Applecraft - Magic World | Whitelisted | No Pvp | Creeper Explosions (off)

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  • IGN - devilmashine57
  • Age - 14(Turning 15 next month)
  • FTB Experience - Medium Experiance
  • Have you ever been banned? - Nope
  • Why Were you banned? -
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because I have never played a FTB server and want to try one.
  • IGN - Leuthil
  • Age - 28
  • FTB Experience - New user, but done lots of research.
  • Have you ever been banned? - Never.
  • Why Were you banned? - Not applicable.
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I've been wanting to join a Magic World pack server because I have a much more enjoyable experience with MineCraft when it's a social experience. Having people to talk to really takes the monotony out of mining!
  1. IGN: Orcius
  2. Have you read and accept to obey the rules?: Yes
  3. Have you been banned before?: Never
  4. IF so, why and how many times?: /
  5. Why should you be whitelisted?: I love Feed The Beast, I have seen all Direwolf20's video's; so I know how the game works
  6. Im 17 years old
  • IGN - MrOnionz
  • Age - 29
  • FTB Experience - iv played FTB since its first beta, and played tekkit for more then a year before that
  • Have you ever been banned? - nope
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - im a huge fan of thaumcraft, and i would love to play with the magic wold mods with a great community.
  • IGN - Sawjacgr
  • Age - 21
  • FTB Experience - fairly new but iv learned a lot of things from my single player world
  • Have you ever been banned? - i have never been banned
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - ftb is a very nice pack of mods and its fun to play. but playing alone is not always fun so i want to join a server and have a good time with the community.
  • IGN - DJFergy
  • Age - 20
  • FTB Experience - I am experienced with the mods, but this will be my first time playing in multiplayer =)
  • Have you ever been banned? - Not to my knowledge.
  • Why Were you banned? - N/A
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I've never played on a multiplayer FTB server and would like to have fun and meet new friends in the process.
  • IGN - Frogmanck3
  • Age - 14
  • FTB Experience - I Have Just Started But I Am Very Familiar With The Mods
  • Have you ever been banned? - Yes
  • Why Were you banned? - My Brother Went On My Computer And Greifed While I Was AFK
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because I Like Playing This Game As A Big Community It Is Much More Fun With Others Then Just Playing Single Player
  • Thank You
  • IGN - "Ashandle"
  • Age - "18"
  • FTB Experience - "Well, i'm an old tekkit player but kinda new to ftb, and watching direwolfs series."
  • Have you ever been banned? - "Yes, from a crappy server"
  • Why Were you banned? - "Making admin wait..."
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - "Because I'm looking for a good server and that looks like a good server ^^ Also i'm awesome too.
  • IGN - "wolfe02"
  • Age - "24"
  • FTB Experience - "Experienced"
  • Have you ever been banned? - no
  • Why Were you banned? - ?
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? -Looking for a good server
  • IGN - MjolnirBlade
  • Age - 18
  • FTB Experience - I have loads of Tekkit experience, none with FTB
  • Have you ever been banned? - Nope
  • Why Were you banned? - Nope
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because I really wish to learn how to play on Feed The Beast because it looks so freaking awesome!!!!
  • IGN - Nataru
  • Age - 15
  • FTB Experience - A bit experienced, I've played on another server for a while and I know quite a bit about it
  • Have you ever been banned? - Yes, from a vanilla server called Buxville
  • Why Were you banned? - Using a duplication glitch that I had just discovered way back in Alpha
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because the last server I was on, I came back to my home and everything was gone and I was sick of dealing with the indifferent staff. This server seems much more orderly with no PvP and a whitelist.
  • IGN - damonster81
  • Age - 18
  • FTB Experience - Been playing since launch
  • Have you ever been banned? - No
  • Why Were you banned? - N/A
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Want to play ftb with others
  • IGN - Svetlack
  • Age - 19
  • FTB Experience - Know ALL the things! But no, I play this WAY too much.
  • Have you ever been banned? - I've never really played a lot of SMP before. So no.
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because Thaumcraft SMP? :P
The login servers are down lavastage. Try again in a few hours and if it doesn't work, try using the recovery.
  • IGN - Seanp8888
  • Age - 16
  • FTB Experience - I know my way around the mod
  • Have you ever been banned? - Nay~
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Since i'd like to try to play magic world with some other people!
  • IGN - Grood
  • Age - "Thirty-something"
  • FTB Experience - "Experienced."
  • Have you ever been banned? "Newp."
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? "I've been wanting to play Thaumcraft 3 and build on a SMP for ages."
  • IGN - ChuMoreRice
  • Age - 17
  • FTB Experience - moderate experience with IC2 and Buildcraft
  • Have you ever been banned? - nope
  • Why Were you banned? - ~~~
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because i want to and i'll behave lol :) <3
  • IGN - IPwnC00k1es
  • Age - 18
  • FTB Experience - About a week, but I played tekkit for a long time.
  • Have you ever been banned? - nope
  • Why Were you banned? -
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Having a hard time finding a good ftb server, this one seems good.
  • IGN - ForeverDreamless
  • Age - 32
  • FTB Experience - not much, went crazy with tekkit but the items and recipes intrigue me lol
  • Have you ever been banned? - Never
Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - After playing Minecraft>Tekkit i've found most un-whitelisted servers are full of griefers and thieves who don't just enjoy the game itself and the goals within it. I mean why spend months grooming and tweeking you property and machine/magical equipment just to have some 12 year old log in for the first time stumble into your base and raid your entire factory. the last server i played tekkit on allowed stealing/griefing...i found out the hard way that protecting my land was worthless and lost almost a year of work. I'm looking for a small MW FTB server where i can live and learn and enjoy the perks of a small community of dedicated gamers. I am here to help and rarely need it myself, I prefer to figure everything out on my own for the most part. just need a safe kind server to host me and my projects :D