Applecraft - Magic World | Whitelisted | No Pvp | Creeper Explosions (off)

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  • IGN - Follay
  • Age - 15 almost 16
  • Experience- About a week or so, but I've played maybe 6 or more months of tekkit
  • Ever Banned - Yes
  • Long story..... It was more so a task placed by another member, and I never played on the server so it didn't bother me much to grief the guy. (I kinda regret it but oh well, sh*t happens)
  • Why do I want to be part of AppleCraft - Hmmm, well first of all. I love whitelisted servers, the whole community just sort of clicks i guess? also the ram on the server is pretty nice for right now, and the whole no creeper explosions, cmon weve all had that "NOOOOO" moment when a creeper is about to blow up your chests and machines lol. so yeah thanks
  • IGN - Frozen4977
  • Age - 21
  • FTB Experience - Fairly new to it, but I've played Tekkit for a while.
  • Have you ever been banned? - No.
  • Why Were you banned? -
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because I'm really enjoying this mod pack, and playing alone is boring.
  • IGN - "think_brad"
  • Age - "19"
  • FTB Experience - "iv played ftb since 1.2.5 and i also play tekkit and i know how to use all the mods"
  • Have you ever been banned? - "nope"
  • Why Were you banned? - ""
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - "Because i really like modded minecraft and i just want a fun server to relax on :).
  • IGN - NathanGeorge
  • Age - 18
  • FTB Experience - a few months of SSP I had many problems on a few maps with portals and had to delete them
  • Have you ever been banned? - I have never been Banned
  • Why Were you banned? - I have never been Banned :D
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because I am looking for a highly populated server to commit to.
  • IGN - Necrisguard
  • Age - 24
  • FTB Experience - Just starting out, extensive knowledge of the modpacks however.
  • Have you ever been banned? - No I have not
  • Why Were you banned? - N/A
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I've kept an eye on FTB but haven't really played it all that much yet. When I saw the Magic World mod I checked it out by watching a few streamers over on and it looked really appealing. I want to join AppleCraft because I prefer playing with people as opposed to single player, also looking forward to building massive awesome structures.
  • IGN - KillaJoke
  • Age - 19
  • FTB Experience - Experimenting.
  • Have you ever been banned? - Nope, I believe in respecting the property of others.
  • Why Were you banned? - Never been banned. =p
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I'm looking for a fun little server to experiment in the art's of magic, a place to enjoy the wounders of the minefract world in a swell community.
  • IGN - danlupe
  • Age - 18
  • FTB Experience - A day or so of messing around with it in SP
  • Have you ever been banned? - Not that I am aware of
  • Why Were you banned? - N/A
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Looking for a magic world server to play on, and this one looked good.
  • IGN - "cpaxe97"
  • Age - "15"
  • FTB Experience - "Been watching videos alot of them know the basics"
  • Have you ever been banned? - "No"
  • Why Were you banned? - "Never been banned."
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - "Because I have been looking for a server that has nothing banned for about a couple weeks. This one looks like a good one for me and I have tried really hard on finding one."
Also add me on skype: cpaxe97
  • IGN - "think_brad"
  • Age - "18"
  • FTB Experience - "iv played modded minecraft since 1.7.3 and iv also played ftb since it was released"
  • Have you ever been banned? - "nope"
  • Why Were you banned? -
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - "Because it just want a good non laggy server to play on with my friend."
  • IGN - "alex2002012"
  • Age - "20"
  • FTB Experience - "i watch direwolf and know most of all the mods"
  • Have you ever been banned? - "no but i quit alot for being greifed and stolen from"
  • Why Were you banned?
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - "Because I need a server to play on and applecraft might just be the server :P"
  • IGN - Imgoodisher
  • Age - 14
  • FTB Experience - I know a lot about the different mods
  • Have you ever been banned? - No
  • Why Were you banned? -
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I want to play on a server with the Magic World modpack and this server looked good
  • IGN - hubabu
  • Age - 15
  • FTB Experience - I know the basic stuff
  • Have you ever been banned? - No never
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Becuase i would like a cool server with a friendly community. :)
IGN- vissicrate
Age - 23
FTB experience - very experienced
have you ever been banned- nope
why were u banned? - N/A
why do you want to be part of applecraft? - ive been searching for a magic craft server sinse it came out and yours looks to be good... and ive never played on a whitelist server befor so it should be a interesting experience
IGN - ferretty
Age - y u stalker?
FTB exp - I've played tekkit then realized that FTB is much better so I know a lot
have you ever been banned? -Yes, once
Why were you banned? because server owner killed me in lava then banned me
Why do you want to be part of applecraft? - because I love FTB magic world and when i saw a server with NO PVP i was really happy (too much pvp servers) I like playing with other people in games.
ok long story short on the apple craft server some 1 was greafing a few of us and no 1 knows whos doing it
some 1 said where not accepting new members
so 1 theres a greafer we cant find and 2 we dont know who he is but seeing no 1 else is being accepted we shoud beable to find him :P
I am sorry but for the past week I have been ill and have been away from my computer most of the time.

Due to greifing issues and me wanting to keep the server safe and secure I have decided to stop accepting new applicants for the server for at least until I can get the permissions, regions and block protection plugins working. However I am having issue with running the server with these plugins. I am an experienced server administrator so I do know how to do this however I am now a Java programmer and I am struggling to get these plugins to work. I run the server on a Mac Pro using the macs version of Java and the issues I am having are with parameters that the macs version of Java claims they do not exist and causes the server console to shut down instantaneously. I have decided to attempt to move the server over to a windows based OS as I am most comfortable with that.

I apologise for any inconveniences this may have caused. I am sorry. I will take all applicants into account and when I get the Server running on a windows machine I will make a new post here.

However it is getting close to Christmas and I am busy with friends and family and on top of that I am also building a music studio with my dad, brick by brick, block by block and this takes up a lot of my spare time. Once the studio is finished I will have lots more time to get everything sorted out but for the moment I am planning on locking down the server, no more applications will be approved and the server will remain as it is until I get the necessary time I will need to get the server properly looked at and sorted out.

I really appreciated everyone interest in my server that I am trying to run and I really do hope to get this up and running and white list free, but secure so none has to worry about griefing.

Thankyou for your time.

Have a Merry Christmas. :)
IGN - Cynder111
Age - 16
FTB Experience - Experienced
Have you ever been banned? - Yes
Why Were you banned? - A moderator went mad and banned random people... now the server is down.
Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I like to play FTB and my computer cant handle it :Ð.

Ps. I hope you can add me when the problem is solved! Thanks for your time.
Have you ever been banned?- Nope
Why were you banned? - I haven't been.
Why do you want to be a part of AppleCraft? - I enjoy playing Magic World, and there aren't many servers for Magic World.
Thank you for reading :p
IGN - Inusitatus
Age - 15
Experience - Moderate, I've been messing around with the pack since release
Banned - Never
Why - I want to see what a team of people could do with the mod pack, and a server sounds like an interesting trip away from SSP