Applecraft - Magic World | Whitelisted | No Pvp | Creeper Explosions (off)

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  • IGN - Think_Logic
  • Age - 20
  • FTB Experience - Very Experienced been playing with technical mine-craft mods since 1.7.3
  • Have you ever been banned? - No.
  • Why Were you banned? -N/A
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Looking to play a bit of Multi-player with my buddies, Haven't used Thaumcraft 3 yet so wanting to get stuck in with that, in a active server :)
  • IGN - "speeddi"
  • Age - "21"
  • FTB Experience - "New"
  • Have you ever been banned? - "Nope"
  • Why Were you banned? - "N/A"
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - "I need a nice place to play. This seems like a nice server."
  • IGN - TheOcultado
  • Age - 14
  • FTB Experience - Somewhat experienced
  • Have you ever been banned? - Not once nor do I intend to be
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I have taken an interst in FTB and this server appears to be the only one worth joining to me.
This is Salander27 fyi, not who ever posted earlier. I will be pursuing this with the forum admins.

I made my minecraft account before I'd settled on using the name Plebbian for my accounts. Minecraft doesn't allow name changes so I'd have to buy it again if I wanted to change it. I have no idea why someone is so intent on slandering my name both in game and on the forums.
Seems my character is stuck in the twilight world and I can't pluck him out. Please move him to spawn when you have a chance, it'd be much appreciated.
  • IGN - Pound_pup
  • Age - 16
  • FTB Experience - Experienced, been doing a majority of the mods since 1.7.3
  • Have you ever been banned? - No, I follow rules and don't make an idiot of myself
  • Why Were you banned? - Refer to above
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I want to try the FTB Magic Pack with some people, might bring some friends if they're interested in this particular pack.
  • IGN - g0shujinsama
  • Age - 29
  • FTB Experience - I've been running a private FTB server with the addition of GraviSuite and SoulShards
  • Have you ever been banned? - Never
  • Why Were you banned? - N/A
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Want to play with others and this seems like a fun group!
  • IGN - yukazshadow
  • Age - 23
  • FTB Experience - Pseudo-Experienced (More magical than tech)
  • Have you ever been banned? - No
  • Why Were you banned? - Was not banned
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Sounds like a good server with no pvp and no griefing--and I love the rule format XD
  • IGN - enake
  • Age - 16
  • FTB Experience - Experienced
  • Have you ever been banned? - Yes from a surver i just joined
  • Why Were you banned? - Admin was being a douche and banning lottsa people
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - apple craft is the best magic world server i could find
  • IGN - Pound_pup
  • Age - 16
  • FTB Experience - Experienced, been doing a majority of the mods since 1.7.3
  • Have you ever been banned? - No, I follow rules and don't make an idiot of myself
  • Why Were you banned? - Refer to above
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I want to try the FTB Magic Pack with some people, might bring some friends if they're interested in this particular pack.

hey pound!
  • IGN - CreeperAgent98
  • Age - 14
  • FTB Experience - i know quite a bit about mods
  • Have you ever been banned? - No
  • Why Were you banned? -
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - cuz i want play around with people share my knoledge with others and learn from them
  • IGN - Bananasaurus_Rex
  • Age - "13"
  • FTB Experience - Good with all mods except the bees from forestrey
  • Have you ever been banned? - I was kicked once while trying out commands
  • Why Were you banned? - But I wasnt :O
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Im a banana i want to be with my brethern which are fruit
  • IGN - Nfsu218
  • Age - 22
  • FTB Experience - I haven't played FTB much at all (specifically), but I have lots of tekkit experience and have some experience with mods that are in FTB.
  • Have you ever been banned? - Never
  • Why Were you banned? - N/A
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I have a friend who applied to this server as well, plus I have always wanted to try a server with these mods. :)
  • IGN - Borse
  • Age - 23
  • FTB Experience - None...
  • Have you ever been banned? - No
  • Why Were you banned? - I wasn't, are you accusing me of something? o.O;;
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I'd like to get to know FTB and I feel the best way to learn is by playing with others.
  • IGN Supergage101
  • Age 16
  • FTB Experience I was playing with these mods before the FTB pack got released and I think of myself as being good in everything but buildcraft.
  • Have you ever been banned? No
  • Why were you banned
  • Why do you want to be apart of AppleCraft? Because I know from experience that people in open servers can be idiots or not patient enough to wait for a response and the idea of no pvp or griefing seemed very appealing to me and with single player after a while it gets boring but multiplayer always stays fresh so to speak.
IGN - MasterOfParadox
Age - 17
FTB Experience - If I was to say so myself, great. I am awesome at TC3 (Maybe the main reason I got FTB) , great at Buildcraft, great at Mystcraft, and beginner, but learning, at Thermal Expansion.
Have you ever been banned? - Yeah, once, un-ban a second after.
Why were you banned? - Just a funny joke from an admin. Said I wanted to race him, said sure, randomly banned me for reason: "I win". Was un-ban after. The admin's a comedian. This was almost a year ago however.
Why do you want to be part of Applecraft? - Either I couldn't find many servers or I just wasnt looking so much. Love FTB, and think Magic World is better then the normal FTB. I want to show my love and skills of FTB to other people and teach them. The only FTB server i have found so far isn't even developed yet and just wants tester.
Thanks for reading, this is the reason I signed up for the FTB forum.
  • IGN - M37A
  • Age - 20
  • FTB Experience - Moderate
  • Have you ever been banned? - No
  • Why Were you banned? - Not applicable
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Hopefully some humour, and a nice presence within the AppleCraft community.
  • IGN - _Xach_
  • Age - 14 (Maturity of a 20 year old)
  • FTB Experience - Experienced to an extent
  • Have you ever been banned? - Nope, unless you count abusive admins
  • Why Were you banned? - Like i said, they're just abusive
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - There arent alot of Magic world Servers XD Also, this server seems like a pretty friendly enviorment