Applied Energistic Storage Room!

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I did. KirinDave did.
Protip the second: If you put a mercury or sodium persulfate cell into the liquid slot when there's already water in there, the water is overridden by the cell.
I just have one of my grinder sides import mercury cells into the bottom, and sheldonite/ferrous ore drops into that system only.
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err it's 1 block, these people with dozens of ME drives are purely aesthetic it's just not needed, at most you need 2 ME drives.
I don't know what your talking about i have about 60 ME drives and most of them are full. If you play on a big server like me with about 20 people who all share the same base they get filled up fast. We average about a half to 1 drive filled in a day from bees, quarrys, reeds, and all the rest of our autofarms.
I don't know what your talking about i have about 60 ME drives and most of them are full. If you play on a big server like me with about 20 people who all share the same base they get filled up fast. We average about a half to 1 drive filled in a day from bees, quarrys, reeds, and all the rest of our autofarms.

Lol so I'm wrong because I was talking about 1 person and there's 20 of you.... great logic.
I don't know what your talking about i have about 60 ME drives and most of them are full. If you play on a big server like me with about 20 people who all share the same base they get filled up fast. We average about a half to 1 drive filled in a day from bees, quarrys, reeds, and all the rest of our autofarms.
b0bst3r says: a single person usually needs 2 ME drives.
You reply with: lol, us 20 people need 60! Y u no have smartz?
Really? 20 people in average need 2-3 ME drives per person. So what exactly is your point, other than being a smarty-pants? :rolleyes:
;p this thread, I just wanted some picture of AE storage room/quarry processing area using AE and now some guy said lol, us 20 people need 60! Y u no have smartz? zzz
;p this thread, I just wanted some picture of AE storage room/quarry processing area using AE and now some guy said lol, us 20 people need 60! Y u no have smartz? zzz

You want to see AE-centric storage and processing? Your wish is my command...

First, my storage and processing facility:

Once you get in, you can start crafting.
I have 64 barrels hooked up to my ME Network, 3 crafting terminals, a crafting monitor, a ME terminal, and a fabricator.

However, I've gotten to the point wherein maintaining this much barrels is becoming a pain, especially when you have 2 quarries running at an insane speed. So I'm now in the process of migrating all my stuff to a pure AE-based storage.

The server room on the second floor:
My molecular assembler chamber is a 4x4x7 structure. Attached directly to that is a terminal, crafting monitor, pattern encoder, preformatter, and an IO port.

Notice the lone ME chest connected to an energy conduit. It's meant to be separate so I can inspect the contents of any storage in isolation whenever necessary.

Just outside of the server room is where I process the output of my quarries.

And beside the processing line is where I do (almost) all my automatic crafting.
I am trying to future-proof this part, which is there's so many machines here. Also, some of the smelting/compressor/macerator recipes are spread across machines, allowing me to process multiple stuff at the same time.

With this setup, I can make an Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel in 7 mins (used to be 35 mins).

And in my basement are the heavy machinery.
The GT heavy machinery, coke ovens, and my automated wrathforge.

And finally, my assembly table, and stone/cobblestone/sand production line

You want to see AE-centric storage and processing? Your wish is my command...

First, my storage and processing facility:

Once you get in, you can start crafting.
I have 64 barrels hooked up to my ME Network, 3 crafting terminals, a crafting monitor, a ME terminal, and a fabricator.

However, I've gotten to the point wherein maintaining this much barrels is becoming a pain, especially when you have 2 quarries running at an insane speed. So I'm now in the process of migrating all my stuff to a pure AE-based storage.

The server room on the second floor:
My molecular assembler chamber is a 4x4x7 structure. Attached directly to that is a terminal, crafting monitor, pattern encoder, preformatter, and an IO port.

Notice the lone ME chest connected to an energy conduit. It's meant to be separate so I can inspect the contents of any storage in isolation whenever necessary.

Just outside of the server room is where I process the output of my quarries.

And beside the processing line is where I do (almost) all my automatic crafting.
I am trying to future-proof this part, which is there's so many machines here. Also, some of the smelting/compressor/macerator recipes are spread across machines, allowing me to process multiple stuff at the same time.

With this setup, I can make an Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel in 7 mins (used to be 35 mins).

And in my basement are the heavy machinery.
The GT heavy machinery, coke ovens, and my automated wrathforge.

And finally, my assembly table, and stone/cobblestone/sand production line


Your AE setup has KirinDaves baffled. It's photogenic, but it's like an order of magnitude more expensive thanit needs to be. Why would you use so many ME Storage busses! Why not replace 63 of those barrels with one 64k cell and still have more capacity than if you upgraded all of them barrels?[DOUBLEPOST=1364750974][/DOUBLEPOST]
I don't know what your talking about i have about 60 ME drives and most of them are full. If you play on a big server like me with about 20 people who all share the same base they get filled up fast. We average about a half to 1 drive filled in a day from bees, quarrys, reeds, and all the rest of our autofarms.

The number of drives you need really depends on how you use AE. All these people being prescriptivist about capacity usage are just being tedious. For example, if your AE system grows organically from 1k cells then you might need dozens of drive bays. If you have UndergroundBiomes installed, you'll need more. If you process gregtech stuff through AE, you'll need more. If you put bees and trees through the system then types are your primary limit, and you'll need a ton of cells.

There is no "right" number of ME drives or storage cells. About the only thing that can be said is that it's tricky to know when to go from mixed storage to having a dedicated cell or splitting things out into deep storage units or barrels via ME storage interfaces.
Your AE setup has KirinDaves baffled. It's photogenic, but it's like an order of magnitude more expensive thanit needs to be. Why would you use so many ME Storage busses! Why not replace 63 of those barrels with one 64k cell and still have more capacity than if you upgraded all of them barrels?

It is part of the remnants of my old base. I wanted to use barrels at first because I like how they look, and it gives me a visual cue as to how much I have in stock.

The one thing I don't like about the ME storage monitor is it doesn't show me the number of items I stacks I have per item, which is very useful if you keep track of a certain item's stock in stacks, or if you know that a particular recipe will require X number of stacks of an item.

One good example: I was crafting ultimate solar panels, which need 1 stack of uranium per piece. I don't want to compute how many panels I can make with my current stock.

But seriously...I never thought that I'll be accumulating this much stuff! LOL

Quartz? I have more than 64 stacks of it.

Right now, I'm migrating everything to 64k storage cells, and will eventually replace the barrels with storage monitors.

If you're wondering how much power this setup consumes, I'm now at 300 units/tick (and rising).
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LOL is right when you are using that many drives because you cant seem to figure out how to void something instead of stroking yourself looking at your drives full of cobble and dirt

I havent even touched 64k drives do you know why??? Because I dont need 100k cobble or dirt ever never ever ever ever never and neither will you.
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You want to see AE-centric storage and processing? Your wish is my command...

First, my storage and processing facility:

Once you get in, you can start crafting.
I have 64 barrels hooked up to my ME Network, 3 crafting terminals, a crafting monitor, a ME terminal, and a fabricator.

However, I've gotten to the point wherein maintaining this much barrels is becoming a pain, especially when you have 2 quarries running at an insane speed. So I'm now in the process of migrating all my stuff to a pure AE-based storage.

The server room on the second floor:
My molecular assembler chamber is a 4x4x7 structure. Attached directly to that is a terminal, crafting monitor, pattern encoder, preformatter, and an IO port.

Notice the lone ME chest connected to an energy conduit. It's meant to be separate so I can inspect the contents of any storage in isolation whenever necessary.

Just outside of the server room is where I process the output of my quarries.

And beside the processing line is where I do (almost) all my automatic crafting.
I am trying to future-proof this part, which is there's so many machines here. Also, some of the smelting/compressor/macerator recipes are spread across machines, allowing me to process multiple stuff at the same time.

With this setup, I can make an Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel in 7 mins (used to be 35 mins).

And in my basement are the heavy machinery.
The GT heavy machinery, coke ovens, and my automated wrathforge.

And finally, my assembly table, and stone/cobblestone/sand production line

Is that ME Storage bus that you connect to the barrel, if so does it take up space in the me storage cell? Also is that me import to the pulverizer ?
I use AE exclusively for my storage medium of choice now. I originally had an RP2 sorting system but quickly upgraded to a simple AE system once I could afford it. I have gradually upgraded and upgraded it over time now, resulting in my having SIX drive units. That being said, 4 of those drive units don't even have ME Disks in them as I upgraded my disks from 1k to 4k to 8k and so on. I've now got about 1.5 ME Drives full (15 slots) with 64k units, with the other 4 ME Drive units disconnected from the network (to cut back on power costs!).

The one single downfall that I have run across (this may not be the case for others) when using Applied Energistics.. is that I tend to lose track of just how much crap I've accumulated in regards to base level resources. Run my quarry once or twice and before I know it, I've accumulated 74,000 Cobblestone and 52,000 Dirt for no reason other than the fact that I do not have a chest or barrel that I am actively watching overflow with contents.

I've now got an Incinerator that has an ME Export Bus attached to it; I use this to auto dump Cobblestone, Dirt, Gravel and Marble in by the full stack. (And you know what? Even after doing that, I STILL end up with craptons of the stuff after running my quarry!)
LOL is right when you are using that many drives because you cant seem to figure out how to void something instead of stroking yourself looking at your drives full of cobble and dirt

I havent even touched 64k drives do you know why??? Because I dont need 100k cobble or dirt ever never ever ever ever never and neither will you.
When you have around 20 matter fabs running off of alot of solarpanels you need alot of scrap.
Is that ME Storage bus that you connect to the barrel, if so does it take up space in the me storage cell? Also is that me import to the pulverizer ?

Yeah it's slick. Extradimensional barrels and deep storage units are great when you do want to keep lots of stuff on hand for massive draws. Examples of this include buffering matter fab amplifiers. I have underground biomes installed, so it's nice to have a place to keep building materials around that would otherwise seriously clog up on types.
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Is that ME Storage bus that you connect to the barrel, if so does it take up space in the me storage cell? Also is that me import to the pulverizer ?

Yup. 64 ME Storage buses.

It sctually doesn't matter where you attach it to the barrel. I just set it up that way when I first started using AE because I'm not sure how they'll behave.

And I increased the priority of those buses to ensure they get filled up first.
Is that ME Storage bus that you connect to the barrel, if so does it take up space in the me storage cell? Also is that me import to the pulverizer ?
Also, I use item tesseracts to transport items from my quarries connected to an ME interface via a BC pipe. Any unwanted items get sent to my recyclers via another tesseract.

Connected to the pulverizers are export buses. Their output is sent directly to the adjacent powered furnace. I have 2 standalone pulverizers just in case.[DOUBLEPOST=1364777887][/DOUBLEPOST]
When you have around 20 matter fabs running off of alot of solarpanels you need alot of scrap.

You don't need that many matter fabs for making ultimate solar panels. You just need 1.

However, you need. A TON of uranium. ~_~
Another really cool thing you can do with AE involves using Logistics Pipes remote request pipe, the logistics pipes remote orderer, an ender chest, and an ender Pouch to access your entire ME network from anywhere / any dimension at any time, as long as you have the pouch and the orderer. The ME interface, when connected to a LP provider pipe, will expose your ME network to your LP network (and your remote orderer). Then you can use your unlimited in range / dimension tool to pull an item from ME to LP and have it sent to the ender chest for remote retrieval. (Similarly, item tesseracts can be used as a ME -> LP -> Tesseract -> distant LP -> distant ME bridge)

Basically: ME network -> Me interface -> LP provider pipe -> LP remote request pipe (linked to your orderer) -> ender chest (linked to your ender pouch). Done (I assume you need the ME network chunks to be loaded, but I have no idea).

Since I hooked everything up, I have been using this method pretty much constantly, as I hate forgetting that one thing I needed to make a certain item, or the building materials for my remote facility, etc. Between this and the minium stone crafting on the go, I have found ultimate remote convenience.

Never be afraid of being stuck in a Mystcraft age again :p

edit: I obviously shouldn't post too early in the day...