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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
The "Used Memory X% (Y MB of Z MB)" format should list the memory allocation available for the JVM to the value Z. If it's showing 5000 (or 4200+) then the forced memory allocation is working. You're not likely to use that much RAM unless there's a really massive number of entities going around. Unfortunately, minecraft is CPU- and even GPU-sensitive -- without knowing those components, I can't say what the issue is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my specs:
Intel(R)Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9000 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz
GPU: Dual NVidia GeForce GTX 280M
SLI enabled and PhysX GPU acceleration enabled. and Im getting less than 30 fps.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You'll probably want a Still (Forestry) or Distillation Tower (GregTech) to turn the biomass into biofuel/ethanol first -- this drastically improves both storage efficiency and burn rates.

Once you've done that, it depends on how large of a tank. Steam boilers are the most efficient /after a long warmup period/, but unless you have tens of millions of heat units, they won't hit that theoretical efficiency. If you don't want to burn 300+ buckets of biofuel at once, a set of combustion engines are the better option, as well as cheaper to build. ((Electric Engines are terribly inefficient, aiming instead for burst power.))

Likewise, storage is going to depend on how much energy. Each bucket of biofuel is worth about 200,000 MJ. For three buckets, you might as well just use a Redstone Energy Cell. You probably want more storage than that, however, which brings you into the EU-verse. Using cobblestone generators and magma crucibles into a thermal generator (or pump and geothermal generator) will get you about a 1 MJ -> 1.5 EU conversion ratio. That brings each bucket of biofuel to 300,000 EU. MFSUs can store 10,000,000 EU, or 33 buckets worth of biofuel, per unit.
Then what If I want a continuous energy gain? In my case, by biofuel plant would just constantly produce the biofuel that's constantly burned or whatever to make the energy that's always being stored in my battery? The only problem I see with this is that what if the "battery" gets full?

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Does anyone know what the Plasma Extractor in the Fusion Control Computer stands for?
The Plasma Generator?
I would guess the Material Extractor, or whatever it's called. It should allow your to extract the plasma from the fusion reactor, which then can be stuffed into Plasma Generators elsewhere. However, I haven't actually gotten the thing to work yet, so I don't really know.

Does anyone know how to get the butterflies in 152wgt? I have the item, but is there a way to place them after I have the item form?
Butterflies can be analyzed in the Flutterlyzer (not unlike bees and saplings), and stored in a Lepidopterist's Chest. I don't know if any of them actually do anything yet, though.

Edit: Seems that, if dropped on the ground (Q key be default) butterflies will revert to entity form in a few seconds. They don't seem to do much other than fly around.

Then what If I want a continuous energy gain? In my case, by biofuel plant would just constantly produce the biofuel that's constantly burned or whatever to make the energy that's always being stored in my battery? The only problem I see with this is that what if the "battery" gets full?
Then you can turn your engines off (gates are useful here- although IC2 batteries do have redstone settings that you could use instead, not sure about GregTech), and store the excess biofuel in a tank of some sort. When that fills, you could turn off your production.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there anyway to get a pure bred bee species when you only have one of that bee? I accidently made a valiant and saffron bee, and I don't want to waste them by breeding them incorrectly. Is there a way to get them pure-bred so I have a lot of these bees to experiment with?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone can tell me how do i make iridium? Besides from uu matter.

Someone tell me i can make it from platinum, but how do i get platinum? Please tell me step by step how to do it.

If there is some link on how to do it'll be appreciated :)

Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk 4 Beta


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my specs:
Intel(R)Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9000 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz
GPU: Dual NVidia GeForce GTX 280M
SLI enabled and PhysX GPU acceleration enabled. and Im getting less than 30 fps.

Your CPU is old and slow. Minecraft works better with two fast-clocked cores than with four slow ones; as such, you have the worst possible CPU for this game. If you cannot overclock your CPU, only a new computer will improve your FPS.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone can tell me how do i make iridium? Besides from uu matter.

Someone tell me i can make it from platinum, but how do i get platinum? Please tell me step by step how to do it.

If there is some link on how to do it'll be appreciated :)

Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Just follow it through on NEI recipes, your start is iridium nuggets to iridium, work backwards from there.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just follow it through on NEI recipes, your start is iridium nuggets to iridium, work backwards from there.

Okay, but it said shiny ingot. Where can i get that to make platinum dust? Because shiny ingot can't be looked for the recipe

Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk 4 Beta


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
my specs:
Intel(R)Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9000 @ 2.00GHz 2.00GHz
GPU: Dual NVidia GeForce GTX 280M
SLI enabled and PhysX GPU acceleration enabled. and Im getting less than 30 fps.

Your CPU is a bottleneck. It's 4 years old.Also; MC doesn't work well with multicore CPU's unfortunately, it'll only use one.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Your CPU is a bottleneck. It's 4 years old.Also; MC doesn't work well with multicore CPU's unfortunately, it'll only use one.

Five and a half years, actually. And the Minecraft client uses two cores; servers can use more than two (although the main world simulation will still be done by two, and thus limited by their performance).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi! I'm trying to set up a beginner power-station using magmatic engines and magma crucibles. I'm feeding the magma crucible with netherrack, and the lava that's being produced i send to a magmatic engine. The magma crucible is powering itself this way by running redstone conduits from the engine to the crucible. I read on the wiki ( that a crucible needs 12 000 MJ to produce 1 bucket of lava from netherrack. The engine produce 18 000 MJ from 1 bucket of lava. This means I produce 33% excess lava that will just fill up in the engine over time. What I want to do is to feed the engine just enough lava (0,66 bucket) to power the crucible, and make the excess lava (0,33 bucket) go to a geothermal generator or a redstone energy cell. Problem is, i can't figure out how to control how much lava flows where. Is this possible? If i just try to use liquidducts and split it into 2 seperate paths before it enters the engine it looks like it just splits 50/50, and 50% of the lava is not enough to power the crucible. So my question is: how can i make the remaining 0,33 bucket of lava go to a geothermal generator? I thought maybe i could use a gate of some sort, but i couldnt find any configurations that was related to my problem.

Can you just pump the excess lava out of the crucible? I'm not sure theres any way currently to fine-control how much liquids go where. I'm pretty sure 1 bucket is the lowest amount any type of pipe limits to, so fractional buckets are very difficult to manage.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, but it said shiny ingot. Where can i get that to make platinum dust? Because shiny ingot can't be looked for the recipe

Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Make sure to check the other options, the arrows at the top cycle through the different machines available to make that particular item, and then arrows down the bottom of the recipe provide alternate recipes with that particular machine. If you look through you'll find platinum dust is a suitable alternative to shiny dust.

I might as well tell you anyhow, but it's much easier looking it up on NEI yourself than waiting for a forum to answer. Platnium dust can be produced in a number of ways, however I recommend not doing any except using the industrial grinder, as it is the one which produces the highest yeild of this precious dust. Sheldonite ore can be ground up for a high yield and some iridium nuggets on the side. I personally don't actually know how to get this other than it's in the end. The next best after that is obviously iridium ore, followed by ferrous ore. Iridium ore will obviously give you iridium alongside the platinum but however is quite rare to find.

Both iridium ore and ferrous ore will only give you tiny piles (1/4 of a dust) unless ground with mercury cells. So, once again I recommend only grinding these with mercury cells to increase your yield of this precious dust.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This means I produce 33% excess lava that will just fill up in the engine over time. What I want to do is to feed the engine just enough lava (0,66 bucket) to power the crucible, and make the excess lava (0,33 bucket) go to a geothermal generator or a redstone energy cell. Problem is, i can't figure out how to control how much lava flows where. Is this possible?

Yes. You're over thinking it. Have the Magmatic and the Geothermal on the same Liquiduct line. Yes, it will be a 50/50 split until either the Magmatic or Geothermal fills up. Then 100% will go to the other until it fills up. Then each engine will be fed the amount required as it consumes it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sheldonite ore can be ground up for a high yield and some iridium nuggets on the side. I personally don't actually know how to get this other than it's in the end.

It most commonly spawns in the little asteroid clusters that spawn away from the main island of the end. I'm not sure if it can spawn in the main island too - I've never seen it personally.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm pretty sure 1 bucket is the lowest amount any type of pipe limits to, so fractional buckets are very difficult to manage.

No, pipes can transport fractions, which is why we have mB instead of just B as the minimum unit of liquid. However Buckets, and any of their proxies (bottles, capsules, et al) are 1 Bucket (1000mB), no more, no less.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Multiblocks like the multifarm store all their data in one specific block; usually the bottom center one.

When you enlarge the multiblock, that means the block that is considered "bottom center" changes, and since in this new center block there is no existing data, the multiblock starts over. If you were to shrink the multiblock back down to its original size, you would discover that it is back to the old data again, including your circuit board.

Also, if you enlarge the multiblock in such a way that the bottom center block remains the same (for example, expanding a 3x3 into a 5x3 by adding one row to opposite sides each, as opposed to adding two rows to one side) then it should also retain its data. Should, because I've never tried that with Forestry specifically.

Thanks, I will try this when I get back home.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, pipes can transport fractions, which is why we have mB instead of just B as the minimum unit of liquid. However Buckets, and any of their proxies (bottles, capsules, et al) are 1 Bucket (1000mB), no more, no less.

No, I'm aware they can transport fractions. That wasn't what I was attempting (and failing) to convey - I was trying to say that I didn't think the maximum capacity of any pipes was lower than a single bucket (I may be wrong). My thinking behind that was that if you had a pipe that was only capable of transporting upto, say 0.2mb of liquid, you could just route the liquid through that pipe and it'd serve the same purpose.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The capacity of a liquiduct is 0.5 buckets per block, actually. ;)

You are correct that that the capacity of a pipe, specifically, is never below 1 bucket.