AppleCraft - FTB |FTB Beta-A 1.4.2|Whitelist or |No PvP - Creeper Explosions Off

  • Announcement

    Hello, we know that many of you have been asking for the server section to be split into sections so that servers are easier to find so that is exactly what we have done! We are also working on a server listing site to make the listing even better but this is still some time off and so for now this will be used. Current server owners will need to PM Rob if they want to keep their post with the following form completed:

    Link to forum post:
    Server type (Whitelist/Greylist/Open):

    Hope you like the new layout and if you have any more suggestions please post them in the web feedback forum.

    The FTB Team
    P.S Go easy on my inbox :)
  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
  • IGN - link991991
  • Age - 13
  • FTB Experience - i know some few mods, but don't all
  • Have you ever been banned? - nope
  • Why Were you banned? - i haven't been banned
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - i am looking for a good FTB server, since the last one i was on is down :\
IGN - neoblob99
Age - 22
FTB Experience - Pretty good with he Tekkit mods and I'm one of the only people i know that actually understands Railcraft. My knowledge of forestry is somewhat limited as i joined later on in the Minecraft/Tekkit time-line but i am amazing with Redpower. (Overall = Pretty experienced)
Have you ever been banned? - Once. Reason? My friend logged onto my account, logged onto the strictly christian server that i was moderating on, and then proceeded to world edit the wall of spawn into signs that said "All hail the mightly lord Satan"... In latin.
Why do you want to be a part of AppleCraft? - I would like to be a part of apple craft for a few reasons.
1. I believe that in FTB you should have a choice whether or not you want to have pvp on, for it tends to make the game more on the frustrating side if you want to just build.
2. AppleCraft seems like it would be a very fun server to play on and i feel like i would be able to make a good addition to it's community.
3. I am experienced with most of the mods in FTB and would like to be able to share my knowledge with other FTB players willing to learn.
4. I would like to be able to learn from the community and learn more about the mods in which i have little to no knowledge of.
  • IGN - twinsdgc
  • Age - 21
  • FTB Experience - Experienced
  • Have you ever been banned? - no
  • Why Were you banned? -
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - i can provide free things and a fun time to everyone and want to find a lag freeish server.
  • IGN - KillerKani
  • Age - 17
  • FTB Experience - Starter
  • Have you ever been banned? - Not that i Know :?
  • Why Were you banned? - Pls answer this to me :D
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because i want to play with People together and want to learn from them. I want to play like Minecrafted and Joy. They do all together like Twilight Forrest and Mystcraft.
  • IGN - firefudge
  • Age - 14
  • FTB Experience - Good with IC2, Buildcraft, Mystcraft, Twilight forest, Steve's Carts, Railcraft, and Forestry
  • Have you ever been banned? - Yes
  • Why Were you banned? - I was framed for griefing by a griefer :p (this was minecraft classic, over two years ago, they had no grief detection)
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - I want to be able to play FTB on a multiplayer server that isn't laggy with other people
  • IGN - TechnoBacon
  • Age - 13
  • FTB Experience - Know some mods, but still learning! :D
  • Have you ever been banned? - I don't remember that I've been ever banned...
  • Why Were you banned? - I don't remember that I've been ever banned...
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because I want to try out the modpack in multiplayer and this server looks promising :)
IGN - xXassassinXx
Age - 17
FTB Experience - I'm fairly experienced with FTB and a similar modpack that rhymes with shmekkit.
Have you ever been banned? - Never
Why Were you banned? - n/a
Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Because I'm looking for a small server with a nice community to play FTB with.
Age:14 (15 In a Week)
FTB Experience: I have rarely been able to play mods until the launchers release but I'm knowledgeable because of all of the LPers I've watched (NeabyGamer the most). I'm pretty clever to begin with and am currently also doing a SSP FTB LP on youtube now.
Have you ever been banned: Nope
Why do you want to play on AppleCraft? : My brother Kidtim found this server and I think it would be alot of fun to join too!
IGN: mcv333
Age: 17
FTB experience: I've killed every boss in the twilight forest, I'm pretty good at IC2 and BC, I can make some basic farms from forestry and I've used thermal expansion a bit
Have you ever been banned: Yes
Why were you banned: for mining in another players quarry
Why do you want to be part of Applecraft?: Because i want to play on a friendly server with little to no lag and to learn more about the mods in FTB
  • IGN - whyistheskyblue (i know why)
  • Age - 14
  • FTB Experience - massive experience with mods been using most of the ftb mods since i started minecraft in 1.2.3
  • Have you ever been banned? -nooooooope
  • Why Were you banned? - ^i wasn't ^
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - because looking for a nice server to make my diabolical ralicraft steam factory =P
  • IGN - Dima3z
  • Age - 19
  • FTB Experience - Realy good
  • Have you ever been banned? - Nope
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - Play minecraft with people, at stable server.
FTB Experience=awesome
Have you ever been banned=yes
Why was i banned=because i wanted to be let out of the bedrock cage the server owner put me in
Why do you want to join applecraft=I want to play minecraft with a bunch of friendly people and not get trolled or locked in a bed rock prison to be treated like a pet.
  • IGN - "bubby17745
  • Age - "14
  • FTB Experience - im honestly not to good with forestry but the others im really experianced with
  • Have you ever been banned? - No i have not
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - "because i like whitlisted servers that people dont greif or steal and has a great comuitie (sorry for bad spelling)
  • IGN - Mukkod
  • Age - 16
  • FTB Experience - know how to do most everything in FTB thanks to DW20
  • Have you ever been banned? - Nope
  • Why Were you banned? - N/A
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - i want to simply play and not have to worry about griefers and people stealing all my stuff when im offline
[DOUBLEPOST=1353868759][/DOUBLEPOST]server not online?
IGN - opt_user
Age 23
FTB Experience - some in IC2
Have you ever been banned? - No.
Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - like to build and share , help other player , but ftb is really more fun if you play it in a server!
  • IGN - joeble
  • Age - 18
  • FTB Experience - moderate
  • Have you ever been banned? - yes apparently
  • Why Were you banned? - according to what ever Misguided Theorem's Recaran used it was griefing this is all i know of it so sorry i can't give specifics.
  • Why Do you want to be part of AppleCraft? - playing with others is funner than alone and to hopefully get used to gregtech