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FTB launcher - is a Minecrfat Launcher. Ans JUST a Minecraft launcher. Curse Launcher is a conglomarate of a multitude of Features a Minecraft-launcher does not need. also you cant install it where you want it to be installed. that was a big selling point of the original and curse destroyed it. I may repeat myself, but the curse/twitch launcher is not an option if you wnat to play minecraft whitout that WoW launcher that curse is and will always be. i dont need another steam like application. we already have origin, u play, nVidea experiance (yes they do have a 'game launcher'), AMD Raptr, to just name a few.

I dont need another add me friend thingy with chat and voice - i have discord for this. also teamspeak. the latter more stable and more usefull.

oh, and i HAVE to have an curse account linked to the launcher, otherwise i cant even use it. FTB just works.

so, to have a 'newer' client i have to downgrade in user friendlieness, have to downgrade to a programm that you can't install where you want it. (remember folks. the C-Drive is NOT the Drive to install ALL the things, go read it up) and i have to deal with a buttload of crap that adds features that are plain simply not part of the minecraft launcher, but of an Suit that is uncalled for.

tl;dr: The Upgrade to Curse is an downgrade overall.

I'm not a fan of using Curse as a launcher, personally, but the mod repository is unmatched in usefulness when building a custom pack. I agree that Curse is a lot of bloat that I don't want or need in most cases - the amount of precious system resources it requires to do these things I'm not interested in is a major turnoff. I've moved to MultiMC as my primary launcher, since it is light while still having dev support. My remark was simply a warning that any issues you run into using the now defunct Legacy Launcher will likely never be dealt with.
Separate question, anyone know where I can find an up to date wiki or something? I had been using but that seems almost abandoned. Mainly, I'm looking for what's actually in extra utilities at this point. EU has the ender quarry, but I didn't see that in NEI in the game. And apparently the recipe for the golden lasso has changed. Is there a resource on this?

@NerpyDerpston Is spot on - the gamepedia wiki, while previously was almost always inferior to the FTBwiki, now seems to be more up-to-date - I've found especially the Actually Additions pages are good; and even if pages aren't written yet for certain items, placeholders have been created for them, which means that you know these items EXIST. That said, FTBwiki is also starting to catch up too - you're right, there was definitely a lag period where a whole bunch of things changed and pages were left behind, but now that we're starting to reach a more stable state again people seem to be updating them with a vengeance!

TL;DR watch this space - even if its not up to date right now, I'm sure there are people working on it, so don't give up on the wikis!

As a side note, I've been wondering whether its possible to get involved with helping keep one of the wikis updated - it would be understandable if the team prefer to keep it to a small group of trusted users though.
but the mod repository is unmatched in usefulness when building a custom pack.
The Forge is not part of the Launcher, you know...
My remark was simply a warning that any issues you run into using the now defunct Legacy Launcher will likely never be dealt with.

It's still being updated. so i wouldn't call it defunct.

and i'm too, using MMC, because it was the first Launcher that actually does what it says: launch Minecraft in different instances without the bloatware that curse is.
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The Forge is not part of the Launcher, you know...

He knows. That's not what he means.

The one thing the curse launcher does extremely well is find the right version of every mod for you automatically. No adfly, no sifting through old versions trying to make heads or tales of the version numbers. You set up a profile for, say, 1.7.10 on forge version 1558, and as your browse through the mods, you will automatically install the right versions and their dependencies. The curse client does this better than anything and it's not close.

You can then easily copy and paste those mods into your MMC subfolders and continue to work without the bloatware.

If you're worried about the curse client inserting itself into your startup, go to your windows search bar (depending on the version of windows, but the one on your start bar) and type in shell:startup. It'll open the ancient startup folder it puts the icon in. Delete it, and any time you open the curse client, when windows pops up and asks you for permissions, say no. You can continue to use it as a mod searching tool without it reinserting itself into the startup folder.
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Playing FTB Beyond, using the Quantum Quarry from Extra Utilities 2 mod... what are the best Biome Markers to use for it? So far I made Extreme Hills marker, for obtaining Emerald Ores... and I also discovered a Mesa biome which contains more gold ore than other biomes as of vanilla Minecraft v1.10... are there any other "special" biomes other than these two that you can think of?

So far, after running the Quarry for about an hour using random biomes that it selects, I've only seen one of the Tech Reborn ores come in, Bauxite... so I'm wondering if the Tech Reborn oregen is biome-specific? I didn't think it was, but perhaps it is? Quite honestly, I haven't been using those ores or that mod at all, but it still would be good to know if its a biome/oregen issue or if it's some kind of bug with the quarry.

One other ore I just thought of... Saltpeter or Niter, would a Desert biome marker give me some of that?

I'm also noticing a low quantity issue with Yellorite and Uranium ores. Very very few coming in at all compared to other ores. Is this by design or something?
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I am very interested in this question as well.

Does that quarry actually generate the biomes somwhere? Even if you can't see them. I used to run my quarries over the deep ocean because they basically start at y=40ish, so I'd have less fluff to cut through. Would that still apply?

I miss the old buildcraft quarry. I like there being something physically there.
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I am very interested in this question as well.

Does that quarry actually generate the biomes somwhere? Even if you can't see them. I used to run my quarries over the deep ocean because they basically start at y=40ish, so I'd have less fluff to cut through. Would that still apply?

I miss the old buildcraft quarry. I like there being something physically there.

I totally agree. I don't like blocks that work in mysterious ways that we cannot see. Apparently the Quantum Quarry does indeed create a "phantom world" and quarries from it somehow. I'm using a Silk Touch book since I prefer to double my diamond ores, so the quarry does bring up stone (cobblestone without Silk Touch obv) in mass quantities. Also brings up dirt and gravel, but no sand even tho I saw it was in a "Stone Beach" biome. And it also brings up tons of the three other stone building blocks - Granite, Diorite and Andesite (along with a few Marble and Limestone as well). And it does dredge up obsidian occasionally, apparently from the lowest regions where lava meets water.

When I used the "Mesa Plateau F" biome marker, the quarry did indeed return much more gold... so that was very good - solves the gold problem completely. But it didn't generate any of the variously colored hardened clay blocks for me. No surprise really, since they aren't ores, but I did hope I would get some of those blocks for building purposes. Nope.

I guess the best proof that it is actually quarrying from a dimension and not just "inventing" it... it does generate a ton of leaf blocks from trees, oddly... I filter those out now tho, they were very annoying. And it brings up the oddball Botania colored flower every so often, along with a Poppy or Peony (vanilla minecraft plants). If the Quantum Quarry was just "faking it", these items wouldn't show up in my chest obv.

Strangely... I think once I began using my own Biome Markers inside the quarry... I don't think it's giving me any trees (wood log blocks) now. When I was letting the quarry decide which biome it would mine from, that's when I was getting wood blocks coming in.
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That seems almost contradictory, though. If you're getting leaves, shouldn't you be getting the colored clay in the mesas?

The way I quarry, I intentionally want it all, and I make sure to use it. If I'm getting a ton of leaves, then I'm going to use that as an excuse to build a hedge maze or something. If I'm collecting thousands of cobblestone because I'm going go compress it and use the various shades to pixel art my castle walls, etc etc. I also often use the craters it leaves behind as foundations for other builds.

I get that pulling the ores from a theoretical dimension is more or less the same thing and proably saves time and lag, but there's just something cheaty about it.
That seems almost contradictory, though. If you're getting leaves, shouldn't you be getting the colored clay in the mesas?

Indeed. I concur, there's a lot of inconsistent stuff going on with it... for instance, why do we get cobble, dirt and gravel, but not sand or sandstone? I suppose I need to make a Desert Biome marker and try that out (also for my Saltpeter/Niter question).

I've only used this Quantum Quarry for one day, and not even a full day at that... but there just doesn't seem to be very much information out there on the Quarry, the Biome Markers, or the mod in general, for that matter... so that's why I'm here asking my questions. As usual, the only way we're probably gonna learn is to experiment and be "the blind leading the blind". LOL

Maybe there's a chance that the quarries you've run so far just haven't gotten to the colored clay part yet or something then. I think the ender quarry that this replaced would mine straight down 1 block at a time, so it's possible you just haven't reached the actual beach or the mesa cliffs yet?

That, of course, would be something we'd be able to tell for sure, if we could see it :P We have that mining world mod we can use if we just dont' want to mess up the land. I'm just not a fan.

And I'm panicking now looking through the EU2 wiki. We lost the ender-thermic pump, too? I may cry!
And I'm panicking now looking through the EU2 wiki. We lost the ender-thermic pump, too? I may cry!

Yeah in my view Minecraft v1.10.2 is a step down from v1.7.10 - in fact, I think v1.7.10 will be viewed down the road as the high point of modded minecraft... it's not just the Extra Utils mod that took a nosedive, sadly. You and I definitely see things similar, I also miss the Buildcraft quarry and its big hole in the ground despite how ancient it was. Perhaps its because of my age, but one of my favorite mottos is, "an oldie, but a goodie". I prefer the old ways to the new ways. sigh :) But we're def in the minority, this "no lag is a good thing" concept has gone WAY overboard but there's no life preserver.
If you miss the giant hole in the ground, opt for the AA Vertical Digger or the RFTools Builder (with whatever Quarry card your prefer)

I believe it is possible to visit the dimension the Quantum Quarry mines from, but I've never done it. My guess would be to use RFTools to somehow travel there.
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Yeah in my view Minecraft v1.10.2 is a step down from v1.7.10 - in fact, I think v1.7.10 will be viewed down the road as the high point of modded minecraft... it's not just the Extra Utils mod that took a nosedive, sadly. You and I definitely see things similar, I also miss the Buildcraft quarry and its big hole in the ground despite how ancient it was. Perhaps its because of my age, but one of my favorite mottos is, "an oldie, but a goodie". I prefer the old ways to the new ways. sigh :) But we're def in the minority, this "no lag is a good thing" concept has gone WAY overboard but there's no life preserver.

I half see where you'd getting at here in that the 1.7.10 era is certainly special and had a lot of great mods. But the 1.10.2 (and higher) base is sooooooo much better. Chisels and bits alone, let alone drastic performance improvements. Though, the latter may only hit on certain play styles. For me the chunks loading in so much faster and the game looking and feeling smoother is actually really important. I'd just like to see more of those old-school methods get ported up. I'm not concerned about lag. I have a PC that can handle it.

I actually think the golden age is yet to come, though. We're just transitioning.

If you miss the giant hole in the ground, opt for the AA Vertical Digger or the RFTools Builder (with whatever Quarry card your prefer)

I believe it is possible to visit the dimension the Quantum Quarry mines from, but I've never done it. My guess would be to use RFTools to somehow travel there.

I did see that vertical digger and I'm most likely going to go that route just because I do need to build a foundation (I put my mob grinders under my main base and line the floors of my basements with dark glass so I can watch them in action). It's not the same, but it'll do in a pinch. There was something a bit more immersive about surveying a piece of land that I'm going to dig, setting up the markers where I want them and watching the whole thing happen, running maintenance, etc.
If you miss the giant hole in the ground, opt for the AA Vertical Digger or the RFTools Builder (with whatever Quarry card your prefer)

I believe it is possible to visit the dimension the Quantum Quarry mines from, but I've never done it. My guess would be to use RFTools to somehow travel there.
The quarry does have a dedicated dimension/world for mining. When I was tinkering with dimension teleportation (in my mod), I visited it and it was a flat world without light. I didn't explore it much, because I was just testing teleportation, but it is possible to create a mod which will teleport you to any dimension, so you can investigate what blocks it contains.
OK, so I'm looking at wikis instead of working again. In particular, I'm looking at the AA drill. Worth it? If I'm reading this right, it has 5 upgrade slots, and each of the lines of upgrades need the previous tiers in order to function, so no cheating in one single super drill, so It looks like if I wanted a general purpose mining tool, I'd probably want to go with speed 3, silk touch and the 3x3 upgrade? Or is there a better combo I should be shooting for.

Seems like it doesn't hold that much of a charge, though. The numbers don't make sense to me, either. Faster requires a ton more power per break, but the upgrade that makes it break more blocks only adds 10%? or is that 10% per block it breaks? I Have to assume it's the latter. So that's 400 per block from the speed upgrades, times 110% per block, times 9 blocks per break, that's 3960 per break. With a capacity of 250,000, that'll let me dig 63 blocks deep before having to recharge? Is that right?

Edit: I guess the more I think about it, it's not THAT bad. I mean,it's not like you can't just recharge it.
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OK, so I'm looking at wikis instead of working again. In particular, I'm looking at the AA drill. Worth it? If I'm reading this right, it has 5 upgrade slots, and each of the lines of upgrades need the previous tiers in order to function, so no cheating in one single super drill, so It looks like if I wanted a general purpose mining tool, I'd probably want to go with speed 3, silk touch and the 3x3 upgrade? Or is there a better combo I should be shooting for.

Seems like it doesn't hold that much of a charge, though. The numbers don't make sense to me, either. Faster requires a ton more power per break, but the upgrade that makes it break more blocks only adds 10%? or is that 10% per block it breaks? I Have to assume it's the latter. So that's 400 per block from the speed upgrades, times 110% per block, times 9 blocks per break, that's 3960 per break. With a capacity of 250,000, that'll let me dig 63 blocks deep before having to recharge? Is that right?

Edit: I guess the more I think about it, it's not THAT bad. I mean,it's not like you can't just recharge it.
the drill can be auto charged from an rf battery , AA has its own batterys one of the higher tier ones is 8m rf stored (think te flux capacitors but work from anywhere in your inventory not just hot bar)
The quarry does have a dedicated dimension/world for mining. When I was tinkering with dimension teleportation (in my mod), I visited it and it was a flat world without light. I didn't explore it much, because I was just testing teleportation, but it is possible to create a mod which will teleport you to any dimension, so you can investigate what blocks it contain
exu2 never intends for you to ever visit that world directly , that said if u asked rftools by command to tele you there it would comply
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OK, so I'm looking at wikis instead of working again. In particular, I'm looking at the AA drill. Worth it? If I'm reading this right, it has 5 upgrade slots, and each of the lines of upgrades need the previous tiers in order to function, so no cheating in one single super drill, so It looks like if I wanted a general purpose mining tool, I'd probably want to go with speed 3, silk touch and the 3x3 upgrade? Or is there a better combo I should be shooting for.

Seems like it doesn't hold that much of a charge, though. The numbers don't make sense to me, either. Faster requires a ton more power per break, but the upgrade that makes it break more blocks only adds 10%? or is that 10% per block it breaks? I Have to assume it's the latter. So that's 400 per block from the speed upgrades, times 110% per block, times 9 blocks per break, that's 3960 per break. With a capacity of 250,000, that'll let me dig 63 blocks deep before having to recharge? Is that right?

Edit: I guess the more I think about it, it's not THAT bad. I mean,it's not like you can't just recharge it.

The drill is worth it. It is one tool that cuts through rock, ores, dirt, gravel without the need to switch tools. And you can customize it by swapping out the upgrades. Want silk touch add. Then swap it for luck III when you need it.
I'm sure I read something the other day that I really need but I can't find it.

Is there a block that holds infinite amounts of single-item-stack items (bows, swords, etc.)?
This is in FTB Beyond 1.5.2.

OR, was I just dreaming things? If so, what's the best way to deal with said items? Don't suggest "void"; I'm a hoarder!
I can't craft the coke oven in FTB beyond.

When I search for coke oven...the item doesn't show in the NEI.

Anyone else have this?