I didn't think PHC had bait, what pack are you playing?In Pam's HarvestCraft, what do the various baits do?
The Lexica BotaniaCan't find any info on the augments for Botania Sparks. Where can I find this?
MFR is quite high end, a huge difference between it and chicken chunksFor chunkloading in Infinity you will need to either use railcraft or MFR. Eventually they are supposed to add chunk loading to FTB Utils. The last option to go ahead and put chicken chunks back into the pack.
They're elven knowledge, as they need alfheim materials to make. But the augments are as follows:Can't find any info on the augments for Botania Sparks. Where can I find this?
Dimensional Anchor by Immibis (ImmibisCore required). It's even cheaper than the one Chicken Chunk. It's iron block and 4 pieces of gold around it.MFR is quite high end, a big difference between it and chicken chunks. Since there is no other way, I will use that for now.
I believe the map you can access via the inventory GUI allows chunkloading @LatvianModder may be able to clarify this for me?MFR is quite high end, a huge difference between it and chicken chunks. Since there is no other way, I will use that for now.
The larger it gets, the more it needsTrying to feed a Hungry Node and I've already created 69,089 Crafting Tables in a Deep Storage Chest. How many do I need to get all the Primal Aspects to 500 oe enen 1000?
The larger it gets, the more it needs
Trying to feed a Hungry Node and I've already created 69,089 Crafting Tables in a Deep Storage Chest. How many do I need to get all the Primal Aspects to 500 oe enen 1000?
The larger it gets, the more it needs
This worked perfectly, thank you!have u tried renaming the drive in a toolforge? (from tinkers construct )
Axe - read waila!Trying to pick up beehouse and apiary. Using Crescent hammer or foresty wrench, trying left click, right click, shift click. They won't pick up and are destroyed if I use a pick. What is the correct way to pick up these blocks?
Please help before my stupidity becomes terminal.