Have you tried the auto-eject upgrade?Using 1.7.10 - how do i get IC2 universal cells to eject from the ore washer? or do i need to use something like AE2 to pull it out?
I normally wouldn't bump my own question if I thought it was relatively non-consequential as it is in this case, but this one is driving me nuts! Does anyone know?What is botania's "Clayconia" referencing? I feel like I should know this, but I can't put my finger on it.
I normally would bump my own question if I thought it was relatively non-consequential as it is in this case, but this one is driving me nuts! Does anyone know?
Chunkloading?I thought there wasn't a maximum size area for an Ender Quarry? I laid out a 20x20 chunk square area using four Ender Markers but the Quarry says "Unable to detect fence boundary". I've flown all four sides and removed any trees that are in the way so the markers can see each other. So why isn't the quarry working? Anyone have any ideas?
If you stand by the Quarry then your player loading range is only 11 chunks. It might not be able to find the markers since they and their chunks are simply not loaded.
The version of EP3 in Monster is rather well known as being particularly buggy. The mod was somewhat rewritten after after that version with new itemIDs, so updating it is not really straight forward either.
From what I remember the Monster version specifically had a bad bug where the portals would bug out if you dialled through the portals own GUI or something. I personally got around it by controlling the portals by redstone signals(and restarting the world every time I had configured a portal(s) through their GUI. But in the end eventually all my portals would crap out and just stop working no matter what.
I really have no idea. It even looks like the 1.6.4 versions of the mod have been taken down from the mods minecraftforum page:So i take there is no way to solve this issue? Shall I break down the portals and rebuild them? I seem to recall that didn't work, but I could be wrong...
I really have no idea. It even looks like the 1.6.4 versions of the mod have been taken down from the mods minecraftforum page:
Probably due to all the bugs in an attempt to stop reports about it.
It is working now at 20x20. But I hear ya, I was wondering about this too. Somehow the markers can see each other outside of the loaded chunks. Gotta love these mod designers, dunno how they do it but they're the best!
This quarry should take all day to work even at max speed, and I'll probably still be processing ores tomorrow at this time. LOL Minecraft life is good!![]()
I think I'll make these forums my second home...
On FTB Infinity (1.5.1 I cannot make the F7 crosses to toggle. I have mobiouscore and optifine light enabled. could these be causing an issue? I have checked for key conflicts and the old fix from 1.5.2 (graphics set on fast rather than fancy) does not work.
At some point before installing optifine I had the issue but solved it, not sure how. Now I can't replicate the "solution".
Optifine is most likely the problem here. It causes a lot of issues with Forge. There should be a Forge compatible version that will hopefully fix the issue.
can I copy the Mystcraft profiling file from one world to another?
Because I like to play in a Flat map but don't want extreme instability in Mystcraft ages that have default gen