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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
sorter 1.pngsorter 2.png is there a one way tube that i can use for my sorting machine? I have everything set up the way i saw it in the video i watched, most items are going through the right dirrection, but every once and a while items start turning down the wrong way in the tube then end up looping around. this is my set up, i hope im just missing something simple, or if there is someone that would like to get on and take a look maybe can figure it out easier that way.


  • sorter 3.png
    sorter 3.png
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  • sorter 4.png
    sorter 4.png
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
View attachment 4221View attachment 4222 is there a one way tube that i can use for my sorting machine? I have everything set up the way i saw it in the video i watched, most items are going through the right dirrection, but every once and a while items start turning down the wrong way in the tube then end up looping around. this is my set up, i hope im just missing something simple, or if there is someone that would like to get on and take a look maybe can figure it out easier that way.
Transposers can do that!

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
Little overkill on the restriction tubes, LoocPac. Seriously, one tube acts sets the effective distance of everything beyond it to ~5000 tubes. Why would you ever need more than one in a row? Also, why are you looping things around through the same sorter?

Sorry about all of the questions, but I honestly can't make heads or tails of what you're trying to do with so many sorting machines and restriction tubes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
there is a transposer in the system, each sorting machine marks the items white that it does not know, it comes out of the sorting machine into a normal tube, there is a white tube following that goes into the next sorting machine, but the items are not going into the white tube, instead they are turning and going into the restriction tube system and then looping, there not going into the white pipe rather turning.[DOUBLEPOST=1368319224][/DOUBLEPOST]Im trying to figure this out still, im confused, and all i have to really use for research is videos[DOUBLEPOST=1368319301][/DOUBLEPOST]in the video they said to use restriction tubing for what reason i dont remember


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wow, that system is a mess. I'm not sure what it's supposed to do, but bet it could be set up much simpler.

What ApSciMorgs meant though is that transposers act as one-way tubes. If you want a tube to be only traversible in one direction, replace one section of tube with a transposer. Small output hole towards the direction you want items to travel in, large input towards the direction where you want them to come from. This makes the opposite direction an invalid path because no inventory can be reached through the inline transposer, and thus no item will go the wrong way.

Just make sure you're not giving the transposer a redstone signal. That will shut it, allowing no item to pass in any direction.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
but how do i get the items that have been colored for a chest to turn off before going into another sorting machine, i have 2 many items for a single sorting machine to handle, right now i have 6 machines and still 2 many items,

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
but how do i get the items that have been colored for a chest to turn off before going into another sorting machine, i have 2 many items for a single sorting machine to handle, right now i have 6 machines and still 2 many items,
You can set a sorting machine to tag everything it can't sort a certain color. Then have the pipe leading into the next sorting machine be painted that color. I just don't understand why you have the sorting machines looping back into themselves. That serves absolutely no purpose as far as I can tell.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
they were not soposto loop backwards, its machine uncolored tube white tube machine, the uncolored has a restrictor tube hooked into the main line that goes to the boxes, but items tagged white, are turning instead of going straight foreard into the white pipe.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I looked at the video, and what they do in there is basically set 16 sorting machines in a row, each sorting machine handling only one color plus white as the default route for unrecognized items to be forwarded to the next in the series. Anything not colored white will be diverted off to the side via restriction tubes, and all the restriction tubes merge into a single tube that goes towards the destination chests. It does work, even though you theoretically have a loopback (and honestly you shouldn't, it can be done without, though it might be minimally less compact).

The only reason why a white colored item in this setup should enter the restriction tube is because the next sorter isn't accepting items for some reason. These reasons include: not enough blutricity power, being backstuffed with items that have nowhere to go, being rotated the wrong way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok, that makes since, ill need to check to make sure it has power enough, but it has gotten backed up, that might be why, but im just trying to make everything more compact and less tubing so there is a little less everything.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Easy way to clear backstuffed tube machines: attach a chest to the tube they want to output into but can't. The chest will be a new valid path for anything and everything, and thus all the things that had no valid path before will end up in there right away.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i cleared it out with a chest, then went removed the chest and put just one stack of items in the sorting box, and right after the first sorting machine they turn off to the sorted chest instead of going one tube forward to a white spot, i removed all of the restriction tubing also,


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Provide screenshots of the GUIs of the first and the second sorting machine. Also specify which item you are using to test with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
machine 1.png machine 1.pngand the red alloy wire, ive put other items in also, gravel and sand and cobble stone, but they keep turning off away from the white tube. instead of into the white tube and next machine, a few items are making it through but its still eventually looping back before there machine


  • machine 2.png
    machine 2.png
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I see that for example red alloy wire is being painted white by the first sorter and green by the second sorter. Now what happens if you insert red alloy wire to be sorted?

1.) It gets painted white by the first but it never reaches the second sorter because it turns off into the restriction tube towards the storage chests.
2.) It is being painted green by the second sorter, but comes looping back to before the second sorter and goes to jam the first sorter.
3.) It gets painted green by the second sorter and correctly finds its path to the storage chests.

These three cases are the only possible outcomes in this setup, and they are mutually exclusive. If something other than what I described happens, please describe that in as great detail as possible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
it gets painted white and turns off into the restriction tube, never reaching the second one, or it will make it out of the second one go to the line tward the green chest, then randomly turn off and go into a white tube and into a sorting machine further along getting repainted white and looping on the last 2 boxes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Erm, no.

A white tube will never be traversed by an item painted any color other than white. It will let through unpainted items, it will let through white items, but it will never ever let through other colors. It's hardcoded forbidden, and in my entire time playing with Redpower, I have never seen it happen even once, nor has anyone I play together with. I'll need video proof before I believe that.

The only thing I can imagine happening, although I consider it almost as unlikely, is that you used too many restriction tubes in the wrong places and the item decides that its path of choice is to insert itself into the back exit of a sorter further up in the line. The sorter thus backstuffed will not know what to do with the item, thus paint it white and boot it back out the way it came. Still, that should only happen if the item cannot find any other valid path, including the one to the sorting chests.

Ember Quill

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2012
Well, I can probably explain why they're looping back. What I don't understand is why you have a tube looping back in the first place. Is there anything at all you want to be traveling in that direction?

Anyway, as for why stuff is looping back, well, it's because you have tubes looping back. The way RedPower works is that everything heads to the closest available inventory that can accept it. If an item is tagged with a color, then any other tube colors are basically cut off. If you have a tube looping back to the first sorter and your storage is as far away as it appears to be, then the closest inventory IS your first sorter, and stuff will loop back.

Oh wait, I think I literally JUST figured out what's wrong.

Is your last sorter in the line also set to tag items it can't sort as white? And I'm assuming the outputs of your sorters are all connected to each other so they all go in the same direction towards your chests. I think I've got it. You need a few restriction tubes, but ONLY a few. Have each sorter output into a normal tube. That normal tube should connect to a white tube that links to the next sorter, and a restriction tube that links to the chests. The restriction tube prevents white-tagged items from the last sorter from moving backwards into a previous sorter.

Basically, do this (sorry for my lame diagram)
W   |
S   |
W   |
S   |
S = Sorter
| or - = tube
W = white tube
X = restriction tube

This can be extended for however many sorters you have. Just make sure you have a restriction tube between each sorter and the pipe that connects all of the sorter outputs (the last sorter doesn't need one after it though). Also have a chest that's a valid destination for white-tagged items from the final sorter, or it'll go back through the restriction tubes anyway.

You could also replace any of the restriction tubes in my diagram with a transposer (make sure the side with the plus on it faces the sorter side of the network), which achieves more or less the same effect by serving as a one-way tube.

EDIT: I fail at making things in Code tags line up. Fixed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
that is exactly how i have it set up, but for some reason there not going into the white tube, there just turning off ang going into the one restriction tube that is going off of the not painted tube, its looping by going the wrong way then going to the white tube infront of the sorter it just came off of lol