When you load up the game with custom ore gen installed, it automatically creates an XML, which contains information on (IIRC) every mod's ore. So you can just use that to create the XML you need.PLZ GUYS I AM FLAMING I NEED HELP... Sorry for shouting, but i can't handle it...I have this problem for Modpack - FTB Monster 1.6.4 I vvant to add to Custom ore Generation i dovvloaded this mod, and i vvant to edit CustomOreGeneration Configure to add Mimichite (Mimicry mod Ore) because i vvant to add mimichite to CustomOreGeneration and make it non-rare, to get a lot of mimichite, but i can't make XML because i don't understand hovv..Also i vvant to add Quartz from AppliedEnergistics 1 mod... Please help me to add ores to CustomOreGeneration i vvill give you likes and E.T.C...
Just help.. plyzzz ;(
Do you have a mechanical keyboard?My VV Is broken key..D Sorry for annoying language and help
From what I know you can't unfortunately. If it is more than a few blocks above or below you it will not show on the minimap.Hi. On JourneyMap minimap, how can you tell a mob is either above, below or on the same level as you ?
I tend to not add people on skype. Sorry.No, jordsta....Can you give to me skype? or something i vvill shovv you the problem..
I would say, Don't use XML, If possible use JSON.I vvant to say, hovv can i create XML file vvith Mimichite and Quartz examples???
I need that file like:
Spavvn radius:14002304
And etc..
http://www.w3schools.com/json/default.aspOkey, i just vvasted my 3 hours time to vvait help, and this is help, i knovv you don't knovv really about it, but my vvasted time just....Flevv Lel..
That's in the mimicry mod file. You don't want to be there.@Chaka I can shovv some files or something..Here it is: