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  • Hello I'm having difficulty setting up the Draconic power storage. It keeps saying Unable to Activate (Invalid Configuration)
You need to reevaluate your life choices...
EnderIO is the worst thing to happen to modded minecraft (in terms of mods) if you ask me. It is a terrible mod that over-simplifies what is already a simple system, meaning you don't need to plan out/do anything that requires some thought (e.g. pipe routing, for fluids and items).
And given the option between a pack that has EIO and one that doesn't I would choose the latter every time. It doesn't add anything unique, it just copies other mods, and puts its own swing on them. The only thing about it that is "unique" is the block painter, but one could argue that it is just a fancier way of applying glowstone using carpenters blocks and for the cable facades just a fancier way of doing forge microblocks.

It is a TERRIBLE mod, in my opinion, and I know that I am not the only one who doesn't like the mod. A fair few mod devs have issues with EnderIO becoming the "top dog" which everyone moans about not being in mod packs, etc.

How dare people play games for fun and not spend 500 hours working though mundane layers upon layers of false progress to generate pretend energy in a virtual world (because that's all that gregtech is, not hard, just mundane boredom of forced barriers and repetitiveness). How dare peoples life choices leave them with far more important things to do in the real world then work out how they can navigate 16 wires in a small area, how dare they think about family grief, education, their health, helping others.

Sure fire sign of "TERRIBLE" design that, not being needlessly complex for the sake of being complex. Sure barriers allow growth and new ways of doing things which can lead to it's own fun but there's a fine line on the real importance of BALANCE and not just forcing people to go one way as the "right" way, which gregtech lacks so severly it's hilarious that people keep mentioning it as a balanced or challenging mod.
How dare people play games for fun and not spend 500 hours working though mundane layers upon layers of false progress to generate pretend energy in a virtual world (because that's all that gregtech is, not hard, just mundane boredom of forced barriers and repetitiveness). How dare peoples life choices leave them with far more important things to do in the real world then work out how they can navigate 16 wires in a small area, how dare they think about family grief, education, their health, helping others.

Sure fire sign of "TERRIBLE" design that, not being needlessly complex for the sake of being complex. Sure barriers allow growth and new ways of doing things which can lead to it's own fun but there's a fine line on the real importance of BALANCE and not just forcing people to go one way as the "right" way, which gregtech lacks so severly it's hilarious that people keep mentioning it as a balanced or challenging mod.
Wow. Way to take a joke out of context.
People on the internet can be sarcastic y'know?
I hate GT, and it's pointless progression lines. But what I am saying is EnderIO removes what little progression there is in the RF world...
I hate GT, and it's pointless progression lines. But what I am saying is EnderIO removes what little progression there is in the RF world...

That's the good thing about mods: It's your choice if you use them or not.

EIO makes things simple that I don't want to worry about, for example machine interaction with chests (push/pull).
That's the most important thing about tech mods for me, they should be understandable without reading 50 howtos and wikis.

I have to ask, which RF mod satisfies you in terms of progression?
That's the good thing about mods: It's your choice if you use them or not.

EIO makes things simple that I don't want to worry about, for example machine interaction with chests (push/pull).

I have to ask, which RF mod satisfies you in terms of progression?
Personally? None. I don't think any RF mod actually progresses in a logical way.
If you ask me you should:
make generator - I'm not gonna say you have to make the crap one first, because it annoys me having to use a generator just for initial power (maybe 5-10 minutes of use)
make furnace - which will cook material
material is then used in ore doubling mechanic

Having to actually do something before you can double your ores. Either that or use INSANE amounts of RF, for example using Mekanism machines, but not using Mekanism generators. At least until you have made something to make your generators more efficient.
I think in all of the above discussions regarding EnderIO (and for that matter any other mod) we have a consensus - of sorts. I would add this .... people choose mod packs because of the overall pack, most of us find we are not fond of one or two mods, and the fact is we can choose not to use those mods (or even uninstall them). But honestly I was not a fan of Thaumcraft in 1.6.4 DW20 pack, this time I am enjoying it, Witchery last time, was more work than reward and I have not returned to it. AS for IC2 the idea that I need to run power through multiple blocks and cables that step up or down the power is simply complication for the sake of complication, let me make a card that does that so my build can be smaller!.. Let me access and remove items from 1 side. Let me run item, fluid and power in the same block space, like EnderIO does.

By all means keep making mods that are complicated solely for the purpose of being complicated because I would hate for anyone not to be able to play Minecraft the way they want to play it.

And also make popular mods that people keep asking to have included in packs because they are liked and appreciated.

And for anyone that hates a mod, for instance EnderIO, I can not believe that it would be possible to find less than 10 mod packs that don't have that mod, but if you can't find a mod pack without the mod you despise - make your own pack and don't include anything that you don't like.....simple.
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I think in all of the above discussions regarding EnderIO (and for that matter any other mod) we have a consensus - of sorts. I would add this .... people choose mod packs because of the overall pack, most of us find we are not fond of one or two mods, and the fact is we can choose not to use those mods (or even uninstall them). But honestly I was not a fan of Thaumcraft in 1.6.4 DW20 pack, this time I am enjoying it, Witchery last time, was more work than reward and I have not returned to it. AS for IC2 the idea that I need to run power through multiple blocks and cables that step up or down the power is simply complication for the sake of complication, let me make a card that does that so my build can be smaller!.. Let me access and remove items from 1 side. Let me run item, fluid and power in the same block space, like EnderIO does.

By all means keep making mods that are complicated solely for the purpose of being complicated because I would hate for anyone not to be able to play Minecraft the way they want to play it.

And also make popular mods that people keep asking to have included in packs because they are liked and appreciated.

And for anyone that hates a mod, for instance EnderIO, I can not believe that it would be possible to find less than 10 mod packs that don't have that mod, but if you can't find a mod pack without the mod you despise - make your own pack and don't include anything that you don't like.....simple.
I have no issues with mods that aren't being complex existing.
But I am just fed up with seeing threads for great mod packs, that don't have EnderIO, only to have some (for likes of a better word) idiot say "Add EnderIO and I'll play" or just "Add EnderIO" or any variant on this sort of statement.

Its like people cannot go without the mod. If it was NEI, Inventory Tweaks, or some other UTILITY mod that adds something that every pack SHOULD have, then yes, fine. But a mod that has functionality that duplicates that of other mods? Why bother? Basically those people are saying "I am too lazy to do logistics with pipes" or "I don't want to learn a new mod", and it's THAT which annoys me more than anything else.
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I have no issues with mods that aren't being complex existing...Basically those people are saying "I am too lazy to do logistics with pipes" or "I don't want to learn a new mod", and it's THAT which annoys me more than anything else.

I get that - I'm currently using EnderIO for the first time, so to me it's got the fun of learning a new mod. I feel that the pipes add nearly as much complexity as they remove, but a different kind of complexity. But I agree, if it's not a kitchen-sink pack then it should have EITHER
1) Thermal expansion & MFR
2) EnderIO (& Extra Utilities for the generators - I don't think EnderIO has generators does it?)
there's no point in having both.
I get that - I'm currently using EnderIO for the first time, so to me it's got the fun of learning a new mod. I feel that the pipes add nearly as much complexity as they remove, but a different kind of complexity. But I agree, if it's not a kitchen-sink pack then it should have EITHER
1) Thermal expansion & MFR
2) EnderIO (& Extra Utilities for the generators - I don't think EnderIO has generators does it?)
there's no point in having both.
Yes, enderIO has generators: Stirling (runs on solid fuel), and another one (Vat?) that runs on liquid fuel... and the stirling can output 80rf/t and store 1,000,000RF (max)
I have no issues with mods that aren't being complex existing.
But I am just fed up with seeing threads for great mod packs, that don't have EnderIO, only to have some (for likes of a better word) idiot say "Add EnderIO and I'll play" or just "Add EnderIO" or any variant on this sort of statement.

I fully appreciate where your coming from, I would not have the patience to deal with it. I remember Jadedcat (I think) had a link for people that asked when mod updates would be ready, I knew better but asked and followed the link .. I had a laugh but others did not see the funny side. I think if I was in the situation I would just have a list of good mod packs that have that mod and tell people to pick one.

We had a TV show here with a pair of movie reviewers that lasted over 20 years, one of the reasons they lasted was they reviewed on merit rather than personal taste. Problems arise when people feel the need to defend a something that is being attacked. The best way to argue FOR a mod is to argue FOR a mod, not to argue against another mod.

So maybe the answer is .. 'I can see what you like about xxxx mod but I prefer to have xxxxx and as I am putting the pack together that is what I am using.....if you want a pack with xxxx - look here"
I fully appreciate where your coming from, I would not have the patience to deal with it. I remember Jadedcat (I think) had a link for people that asked when mod updates would be ready, I knew better but asked and followed the link .. I had a laugh but others did not see the funny side. I think if I was in the situation I would just have a list of good mod packs that have that mod and tell people to pick one.

We had a TV show here with a pair of movie reviewers that lasted over 20 years, one of the reasons they lasted was they reviewed on merit rather than personal taste. Problems arise when people feel the need to defend a something that is being attacked. The best way to argue FOR a mod is to argue FOR a mod, not to argue against another mod.

So maybe the answer is .. 'I can see what you like about xxxx mod but I prefer to have xxxxx and as I am putting the pack together that is what I am using.....if you want a pack with xxxx - look here"
Or as I do if anyone says to me "Add EnderIOP" or some variant.
them said:
I see EnderIO is missing
me said:
/me looks at mod list
/me looks at list of mods I won't add that has reasons why I won't add it
Oh look. I found EnderIO! Guess where it was *slaps face* Silly me. Maybe I should have just pasted the phrase "I WILL NOT ADD ENDERIO" everywhere?

them said:
Maybe add EnderIO next update?
me said:
Or maybe I won't. IT'S A MYSTERY!... but with 99.99999999999% certainty I can assure you it will never happen

Unless I am not in a sarcastic mood, then I will just be straight with them.
But people who suggest mods to add into a pack that isn't a kitchen sink pack, are some of the most vocal but also the most annoying in my opinion.
They are on par with people who want a mod to integrate perfectly with every other mod... it's never going to happen.
I get that - I'm currently using EnderIO for the first time, so to me it's got the fun of learning a new mod. I feel that the pipes add nearly as much complexity as they remove, but a different kind of complexity. But I agree, if it's not a kitchen-sink pack then it should have EITHER
1) Thermal expansion & MFR
2) EnderIO (& Extra Utilities for the generators - I don't think EnderIO has generators does it?)
there's no point in having both.
If you make sure you add Thermal Dynamics in with TE, then sure, Ender IO does indeed have some generators. Personally I dislike it's conduit system, although it's partly that i feel the conduits themselves look ugly. I prefer the look of both other major alternatives (buildcraft pipes and Thermal E.. I mean Dynamics Ducts). Yes i know the buildcraft ones are slightly nostalgia based in how i love how they look. That said, I feel EnderIO (and Mek to a bit of a bigger extent) tries to do EVERYTHING at once. In a themed pack, I don't see much sence in having Buildcraft, EnderIO and Thermal Dynamics all trying to squeeze into the same niche of transportation of stuff.

Note that i'm not saying Ender IO doesn't add some cool stuff, but that alone isn't enough for me to want to add it to a themed pack where the bulk of it would clash with other things in the pack.