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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok one more question in what depth do species serums provide? do you have to add speed and such or is it just default.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Serums provide just the trait that it says on the label. Specie serums JUST change the specie. Not there effect, not there speed, not there tollerance.. Altough it does change there default humidity and temprature requirement.. But there tolerance stays the same.

EDIT: but it does change what they produce, that is linked to the specie after all


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
I've got a small golem managed farm up and running, but am trying to work out what to do with all the resources.

Seeds and Hannequin Seeds are being converted to Seed Oil
Hannequin Leaves are being burned for minor EU
Wheat and Reed are being fermented into BioGas
Pumpkins and Melons are being turned into seeds and turned to Seed Oil.
String is being turned into Canvas

I'm getting a lot of flax seeds, and there doesn't appear to be anything that useful to do with a large number of Carrots, Potatoes, Netherwart & Chicken Eggs. Apart from TC3 research and IC2 recyclers is there anything else I can do with this organic produce? Using the DW20 pack.

Luckily the golems don't harvest the XY sweetcorn.


I'm also starting out with Bee Breeding, and have discovered that my bees don't like the biome I'm in. (It's a Savanna from Biomes of Plenty) which is 200% heat and 10% humidity. All the other close by biomes are also not good for starting out with world gen bees. Since it's earlyish game, I need to keep my bees local. Looking online it looks like I can make use of the Extra Bees acclimitiser to make these bees happy with the Savanna conditions, but will the acclimitiser be enough (feeding it sand and lava) to get the bees buzzing? Once I have enough honey and drones and power generation, I can start playing with DNA, I just need to get started :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Related to the above post, what's the current status of Biomes O' Plenty & Highlands where Forestry bee breeding is concerned? Is the temperature in non-vanilla biomes still problematic, or will I have to find a vanilla biome for bees?

I suppose I can always create a Mystcraft age dedicated to bees, but I just like having everything in the overworld.

Bomb Bloke

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The acclimatiser should do, but you'll be pouring in a lot of resources. If you use them on queens, then the drones they produce probably won't carry on the tolerances, so really you want to do a drone and princess.

Of course, as soon as you mutate them to a new species, expect to lose those tolerances. And then it's back to pouring metric tons of resources into the acclimatiser again. The later advanced machines (which require imperial bees to consider) let you get around this by acclimatising one pair of bees, producing lots of drones with them then creating max humidity and temperature tolerance serums, but even the process of inoculating bees and recharging the serums is a bit long winded for my tastes.

So yeah, you're better off creating a bee outpost somewhere. Preferably where a few biomes join. Get yourself a stack of torches and a little food maybe, and go for a wander - you're looking for thaumcraft dungeons and shrines, which are a lot easier to find then conventional dungeons and have a semi-decent chance of offering portal spawners and the occasional portal gun. These can be used for very quick transport and the rest of the loot you pull in won't hurt either. Bring a scoop or several and maybe a bee-bag.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Hmm, that's a bit of a pain, just built a nice large greenhouse type thing for all my bee breeding. I think a mystrcraft age may be better, I've explored within a couple KM of my base in most locations, my overworld seems to be a series of large islands and large expanses of water.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An ocean biome is actually fairly good for bees - we had an infinite ocean mystcraft age that we build a platform on and used to breed all our bees.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Taking a leaflet out of Jaded's book eh?

I had no idea Jaded did that - tbh, I wasn't even online when the place was built, I went to sleep one night and when I logged on the next day the guys I'd teamed up with had built a bee age. It is pretty handy if all you've got is ocean though :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does the matter fabricator accept 8192 eu/t per side or as a total ? And if it does accept per side, would it use 8192x5 if I connected 5 sides with eu?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does the matter fabricator accept 8192 eu/t per side or as a total ? And if it does accept per side, would it use 8192x5 if I connected 5 sides with eu?
It still accepts as much as you give it, but only uses 8192 eu/t from its internal storage, so if you attach say 5 plasma generators the internal storage will fill up even while it is working.

And for anyone who doesn't know, this limit isn't even implemented in Ultimate 1.0.1


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My lava tank and system are completely, 100% full. If I continue to let the pump run, will it still consume lava source blocks?

Currently, using my Industrialcraft tools consumes energy from my Modular Powersuit. The consumption is very fast. Is this working as intended? And is there a way I can change it so that the tools do not draw from the Powersuit, or will at least draw energy from a lappack first?

Has Voxelmaps been updated such that the sticky key glitch has been fixed? I'm wary to update and re-enable it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Currently, using my Industrialcraft tools consumes energy from my Modular Powersuit. The consumption is very fast. Is this working as intended? And is there a way I can change it so that the tools do not draw from the Powersuit, or will at least draw energy from a lappack first?

MPS has a ridiculously good EU->J conversion by default in the current pack, so the reverse conversion is very bad. You can change the conversion rate in the config so your Powersuit will hold an amount of EU closer to that of a lappack, but that may make other MPS functions reasonably expensive.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you use Buildcraft pump, no, it will not continue to consume sourceblocks.

As for the other pumps, i do not know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have updated to 1.5.1 and I've got most of my mods working again, but there's something I recently have been noticing in/with Thaumic Bees. I have a tendency to raid barrows and I keep finding "Oblivion Frames". I haven't touched them but I'm curious what they do. Obviously I should start a test world and find out for myself, but I am very bad at figuring out what things do if it isn't very obvious. The fact that I find them in Barrows makes me leery of them, what with all that bad mojo.