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Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
That reminds me, though, is there a 1.10 answer to the old BC machine that could fill up a pond or whatever? I forget the name.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would like to know which liquid pump is good in Beyond modpack because the ranged pump doesn't work in the Nether for lava (works well for water in overwold) I don't figure out to pump lava to my base
Someone can help me ?

The ranged pump has a huge range so once you have provided it with power, a redstone signal and some sort of forced extraction of the fluid from it then eventually it will get to coordinates with lava and start working for you. I am pretty sure if you right click it with an empty hand it will tell you its status or what it is lacking.

You can also use an immersive engineering pump, it will also exchange lava for cobblestone, it has a much smaller range, also needs a level or a hammer hit to invert its config. No idea which one is better on RF but neither seems to use that much.

and for the flood gate question, check out the new Fluid Outlet from Immersive Engineering it is supposed to do just that, but I have not tried it out yet.


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
and for the flood gate question, check out the new Fluid Outlet from Immersive Engineering it is supposed to do just that, but I have not tried it out yet.

Cool, ty! I've never done anything with TE yet. Does that use RF or is it its own system? This may have to wait if I can basically just build it and slot it in with the stuff I've got unfortunately.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Cool, ty! I've never done anything with TE yet. Does that use RF or is it its own system? This may have to wait if I can basically just build it and slot it in with the stuff I've got unfortunately.

It has its own system but it converts 1:1 with RF, so it might as well be RF. You will need a connector for each end point you want to connect to, you need relays for transmitting it out to your network if you use their wiring system. Or you can just use any other RF based cable instead. So in short yes you can just build it now and connect it up with your other RF devices, you will need an Engineer's hammer to configure inputs and outputs though. Its another mod that assumes you can see colors, blue or blue with orange is input, all orange is output. It has some really awesome looking models so many people enjoy the mod just for the aesthetics. It also has fun stuff like a chemical thrower and turrets :)

Check out this video series to see nearly everything it can do.
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Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
Excellent! Thank you for the reply!

I actually have an engineer hammer I found in a chest somewhere, so I'm good there, haha. If I'm going to do anything with this, I need to be able to throw it in with what I've got for now. I'm going to try to record that big build this weekend and I need to squeeze it all into a single play session. The flood gate thing would help with some polish at the end, but if it was going to be complicated, I just don't have time to squeeze it in just yet. I'll add that to my list of things to test tonight on creative.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2015
I used the ranged pump in the nether just fine (that was actually its primary job, replicating the enderthermic pump. They just also made it work with water). Can you explain how yours is set up?

I don't think there's another option right now.
the rftools builder does have a pump mode
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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
Is there anything similar to Openblock's Building Guide out there for 1.10.2? I used that block extensively when building in Infinity. I don't want anything that will build for me, just ghosting a shape for me to follow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Is there anything similar to Openblock's Building Guide out there for 1.10.2? I used that block extensively when building in Infinity. I don't want anything that will build for me, just ghosting a shape for me to follow.

RF Tools builder can be set to display a preview, you can even go and break a few if you want to manually adjust its look. Also if you change your mind you can just toss a chest on top of it with your building material and flick a lever and it will start putting them down for you too.


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
RF Tools builder can be set to display a preview, you can even go and break a few if you want to manually adjust its look. Also if you change your mind you can just toss a chest on top of it with your building material and flick a lever and it will start putting them down for you too.
I love RF Tools Builder. It has awesome capabilities. Gotta be careful with that preview though. I had an offset wrong and when I turned on preview it generated right on me and I suffocated. haha.


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016

Emergency alert! Lol. I can't find any possible way for RFTools to replace one block with another. It doesn't look possible. You seemed pretty sure this was doable. What sm I missing?

I have to assume this is done with the space chamber card. I got that part down, it seems, but swapping seem to be what I'm looking for.


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
That's the conclusion I came up with as well. Inaeo put this idea in my head months ago and I based this whole thing on it, lol. But, I'll just have to do it manually with the wand. I'm having a hard enough time placing these 600 dispensers, let alone wiring and timing them, lol. Converting this to ice is going to take a good long while.

Welp, back to it. This better work out right, lol.


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
Appreciate it. I've already switched plans. As I tend to do, I found inspiration from this part going wrong and am embracing the excuse to take my time with the wand method, do I'm totally good. And ironically, I will still feature the builder on a different aspect I wasn't expecting so it's doubly all good.


I am having a issue with DW20 1.10 draconic evolution potals. I tried everything to activat portal but it wont activate. Any Ideas? Also still wondering if ftb team is still updating DW20 1.10?