And how do you not have any loopbacks in that diagram? I see one right there! 
But yes, that's precisely what the video he watched advocates to do, only that they stack several layers of sorters on top of each other. That's why the tubes branching off and leading to the chests are such a jumbled mess. It's really not a system you should build if you're just starting off on tube logic. It's like the most unpredictable and easy to screw up build possible, only to save a few blocks of space.
Also Ember, don't advocate inline transposers in sorting systems. You know what they do? They delete color tags, that's what they do (because the color tagged item enters an inventory, namely the transposer, and is then sent on its way anew without a color).
@ LoocPac: You have a build error or three somewhere in there. Something is blocking valid paths that should be there, and thus the items are desperately bouncing around taking whatever other option they can come up with. Unfortunately this is completely impossible to diagnose from text and screenshots alone, due to the complexity of the build. I'd scrap the whole system and start over from scratch, this time ignoring compactness in favor of being easy to understand. Make your own build instead of copying someone else's, in order to improve your understanding of tube routing logic. And start with only 2-3 sorters instead of 16. When those 3 work, add a fourth and make sure all four still work. Then add a fifth, and so on.
But yes, that's precisely what the video he watched advocates to do, only that they stack several layers of sorters on top of each other. That's why the tubes branching off and leading to the chests are such a jumbled mess. It's really not a system you should build if you're just starting off on tube logic. It's like the most unpredictable and easy to screw up build possible, only to save a few blocks of space.
Also Ember, don't advocate inline transposers in sorting systems. You know what they do? They delete color tags, that's what they do (because the color tagged item enters an inventory, namely the transposer, and is then sent on its way anew without a color).
@ LoocPac: You have a build error or three somewhere in there. Something is blocking valid paths that should be there, and thus the items are desperately bouncing around taking whatever other option they can come up with. Unfortunately this is completely impossible to diagnose from text and screenshots alone, due to the complexity of the build. I'd scrap the whole system and start over from scratch, this time ignoring compactness in favor of being easy to understand. Make your own build instead of copying someone else's, in order to improve your understanding of tube routing logic. And start with only 2-3 sorters instead of 16. When those 3 work, add a fourth and make sure all four still work. Then add a fifth, and so on.