{Alpha} Unstable Pack: Bug Reports

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You can't get vanilla Nether quartz by mining the ore. It always drops the ore instead. I'm using version 1.0.6.
I made this account just to confirm that chunk loading does cause serious lag with fps dropping to 0 - 1. It basically makes it impossible to play and I can run any game on ultra so it isn't my computer's issue.
Edit: i have tried running it in 1.0.5 and 1.0.6
Edit2: Still happens in 1.0.7.
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item.blank_plate.name (Id:5803, remoteIO) and Gas Pipes (Id: 1717, Gases Framework) have the same recipe, making gas pipes uncraftable. Not sure about other versions, but this is happening in 1.0.8
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No nether quartz has spawned in the Nether at all for me. On versions 1.0.5/6/7. I've tried adjusting the cofh configs, and enabling/disabling NetherOres - so far nothing has worked.
Unplayable for me, for some reason. Getting like 25-30 fps with insane fps drops, sometimes lags for about 2-5 seconds long. Tried Unstable 1.0.5,6 and 8 all exactly the same peformance. Settings to max. performance, both MC and nvidia control panel.
Latest Monster pack is perfectly playble (around 80 fps).

Q6600 - GTX560 - W8.1 - Java 8u11 64bit
Wont load everytime i try i get this error
FTB Launcher logs:
[03:15:57] [DEBUG] LaunchFrame.main:219: FTB Launcher CI Build #: 189
[03:15:57] [INFO] JGoogleAnalyticsTracker$2.run:484: AnalyticsBackgroundThread started
[03:15:57] [INFO] LaunchFrameHelpers.printInfo:33: FTBLaunch starting up (version 1.4.1 Build: 10401)
[03:15:57] [INFO] LaunchFrameHelpers.printInfo:34: Java version: 1.7.0_15
[03:15:57] [INFO] LaunchFrameHelpers.printInfo:35: Java vendor: Oracle Corporation
[03:15:57] [INFO] LaunchFrameHelpers.printInfo:36: Java home: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7
[03:15:57] [INFO] LaunchFrameHelpers.printInfo:37: Java specification: Java Virtual Machine Specification version: 1.7 by Oracle Corporation
[03:15:57] [INFO] LaunchFrameHelpers.printInfo:39: Java vm: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM version: 23.7-b01 by Oracle Corporation
[03:15:57] [INFO] LaunchFrameHelpers.printInfo:40: OS: Windows 7 6.1 (64-bit)
[03:15:57] [INFO] LaunchFrameHelpers.printInfo:41: Launcher Install Dir: C:\FTB
[03:15:57] [INFO] LaunchFrameHelpers.printInfo:42: System memory: 6124M free, 8190M total
[03:15:57] [INFO] JavaFinder.parseJavaVersion:166: The FTB Launcher has found the following Java versions installed:
[03:15:57] [INFO] JavaFinder.parseJavaVersion:168: Java Version: 1.7.0_09 sorted as: 1.7.0_9 32 Bit Java at : C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe
[03:15:57] [INFO] JavaFinder.parseJavaVersion:168: Java Version: 1.7.0_15 sorted as: 1.7.0_15 64 Bit Java at : C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe
[03:15:57] [INFO] JavaFinder.parseJavaVersion:168: Java Version: 1.7.0_07 sorted as: 1.7.0_7 64 Bit Java at : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_07\bin\java.exe
[03:15:57] [INFO] JavaFinder.parseJavaVersion:168: Java Version: 1.7.0_15 sorted as: 1.7.0_15 64 Bit Java at : C:\Windows\system32\java.exe
[03:15:57] [INFO] JavaFinder.parseJavaVersion:168: Java Version: 1.7.0_09 sorted as: 1.7.0_9 32 Bit Java at : C:\Windows\SysWOW64\java.exe
[03:15:57] [INFO] JavaFinder.parseJavaVersion:168: Java Version: 1.7.0_15 sorted as: 1.7.0_15 64 Bit Java at : C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe
[03:15:57] [INFO] JavaFinder.parseJavaVersion:194: Preferred: Java Version: 1.7.0_15 sorted as: 1.7.0_15 64 Bit Java at : C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe
[03:15:57] [INFO] DownloadUtils.run:427: DownloadUtils.run() starting
[03:15:57] [INFO] I18N.addFiles:91: [i18n] Fallback enUS loaded
[03:15:57] [INFO] I18N.setLocale:114: [i18n] enUS English (US) language file loaded!
[03:15:58] [DEBUG] OSUtils.getMacAddress:321: Interface: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller : eth4
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 0 enUS to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 1 cyGB to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 2 daDK to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 3 deDE to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 4 enUS to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 5 enGB to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 6 esES to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 7 fiFI to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 8 frFR to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 9 itIT to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 10 nlNL to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 11 noNO to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 12 maHU to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 13 ptBR to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 14 ptPT to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 15 ruRU to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 17 zhCN to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] OptionsPane.<init>:153: [i18n] Added 16 svSE to options pane
[03:15:58] [INFO] I18N.setLocale:114: [i18n] enUS English (US) language file loaded!
[03:15:58] [DEBUG] AuthlibDLWorker.doInBackground:57: Loading Authlib...
[03:15:59] [DEBUG] UpdateChecker.<init>:70: Launcher Install path: C:\Users\Phoenix\Downloads\launcher^FTB_Launcher.exe
[03:15:59] [DEBUG] DownloadUtils.run:447: Balance Settings: 0.6 > 0.3272531270432022
[03:15:59] [INFO] DownloadUtils.run:449: Balance has selected Automatic:CurseCDN
[03:15:59] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: Download Utils Bal took 2200 ms.
[03:15:59] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: UnreadNews Init took 1170 ms.
[03:16:00] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: Download Utils CH took 2543 ms.
[03:16:00] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for modpacks.xml...
[03:16:00] [DEBUG] UpdateChecker.shouldUpdate:131: updater: buildjenk 189 < betajenk 182|| version 10401 < 10400
[03:16:00] [DEBUG] UpdateChecker.shouldUpdate:132: latest = 10403
[03:16:00] [INFO] UpdateChecker.shouldUpdate:144: New version found. version: 10401, latest: 10403
[03:16:00] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: Download Utils Curse took 2621 ms.
[03:16:00] [INFO] DownloadUtils.run:507: DL ready
[03:16:00] [INFO] DownloadUtils.run:539: Using download server Automatic:CurseCDN on host ftb.cursecdn.com (
[03:16:00] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: Download Utils Init took 2621 ms.
[03:16:00] [INFO] AuthlibDLWorker.downloadJars:132: Local Authlib Version is good, skipping Download
[03:16:00] [INFO] AuthlibDLWorker.doInBackground:67: Adding Authlib to Classpath
[03:16:00] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: Authlib DL Worker Init took 1467 ms.
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 1 (Monster)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 2 (Direwolf20)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 3 (Pax Prime 2014 Map)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 4 (Horizons)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 5 (Tech World 2)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 6 (Magic World 2)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 7 (FTBLite2)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 8 (FTB Unleashed)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 9 (FTB Ultimate)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 10 (Unstable 1.7.x (Public Beta Test Pack))
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 11 (FTB Lite)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 12 (Direwolf20 1.5 v2)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 13 (Direwolf20 Pack)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 14 (MindCrack Pack)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 15 (YogCraft Modpack)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 16 (FTB Unhinged)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 17 (Magic World)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 18 (Tech World)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 19 (Pax East 2014 Map)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 20 (Pax Challenge Pack 2013)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 21 (Feed The Beast Retro SSP)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 22 (Feed The Beast Retro SMP)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 23 (Slow's Stream Pack)
[03:16:09] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 24 (Feed The Beast Beta Pack A)
[03:16:11] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for thirdparty.xml...
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 1 (Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 2 (BloodNBones)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 3 (Crash Landing)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 4 (EPiCCRAFT)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 5 (Magic Farm 2:Adventures in Technology)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 6 (Vanilla Minecraft)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 7 (Lapito's Galacticraft Modpack)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 8 (Infamy)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 9 (Voxel)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 10 (New World Mod Pack)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 11 (RPG Immersion Pack)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 12 (BronyModPack)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 13 (Ampz Modpack)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 14 (VoxelModPack)
[03:16:14] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 15 (Magic Farm)
[03:16:14] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for ultimate.xml...
[03:16:15] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 16 (FTB Ultimate Pack)
[03:16:15] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for yogspack.xml...
[03:16:15] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 17 (Yogscast Test Pack)
[03:16:18] [WARN] HttpURLConnection.getInputStream:-1->ModpackLoader.run:68: Failed to load modpacks, loading from backup: java.io.FileNotFoundException: http://losangeles1.creeperrepo.net/FTB2/static/ultimate 1.5.xml
sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
java.net.URL.openStream(Unknown Source)
[03:16:18] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for ultimate 1.5.xml...
[03:16:18] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 18 (FTB Ultimate Pack)
[03:16:18] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for 152ngt.xml...
[03:16:18] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 19 (FTB 1.5.2 Beta No GT)
[03:16:19] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for 152wgt.xml...
[03:16:19] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 20 (FTB 1.5.2 Beta with GT)
[03:16:19] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for FTBUnhinged.xml...
[03:16:19] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding FTB Pack: 25 (FTB Unhinged)
[03:16:19] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for FTBUnleashed.xml...
[03:16:23] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 21 (FTB Unleashed)
[03:16:23] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for Direwolf20_1_5.xml...
[03:16:23] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 22 (Direwolf20_1_5)
[03:16:24] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for Epiccraft.xml...
[03:16:26] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 23 (EPiCCRAFT)
[03:16:26] [INFO] ModpackLoader.run:70: Loading modpack information for maiden.xml...
[03:16:26] [DEBUG] ModpackLoader.run:139: All packlists loaded
[03:16:26] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: Modpack Loader Init took 27706 ms.
[03:16:26] [INFO] MapLoader.run:46: loading map information...
[03:16:26] [INFO] TexturePackLoader.run:46: loading texture pack information...
[03:16:26] [INFO] AbstractModPackPane$3.run:154: Adding Third Party Pack: 24 (Questing Maiden)
[03:16:26] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 1 (Agrarian Skies Default Map)
[03:16:26] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 2 (Agrarian Skies Flat Map)
[03:16:26] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 3 (Agrarian Skies Server Map)
[03:16:26] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: MapLoader run took 250 ms.
[03:16:26] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 4 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.0)
[03:16:26] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 5 (FTB Pax Challenge)
[03:16:26] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 6 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.0)
[03:16:27] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 7 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.10)
[03:16:27] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 8 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.20)
[03:16:27] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 9 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.30)
[03:16:27] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 10 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.40)
[03:16:27] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: Texture Pack Load took 281 ms.
[03:16:27] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 11 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.50)
[03:16:27] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 12 (Direwolf20 Map Ep.80)
[03:16:27] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 13 (FTB Normal)
[03:16:27] [INFO] MapUtils$6.run:264: Adding map 14 (FTB Insanity)
[03:16:27] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: Launcher Startup took 30045 ms.
[03:16:27] [INFO] TexturepackPane$6.run:255: Adding texture pack 1 (Soartex Fanver)
[03:16:27] [INFO] TexturepackPane$6.run:255: Adding texture pack 2 (Jadedcat Mixpack)
[03:16:27] [INFO] TexturepackPane$6.run:255: Adding texture pack 3 (Faithful)
[03:16:27] [INFO] TexturepackPane$6.run:255: Adding texture pack 4 (JohnSmith Technicians Remix)
[03:16:27] [INFO] TexturepackPane$6.run:255: Adding texture pack 5 (Familiar yet Different)
[03:16:27] [INFO] TexturepackPane$6.run:255: Adding texture pack 6 (Love And Tolerance)
[03:16:27] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: Launcher Startup took 30155 ms.
[03:16:37] [INFO] EditModPackDialog.<init>:91: MCVersion: 1710
[03:16:54] [ERROR] ErrorUtils.tossError:34: This pack is a development and testing pack. It is not an official pack.
It is not to be considered stable.
Mods may be moved in and out of this pack with no warning.
Worlds may need re-set without warning.
The pack will cease to exist when official 1.7 packs are released.
If you want to help test the stability of 1.7 Forge and mods feel free to dive in.
Just keep in mind there is no tech support for this pack, and it is not an official pack.
[03:16:55] [INFO] LaunchFrame.doLogin:719: Logging in...
[03:16:55] [INFO] AuthlibHelper.authenticateWithAuthlib:60: Beginning authlib authentication attempt
[03:16:55] [INFO] AuthlibHelper.authenticateWithAuthlib:61: successfully created YggdrasilAuthenticationService
[03:16:55] [DEBUG] AuthlibHelper.authenticateWithAuthlib:76: mojangData is null or empty
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] AuthlibHelper.authenticateWithAuthlib:117: Authentication is valid
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] AuthlibHelper.authenticateWithAuthlib:120: loggedIn() && CanPlayOnline()
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] AuthlibHelper.authenticateWithAuthlib:124: Authentication done, returning LoginResponse
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: Login Worker Run took 4478 ms.
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] LaunchFrame$15.done:761: responseStr: good
[03:17:00] [INFO] LaunchFrame$15.done:764: Login complete.
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] User.writeObject:168: starting...
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] User.writeObject:170: Clearing mojangData
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] LaunchFrame$15.done:768: user data saved
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] LaunchFrame.runGameUpdater:812: ForceUpdate: false
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] LaunchFrame.runGameUpdater:813: installPath: C:\FTB
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] LaunchFrame.runGameUpdater:814: pack dir: ftb_17testpack
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] LaunchFrame.runGameUpdater:815: pack check path: ftb_17testpack\version
[03:17:00] [INFO] MCInstaller.gatherAssets:116: Checking local assets file, for MC version1.7.10 Please wait!
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] MCInstaller.gatherAssets:133: Checking minecraft.jar
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] MCInstaller.gatherAssets:146: checking minecraft libraries
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] MCInstaller.gatherAssets:167: Checking pack libararies
[03:17:00] [DEBUG] MCInstaller.gatherAssets:230: Checking minecraft assets
[03:17:06] [DEBUG] MCInstaller.gatherAssets:245: Starting TaskHandler to check MC assets
[03:17:06] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: parallel asset check took 359 ms.
[03:17:06] [INFO] MCInstaller.launchMinecraft:293: Setting up native libraries forUnstable 1.7.x (Public Beta Test Pack) v 1.0.8 MC 1.7.10
[03:17:06] [INFO] MCLauncher.syncAssets:255: Syncing Assets:
[03:17:06] [INFO] MCLauncher.launchMinecraft:80: Java Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
[03:17:06] [INFO] MCLauncher.launchMinecraft:81: Pack: Unstable 1.7.x (Public Beta Test Pack) 1.7.10
[03:17:06] [INFO] MCLauncher.setMemory:238: Setting MinMemory to 256
[03:17:06] [INFO] MCLauncher.setMemory:240: Setting MaxMemory to 4096
[03:17:06] [INFO] MCLauncher.launchMinecraft:103: Defaulting PermSize to 256m
[03:17:06] [INFO] MCLauncher.launchMinecraft:128: Adding Optimization Arguments
[03:17:07] [main/INFO]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
[03:17:07] [main/ERROR]: Unable to launch
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass(LaunchClassLoader.java:104) ~[launchwrapper-1.9.jar:?]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.7.0_15]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:97) [launchwrapper-1.9.jar:?]
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28) [launchwrapper-1.9.jar:?]
[03:17:08] [DEBUG] Benchmark.logBenchAs:71: UnreadNews Init took 234 ms.
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server updated to 1.0.8 today and now i cant open chests,books,crafting tables. Inv. auto sorts its self every time i try to use it and removes items from hot bar.
Mod Pack: Unstable 1.0.8 w/ Forge Server
Mod & Version: Baubles & Botania
What's the bug? When logging out and back in, the player loses the effects of equipped Baubles (specifically tried with Soujourner's Sash)
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known fix: Unequip & re-equip the bauble and the effect returns.

Not sure if I should be reporting issues since I set up a server environment for my friend+I to play together, but...
Mod Pack: Unstable 1.0.8
Removed Mods: All the glen's gasses and gasses waila mod stuff

Whats the bug? When scrolling the mods button menu from the main screen of minecraft the game crashes.
Can it be repeated? yes, every time I scroll the mods menu the game crashes partway through the list.

Same bug with all the gasses mods added back in.

current option settings:
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server updated to 1.0.8 today and now i cant open chests,books,crafting tables. Inv. auto sorts its self every time i try to use it and removes items from hot bar.
Maybe you should check your key config for inventory tweaks. I had the same problem a few versions back when my sorting key was set to escape.
Mod Pack: Unstable 1.0.8
Removed Mods: None

Whats the bug? Cakes are uncraftable

No nether quartz has spawned in the Nether at all for me. On versions 1.0.5/6/7. I've tried adjusting the cofh configs, and enabling/disabling NetherOres - so far nothing has worked.

I had the same problem and thought NetherOres or DenseOres were causing the problem. I had Biomes O' Plenty disabled as well which I think might have caused the lack or Nether Quartz because after I enabled BOP Nether Quartz seemed to generate. Hope this helps :#
Mod Pack: Unstable 1.0.8(SMP)
Removed Mods: All the glen's gasses and gasses waila mod stuff

Whats the bug? When leaving the End in SMP via the end portal, client freezes upon loading the overworld. The client proceeds to freeze every time the player logs into the server.

Known fix: Go into the End and leave in SSP, and the player will be able to log into the server without freezing.
Blue Power lamps don't respond to redstone (regular or inverted). Caged lamps work though. However they keep getting knocked off the walls of my blood altar cursed earth/well of suffering room. Is that supposed to happen? Happens with vanilla redstone lamps too.
I had to do the thing they mentioned on Forgecraft about turning Ambient Sounds off. Lots of random crashes when near the QED.
Changing colors and cable states with rednet cable is very crashy.
Just looking at the recipe for making burnt quartz with a Redstone Furnace in NEI will CTD. Also you can't make it with that. Had to use vanilla furnace.

Update: My rednet cable problems seemed to be because I was working too close to the QED and getting the audio crash just because I was setting them up nearby. They are ok.
Minor detail about the blue power lights: redstone signals do change the on/off texture just not the number of surrounding X's in F7. However, it does when you smack them with a pick sometimes.
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