turtle.suck() grabs an item from an inventory or from the ground in front of it. You can specify the max amount and you can use turtle.suckUp() or turtle.suckDown() to suck from an inventory above the turtle or below it.oh so turtle.suck() puts the item in the selected slot? Good to know
I was trying to put the item in with hoppers and pipes
I'm guessing configs.Is there a way to stop BOP apple and persimmon trees spawning in Infinity 1.10.1 with BOP enabled?
I'm guessing configs.
Disable the biomes they spawn in? If they spawn in "vanilla" biomes, too, you also need to disable BoP overriding vanilla biomes.I guessed that too, but cannot find anything referencing it to edit that would achieve that.
Okay hi everyone, I have a little question here
I'm having fun with turtles, but I want to give a turtle an item that will go in a specific slot
how can I do it?
It's only limited by the pipe/conduit that you're attaching to it.I couldn't find this anywhere: how fast are Tesseracts? Can they transfer anything at whatever speed it receives it? What about transferring power?
I was hoping for that. AlthoughI did have a problem I had two tesseracts next to each other one received and sent energy to the quarry while the other was set to receive energy only from my Big Reactors Turbine. I was working in my AE terminal and suddenly the power ran out, so I checked around to see what happened but the capacitor was fine and full and everything seemed OK apart from my ME system not getting enough power. I thought it might be the quarry because I exchange the hardened flux-ducts with the super-duper enderIO conduits so I turned off the tesseract that sent it the power and everything went back to normal. Then I decided to try skipping the tesseract that I disabled so I picked it up and changed the channel on the one next to my quarry to the same one I use with all my power needs, and now everything still works perfectly and my quarry is running great as well, so I have no idea what actually happened.As far as I know, if it hasn't changed, they have no limit*. (Which make sense if we consider that they bind together two point in spacetime)
*they might have the technical 2^31-1 limit.
Yeah.I'm guessing they can also transfer fluids at an indefinite rate?
I have a thought: if we hooked up one of those transport tubes Tema is making to a tesseract, do we go to the alternate dimension?Tesseracts use an alternate dimension for all their power/item/fluid transporting, so they're not limited by the rules of our universe's reality. I don't know how KingLemming, RWTema and crew do it, but... true genius.![]()
I have a thought: if we hooked up one of those transport tubes Tema is making to a tesseract, do we go to the alternate dimension?
Even in worm-hole U must create tunnel. Or U destroy Ur self if touch the "wall" of wormholeSo.... You are telling me it's not a simple wormhole-like spacetime wrapping thingy
Ah, I don't have to worry then. I've already done most of Botania, so I have a full set of Elementium armor as well as a Terra Blade.If you aren't just rushing the research and actually getting decent armor before getting too much of the warping stuff you should be fine. By decent I don't mean wooden armor either, I mean at least Iron-level armor. Thaumium Fortress is one of the most defensive armors there is, and you don't need too much warp to get that (but you do need to scan a certain kind of zombie).
Ah, I don't have to worry then. I've already done most of Botania, so I have a full set of Elementium armor as well as a Terra Blade.