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Is it possible to convert a heavily modified world from 1.7.10 to a 1.10.2 game? Assuming that the worldgen mods that combined to create this world in the first place are also available in 1.10.2 flavors.

Edit: More interested in keeping the world that was created than I am in keeping my "progress"
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well, as far as generation goes - if the mods are still present then an 'upgrade' should not be any problem.
Interesting. Looks like I got more of a chance than Lloyd Christmas, now I just need to find out if it's worth it.

I've got a few weeks to make some hard decisions. I was given a great opportunity to run my server for free and I want this world to last a long time. I just need to cover every angle if I'm gonna commit.

It would almost certainly make the most sense to keep it as it is the more I think about it, but damn if I can't keep 1.10.2 out of my mind. I think it's grass is greener disease, though.
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I am trying to set up an elaborate inventory management system centered around Storage Drawers. Using BC pipes for at least some of it because it's jsut easier for me to use right now. Previously, I had been using diamond sorting pipes, and it was pretty simple. One input, then 4 colored outputs pulling out what needs to be pulled out, then the rest goes through the open output to be bypassed through to the next step.

So, when someone here recommended Storage Drawers, it looks like an absolute godsend. But, once I've set up the pipe to send items into the controller, what happens to the items that wont fit into the drawers? Like the overflow? Is there a way to output the rest from the controller block, or do I need to essentially pre-sort the items before they get sent there?

I suppose if overflow just drops, I could set up a vacuum hoppper or something to pick it up, but that seems clumsy.
...And since I'm on a roll here...

I went onto one of those sites with skins and set one up through my mojang account. It said everything was all set and all that. Why am I not Batman?

custom modpack, 1.7.10 if that has anything to do with it.
I'm playing on a ftb infinity evolved (latest version) where we are allowed to pick 2 items to start with. I was wondering which are the best? We are not allowed to pick from Draconic Evolution and something that you can only get from creative, like creative energy cell. Anything else we are allowed too pick from and I was wondering what should I pick? 2 items.
Thanks for reply!
I'm playing on a ftb infinity evolved (latest version) where we are allowed to pick 2 items to start with. I was wondering which are the best? We are not allowed to pick from Draconic Evolution and something that you can only get from creative, like creative energy cell. Anything else we are allowed too pick from and I was wondering what should I pick? 2 items.
Thanks for reply!
there is one very very powerful rf producer in solar expansion just give it sunlight (it asks for nothing more)
Ultimate Solar Panel:
  • Generation:32,768RF/t
  • Transfer:65,536RF/t
  • Capacity:32,768,000RF
or if u wanna play ic2(just in case)
theres this one
Quantum Solar Panel
Generate: 4096 EU during day, 2048 EU durring night and rainy days.(yes these are per tick numbers)
Internal storage: 10 000 000 EU
Output: 8192 EU
Charge slots: 4

maybe u want a very nice tool ?
Awakened Ichorium Pickaxe -
  • thaumic tinker kam's ultimate pickaxe (also enchantable)
  • strike bedrock with the pick to open a portal to the bedrock dimension , a dimension with very large ore nodes and walls that only this pickax can break through.
  • Indestructible- aka infinite durability with no catch
  • 3 modes on the pick(shift right-click to change)
  • On Block Mode (Green) it'll break blocks normally.
    On Square Mode (Red) it'll break a 5x5 area around the original block broken. The area is offset, to allow for easy mining.
    On Line Mode (Blue) It'll break a 10 block long line starting on the original block​
yes these are all very strong blocks/items

if u are allowed to make rftools dimensions there is 2 dimlets from rftools that can help with draconic Evo. . mob dragon dimlet (ender dragons will spawn and fly around near the dimensions spawn pt only 4 will be alive at any given time in this dimension ), material draconium ore dimlet (a feature of world gen like tendrils or orbs or even the stone its self will be made entirely of draconium ore. Warning both dimlets are very powerful and have a quite high rf/t tick upkeep cost they are also from the rarest dimlet tier.(a mob wither boss dimlet does exist but compared to the other 2 this one is weaker becuase of the reletive ease of lots of nether stars comparatively , still could choose it but it does have a similar upkeep cost to the dragon dimlet ).Remember dimelts do nothing alone and must be put inside a blank dimension tablet (the item from which all rftools dimensions start from.).

Be warned all of those suggestions are for very powerful objects/tools/blocks can very much so warp/tarnish your play-through
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Thanks this is exactly what I'm looking for! I'm really bad at the mod and need a big start
there is one very very powerful rf producer in solar expansion just give it sunlight (it asks for nothing more)
Ultimate Solar Panel:
  • Generation:32,768RF/t
  • Transfer:65,536RF/t
  • Capacity:32,768,000RF
or if u wanna play ic2(just in case)
theres this one
Quantum Solar Panel
Generate: 4096 EU during day, 2048 EU durring night and rainy days.(yes these are per tick numbers)
Internal storage: 10 000 000 EU
Output: 8192 EU
Charge slots: 4

maybe u want a very nice tool ?
Awakened Ichorium Pickaxe -
  • thaumic tinker kam's ultimate pickaxe (also enchantable)
  • strike bedrock with the pick to open a portal to the bedrock dimension , a dimension with very large ore nodes and walls that only this pickax can break through.
  • Indestructible- aka infinite durability with no catch
  • 3 modes on the pick(shift right-click to change)
  • On Block Mode (Green) it'll break blocks normally.
    On Square Mode (Red) it'll break a 5x5 area around the original block broken. The area is offset, to allow for easy mining.
    On Line Mode (Blue) It'll break a 10 block long line starting on the original block​
yes these are all very strong blocks/items

if u are allowed to make rftools dimensions there is 2 dimlets from rftools that can help with draconic Evo. . mob dragon dimlet (ender dragons will spawn and fly around near the dimensions spawn pt only 4 will be alive at any given time in this dimension ), material draconium ore dimlet (a feature of world gen like tendrils or orbs or even the stone its self will be made entirely of draconium ore. Warning both dimlets are very powerful and have a quite high rf/t tick upkeep cost they are also from the rarest dimlet tier.(a mob wither boss dimlet does exist but compared to the other 2 this one is weaker becuase of the reletive ease of lots of nether stars comparatively , still could choose it but it does have a similar upkeep cost to the dragon dimlet ).Remember dimelts do nothing alone and must be put inside a blank dimension tablet (the item from which all rftools dimensions start from.).

Be warned all of those suggestions are for very powerful objects/tools/blocks can very much so warp/tarnish your play-through


Oh well nevermind, the server owner just told me Awakened Ichorium pickaxe is also not allowed
I'd probibly go for a bucket and something decent (but not overwhelming) to mine with, if I HAD to pick 2 items. I'd feel anything else could breakthe spirit of the pack (heck even those two kinda break expert mode if you starting with them)
I'd probibly go for a bucket and something decent (but not overwhelming) to mine with, if I HAD to pick 2 items. I'd feel anything else could break the spirit of the pack (heck even those two kinda break expert mode if you starting with them)
that sounds very under-whelming(and an opportunity waste) and i don't think they are playing expert mode. The op wants a good head start your suggestion ignores that request.
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I'd probibly go for a bucket and something decent (but not overwhelming) to mine with, if I HAD to pick 2 items. I'd feel anything else could breakthe spirit of the pack (heck even those two kinda break expert mode if you starting with them)
for my play style, my first impression is sort of the same, but...

that sounds very under-whelming(and an opportunity waste) and i don't think they are playing expert mode. The op wants a good head start your suggestion ignores that request.
This is addressing the actual scenario.
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I'm so used to expert mode being called evolved while normal mode simply lacking that suffix... true that wouldn't be what i suggest for normal mode, Perhaps replace the awakened pick with an advanced diamond drill, while using the eu solar suggested above.

(EDIT: and it didnt' help that i somehow missed his post just above my own XD)
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If you meant to ask if there was a ranged item that can ONE SHOT the guardian, no there isn't. The guardian was designed to not be easy to kill by the mod designer. You can OP on armor and survive a lot longer, but you can't kill it in one shot.

Wasn't Reika's gravel gun supposed to be able to one-shot it when maxxed?
Wasn't Reika's gravel gun supposed to be able to one-shot it when maxxed?

Based on raw damage, it should be able to - but if the guardian has some sort of damage cap (which other posts have suggested), then basically any attack has been nerfed to prevent one-shot kills.
Forge Lexicon: Can this be set up to run automatically? It looks like there are two different versions here. One from OmniTools, which looks totally like it can be set up to filter items as they pass through it, but doesn't seem to be available beyond 1.5.4 and I need 1.7.10. Then there's the thermal foundation Forge Lexicon that looks like is just a book you hold in your inventory to convert. Can this be set up with pipes to convert blocks as they come in from a quarry automatically? If not, is there an option out there? I can add whatever mod is necessary.