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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Oh so it has to be in game I guess. I'm looking for something that I can use to learn outside the game. While I'm not playing. The beginner one will do cause I do not know anything about thaumcraft except wips and angry zombie

Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk 4 Beta


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem is that my ftb lags a loy if i put it in the 1gb, got only around 10fps in ssp and 15 - 20 on smp. How do i solve the lag?

Well, the way you are writing this implies that if you use more than 1 GB RAM, you do not lag as much? In that case, you're answering your own question: just assign the number of RAM that gives you the best gameplay experience.

...Or did you not actually test that? I think so, because I would admittedly be very surprised if RAM had anything to do with FPS at all. Unless you're forcing the computer to spend all of its time paging to disk (too much RAM assigned to FTB) or making java crash (too little RAM assigned), all that the RAM is doing is acting as a data buffer. A place on your desk to pile on papers, if you will. It doesn't do any work on itself. Also, you must remember that the amount of RAM you're assigning to the game via the launcher (or via the java commandline arguments -xms and -xmx, which is all the launcher is doing) is actually not the amount of RAM the game will be using in total. It's the heap size, which is just a small fraction of the total memory footprint. I can launch my client with 512 MB RAM and still see 1.5 GB or more assigned to java in the task manager after being ingame for half an hour.

Based on the fact that you're getting more FPS in multiplayer than in singleplayer, I'd wager a guess that your RAM setting is entirely irrelevant and that you're CPU-limited instead. In multiplayer, the server does all the hard world simulation work and the client only renders graphics, which means you need a lot less CPU power. For example, when I run both a client and a server on my machine, and have around 90% CPU load, then 75% of the load will be the server and 15% will be the client. That's how much work is offloaded from your computer in multiplayer.

The question is, since you're "only" going up to 20 FPS in multiplayer, are you maybe GPU limited too? Let's see... 4 GB RAM, CPU limited, potentially GPU limited... You're playing on a mid to lower end laptop, maybe 2 years old, with integrated Intel graphics, am I right?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've test rising the ram up to 2,5 gb for the ftb. And notice the difference. It only adds around 3 - 7 fps at certain points.

Maybe i'll give you my specs
Inter core 2 duo 2,66 ghz, ram 4 gb, ati hd 3650.

Whenever i play ssp, first opening the ssp my fps goes 25 but after half an hour playing everytime i change the direction I'm looking always give me slight of freeze / dropping of fps down to 0. What affects this? And any possible solution then?

Of course with vanilla i can get up to 35fps with far render distance + optifine that is unsurprisingly because ftb have a lot of mods

Sent from my HTC Sensation using Tapatalk 4 Beta

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Ah, it was unanswered because people don't know?

I found the problem with one of my recipes over producing, the output was two and I had it listed as one in the recipe.
However for the things like pistons, where it does it internally with the MAC and it produces it one per recipe, I don't understand as to why it would overproduce

Perhaps it has a funny bug with proximity, because I've found it doesn't overproduce when I'm watching it?
Just a correlation though.
Although I haven't has this happen to me yet, it sounds like a bug (so the solution might be to bug Algorithm (no pun intended))...

When your system overproduces, does it consume the resources for the number of products it outputs, or does it actually give you products for free?

I watched DW20's spotlight yesterday, and he did mention something about random extra characteristics in ages but it wasn't clear what he meant by it. I suspect that if you have things missing, like weather, you have a chance of getting other random stuff like tendrils that might bring instability. Not sure though.
I don't know for sure, but I would think that if you don't put in a weather page, for example, Mystcraft will pick one at random and may or may not add instability.
However, I think that this new functionality is more meant for non-required features, such as tendrils, trees, crystals, lakes, etc. I remember that in older versions of Mystcraft (before pages), if you didn't specify a few of these features, some would be chosen for you, at random. I'm guessing that this is more the case now than it was in the first update when when pages were added.

I don't think that not specifying a weather symbol would cause tendrils to appear, although I could be wrong. Not specifying any lakes, caves, or villages, on the other hand, could cause tendrils.

Okay having taken a few months break from ftb, Started up with the beta 1.5 packs, What I'm curious about is with frames missing in action, what is the best way to amass ores?
There's no real "best" way to do anything in Minecraft- the closest to that is what works well for you.

I will, however, recommend BC quarries, mining turtles, or MFR's mining laser thing.
The laser has the advantage that it requires no actual ore to function- it simply searches the Forge Ore Dictionary, and produces something at random without even checking if it exists in the area, much less actually mining it.
I've has my lasers spit out nether quartz, glowstone blocks, emeralds, and Certus Quartz when placed on an island in an Overworld ocean that was generated before I installed AE.
The laser also produces ore blocks in item form, as if they had been silktouched. This could be handy if you have Gregtech installed.
Note that MFR also has a machine that is basically an automatic Fortune pickaxe. Just supply some power and Mob Essence to the Block Smasher and pick your level of Fortune, and suddenly your diamond ore has become several diamonds.

The Arcane Bore from Thaumcraft works, too, if you're OK with having all the vis in the area suddenly vanish. Dedicated mushroom island Mystcraft ages may be of use here.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've test rising the ram up to 2,5 gb for the ftb. And notice the difference. It only adds around 3 - 7 fps at certain points.

Maybe i'll give you my specs
Inter core 2 duo 2,66 ghz, ram 4 gb, ati hd 3650.

Whenever i play ssp, first opening the ssp my fps goes 25 but after half an hour playing everytime i change the direction I'm looking always give me slight of freeze / dropping of fps down to 0. What affects this? And any possible solution then?

Of course with vanilla i can get up to 35fps with far render distance + optifine that is unsurprisingly because ftb have a lot of mods

Aha, there goes my attempt to look smart :D

So it's an aging desktop system. The Core 2 Duo is definitely a limiting CPU. I have one as well, though overclocked to 3.30 GHz, and it was still struggling until I did something really unconventional (which unfortunately doesn't work with the FTB launcher). I have however never experienced the phenomenon of FPS slowing down over time, neither in single nor in multiplayer, so I can't help you there. Potentially it may be your video card running out of VRAM, but 512 MB really shouldn't be that much of a bottleneck on a game like Minecraft... hmm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So it's an aging desktop system. The Core 2 Duo is definitely a limiting CPU. I have one as well, though overclocked to 3.30 GHz, and it was still struggling until I did something really unconventional (which unfortunately doesn't work with the FTB launcher).
Could you please specify what you did? Thanks.

Where could I find some info about how to start? The tree farm is easy with MFR. But Ive still never really used pipes and redstone and boilers.
There are three main resources: a) The MCF thread/wiki of the mod in question, b) the wikis with collected information (official FTB one, inoffical FTB one, Tekkit one, ... just be aware that they sometimes contain errors or are for a different version than the one you use) and c) Youtube videos, either spotlights or let's plays (usually direwolf20 makes good spotlights, but there are also others).
When you've got a basic overview of how something works, fire up a creative world and play around with the stuff, until you got a "feeling" of the feature in question.

A tip for MFR planters/harvesters in conjunction with pipes: Have an item pipe from the harvester to your planter (gold, cobble, or stone), with a diamond pipe directly next to the planter. Configure the diamond pipe (it has a GUI, opened with a rightclick on the pipe), so that the color which connects to your planter accepts the saplings of your farm. Then from this diamond pipe another path leads to your storage/boiler/fermenter/whatever. This has the effect, that the logs and saplings will move from the harvester through your pipes. On hitting the diamond pipe it will check, if any of the possible outputs has a configuration for the item in question. With the configuration mentioned above, saplings will first try to enter the planter and only choose the other path, if they cannot enter the planter (should only happen, if it is full with saplings). Logs on the other hand are not allowed to enter the planter, so they will directly choose the other path.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I will, however, recommend BC quarries, mining turtles, or MFR's mining laser thing.

The MFR mining laser is not something that someone just starting out should go for. It requires a LOT of power (a single laser gets capped out with 4 HV solars, yes, that's 2048mj/t) and even then doesn't produce a lot of stuff. The benefit ofcourse is that it doesn't actually mine stuff but pulls it out of thin air.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or, if you prefer a rationale, it pulls it out of the bedrock. And even the air down that deep is pretty thick.
Below the bedrock, actually. Y'know, that mysterious deep space region where nothing and everything exists simultaneously, the laws of physics break down because of soft spots in the dimensional fabric, dogs and cats live together...

Sent from boobs (because why not?)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Could you please specify what you did? Thanks.

Well, I followed something cpw mentioned on twitter in passing. Basically, the vanilla java virtual machine that consumers get when they point their browser to "download java" isn't the only one in existance - and not even the only one offered by Oracle. There exists an experimental JVM called JRockit, which is rumored to be a lot faster than the vanilla JVM in many (but not all) applications. It's a product for professional users, so you need an Oracle account to access the download, and comes with its own performance profiling software if you're interested in that sort of thing.

So, I thought sure, can't hurt to try it out. You can install it alongside your regular java too, and it won't interfere at all, which is very convenient. Downside is, I found no way to make my computer point to JRockit by default; it will always use regular java 7 unless I explicitly tell it to use JRockit. That's why it works great with MultiMC and .bat files, and not so great with the normal FTB launcher (it'll just call java 7). In addition, even if you could somehow force the FTB launcher to call JRockit, it still wouldn't work because the FTB launcher automatically launches Minecraft with three java arguments: -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode. All three are invalid arguments for JRockit and error out instantly.

For me, running a custom modded 1.5.2 server and a client on my nearly 7 year old CPU, it made quite a difference. I estimate that I saw a roughly 30%-40% reduction in CPU load for the same performance, which resulted in performance going up sharply across the board. It went from 20 FPS client and a laggy server experience (erratic 20-50 ms world tick even without generating new chunks, and stop-and-go machine progress bars) to 35 FPS client and a perfectly smooth server (stable 10-15 ms world tick, smooth machines). Best optimization I ever made! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Below the bedrock, actually. Y'know, that mysterious deep space region where nothing and everything exists simultaneously, the laws of physics break down because of soft spots in the dimensional fabric, dogs and cats live together...

Such is the place of dark matter and vacuum energy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Although I haven't has this happen to me yet, it sounds like a bug (so the solution might be to bug Algorithm (no pun intended))...

When your system overproduces, does it consume the resources for the number of products it outputs, or does it actually give you products for free?


it consumes the resources from what I can tell, had a stack of nickel, and it seemed to have consumed it crafting cupronickel heating coils until it ran out of nickel, then the crafting timed out.

Can't say with the other ones that it's over produced, because pistons for example, I have a tonne of cobble redstone and planks, and iron goes in and out of my system so fast that I can't keep a track of it

EDIT: should say I'm using ultimate 1.1.2, with applied energistics as default rv.9.i
There's been a lot of updates between this one and the latest. So could it be a bug that has been fixed?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think it's a dictionary/AE problem. The crafting recipe and the actuall output might be different enough to not really kind of... count.

Like when you set the output recipe of your powered furnace to I dunno, TiCo copper instead of CoFH copper. It'll keep producing copper but not.. the right kind.

This might be similar, yet different in that it happens without you overwriting the output.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm playing tfb ultimate 1.12 I made a multi block farm with an electric board upgrade. Then I made my multi block farm bigger and now I can not see the circuit board or the original content of the farm. I looked under and around it. Am I just blind or is this a bug?

*edit* version number


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a big tank of biomass that I have stockpiling right now, and I'm wondering about the best way to turn it into as much energy as possible? I'd also like to store all of this energy all at once, so I was thinking of tying up a bunch of MFSUs or something to basically get a huge battery, but I'm unsure if this is the best way to go about things. So how could I get a huge battery, or should one MFSU be enough?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Saving space is a big deal though. Generally I think TE is by far the better option in early game, and IC2 is middle/end game.[DOUBLEPOST=1371143322][/DOUBLEPOST]
I have a big tank of biomass that I have stockpiling right now, and I'm wondering about the best way to turn it into as much energy as possible? I'd also like to store all of this energy all at once, so I was thinking of tying up a bunch of MFSUs or something to basically get a huge battery, but I'm unsure if this is the best way to go about things. So how could I get a huge battery, or should one MFSU be enough?
I think (but I'm not sure) that the most fuelefficient way would be to turn it into biofuel via a still, and then run it in a 36 meter high pressure boiler into steam, and then put that steam into either 18 industrial steam engines for MJ or whatever EU-producing steambased option there is (or maybe more efficient to get it to MJ and then use energy converter/engine generator to get it to EU).

One MFSU holds 10 million EU - that is a huge amount, if you're using it for processing etc. Unless you're aiming for mass fabricators etc one should be enough, if you go towards something that intensive you might want several.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What three biomes should I center a bee farm around? Or even just one, what would be the best biome to breed bees in general in?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What three biomes should I center a bee farm around? Or even just one, what would be the best biome to breed bees in general in?
River biome will pretty much cover anything useful other than Nether bees. As will mountain or plains, TBH.
You'll never actually need to breed the likes of snowy bees so don't worry about anything like that.