Reinforced Machine Casings + 10 Standard Machine Casings + 2 lava + 4 Kanthal Heating Coils + 4 Nichrome Heating Coils. Advanced Machine Casings are not needed for this setup.
save your chrome for other stuff. like more coils so you can stick 4 blast furnace blocks onto the same multiblock (you can do this with a lot of GT stuff)
Are quarries able to mine Cobalt/Ardite?

Yes. Quarries can mine any block in the game, except for Warded ones from Thaumcraft, and forcefield blocks. They'll even break bee hives and get bee drops, which may be picked up if the quarry head comes back for another pass through the same area before they despawn.

Quarries basically treat themselves as the best possible tool for whatever block they attack, with a near-infinite mining speed. The block will always drop something if it can do so without special mechanics (silk touch for glass, player used wand for warded blocks etc.), and it will always break instantly (though things like forcefield blocks will instantly reappear, giving the illusion of not being mined).
Enabled the BOP mod in the Unleashed pack, but had no idea that I needed to select BOP in the world options when creating the world to get the biomes in. Now I'm in a vanilla world, I guess. Is there a easy way to force the biomes to generate in new chunks?
In the BoP config there's a setting for whether or not BoP biomes generate in normal worlds (those not generated with the BoP world preset).