Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

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Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
I wouldn't go saying that TE3 isn't stable yet as it may be encountering a corner case within the configs of AgS. The knapsack could be a newer version of TiC conflicting with an old save style of the knapsack.

I'd expect an answer for this will be found fairly quickly as the TE3 issues seem to be semi-common at the moment within AgS. Specifically for itemducts they generally only get stuffed if the grid of itemducts is far too large and the input conduits calculations lag behind the real time storage calculations because of travel distance. From what I can tell itemducts do not calculate en route but instead calculate upon entering the itemduct grid. The best fixes for that is proper routing, decrease the size of the item duct grid, separate the grid into sub-grids, always having a "default route"(Somewhere any overflow items can be sent, trashcan or otherwise), and using impulse itemducts.

There are specific case issues like previously with crucibles who always "appeared" to be empty when itemducts checked the inventory so they would constantly send cobble to them creating stuffing issues. There may be other inventories like this so if you see large numbers of stuffed items mark down the block they're trying to be sent into and report it to the bugs thread or ask about it otherwise.

Gerald Huppertz

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The only mod I have added is dynmap so I can view the world online and chat with the players when not at home. The power issue happens intermittently at least 2-3 times during an evening of play. The other team has had the fluidduct issue with their lava system twice.

We have experienced the pipes overflowing but usually only when 1 team is first logging in. I've also had the server 'crash' almost daily due to items spewing out.

My thoughts on this are:
We have 2 teams on adjacent platforms. When only 1 team is on, 1/2 the base for the other team is loaded causing 1/2 the machines to run, but the other half are not loaded so they can't tell the pipes not to keep stuffing. We switched both bases to full ME systems now and it lowered the amount of crashes. But My sieveing station still gets loaded by the other team and the processing station does not. This causes thousands of sieved materials to sit around the vacuum hopper once the connected inventory is full. The server seems fine while the other team is on but as soon as I log in the server crashes. Presumably because its now trying to process this mountain of data. It doesn't actually hard crash but bogs down to the point where I am falling through the void and everyone else gets kicked. I have to /stop then /kill and wait about 1.5 minutes for it to actually save the world and stop. Then I can restart and log in. Upon logging in I am greeted by mountains of items floating aorund on my platform.

Last night I changed the chickenchunks config to allow chunkloaders to work all the time without players logged in. I spawned in 2 chunk loaders that encompass both bases entirely. I'm waiting to see when I get home tonight how things are looking. I'm thinking this may solve the problem as all systems can continue to process normally.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
no this is the 2.1.1 server pack without any mods added, it's just a small server for me and 4 or 5 friends to play on and it's easyer not to add any mods or change anything.


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Okay so the most likely issue at this point for all these seem to be partial loading of TE3 grids of ducts which I believe then force the entire connected grid to load, but it only loads the ducts themselves. Since the ducts were the only thing loaded upon fully reloading the chunks the ducts need to be updated to recognize that they are attached to things they "weren't"(Weren't as in the other things weren't loaded so virtually non-existant) attached to before.

The other possibility is that the grids do not actually load the entire duct grid but instead only the portion that gets loaded by other players works and the grid that is unloaded loses its connection data because the grid it was part of was changed to the ducts that were loaded. That means the ducts that because disconnected from that grid were not loaded to start a new grid and get stuck as a "null" grid.

The solution to the latter would be an easier fix I think as I can't imagine a good way to fix the first problem.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
errm this isn't a chunkloading issues for me as my whole base is loaded when I'm in it and the problem happens if I'm online or not. as I said in my first post even after i do the break and replace on the energy conduit net work i can go back to one i placed 2 or 3 mins before and it may have broken again. plus i use chunk loaders to keep my whole base loaded


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
errm this isn't a chunkloading issues for me as my whole base is loaded when I'm in it and the problem happens if I'm online or not. as I said in my first post even after i do the break and replace on the energy conduit net work i can go back to one i placed 2 or 3 mins before and it may have broken again. plus i use chunk loaders to keep my whole base loaded


That's very strange indeed then. Back to the drawing board I guess.

I won't be of much help until I'm able to re-create the issue myself but if anyone that has the issue would be willing to make a world download available for others to test in the exact same environment it could likely expedite the solution to this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
blood magic has a ritual for that as well, with more options than just magical forest as a result.

as an aside if you are just doing it for bees, the apiary upgrades for the gendustry stuff can bypass the issue as well.

Nah I was after a cold biome to spawn a blizz, unfortunately the only biome I see is plains so..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Regarding the energy conduit. Do they still lose 5% of the energy per connection? I was having power drop issues similar to above and then split our power system into small bits with less machines attached to each. I also use tesseracts one at the point of energy production (attached to the energy cell) and the one in a balanced spot amongst the machines.

(Edited for cell phone auto correct stupidity)


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
i think this is a copy of my world

my base is the BIG one on the map

edit: just updated to 2.1.2 and it appears that the issues is fixed, i'll post an update tomorrow

This issue is not fixed in 2.1.2 as I was able to replicate it. I'm still unsure of how it's actually breaking but chunkloading is the problem. You also didn't have any chunkloaders in your base. I checked :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If anyone has been using the ducts from tinkerer's steelworks for the high oven and deep tank, they are bugged in the version with AS 2.1.2 The latest version of the mod fixes the ducts. As well as apparently adding in a new mechanism that looks like it gives a way to de-alloy metals and turn them back into their original components. (At least that is the way I understood the changelog.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This issue is not fixed in 2.1.2 as I was able to replicate it. I'm still unsure of how it's actually breaking but chunkloading is the problem. You also didn't have any chunkloaders in your base. I checked :p

oh then that must be the save where it's in the AE system :p and chunkloading issues doesn't say why it was happening when I was loggin and standing in my base :) and I was the chunk loader

oh and thank you for looking into this issue for me :D


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Well according to Jaded it is an FMP issue with loading/unloading anything that uses FMP carrying any kind of data. :v


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I still really haven't found the answer to this :)
How do you get the first blue slime, when you neither got the sapling nor the bucket ? :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Regarding the energy conduit. Do they still lose 5% of the energy per connection? I was having power drop issues similar to above and then split our power system into small bits with less machines attached to each. I also use tesseracts one at the point of energy production (attached to the energy cell) and the one in a balanced spot amongst the machines.

(Edited for cell phone auto correct stupidity)
No energy losses anywhere anymore


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If anyone has been using the ducts from tinkerer's steelworks for the high oven and deep tank, they are bugged in the version with AS 2.1.2 The latest version of the mod fixes the ducts. As well as apparently adding in a new mechanism that looks like it gives a way to de-alloy metals and turn them back into their original components. (At least that is the way I understood the changelog.)

I installed the latest version of the mod because i could not pipe in items in any way (hoppers, ducts, etc). But its very unstable, several times ive had my game crash to the point where re-loading the world would crash the game again.

in all cases i had to remove the mod, let the next load delete all the mod items and re-enable the mod.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nah I was after a cold biome to spawn a blizz, unfortunately the only biome I see is plains so..
Use the biome overlay function of the minimap, press M->Details/performance->Biome overlay: and then chose solid or transparent (solid is easier to understand since transparent muddles the colors together)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, after upgrading my 18 cyclic assembler setup, two 8 high smelteries couden't keep up with my production (2 gravel, 1 sand and 1 dust sieving all with 3 autonomous, all smashed with a fortune 3 hammer)(ps i am still looking for a solution to keep fortune 3 hammer, probably will use biblio craft since the MFR autoanvil didnt want to accept my diamonds) so i upgraded to 27 cyclic with a diamond chest/hopper system for overflow. I can run at full speed including 2 hammering setup.

So for keeping hammer up, i had 3 idea:

One: pull it out at 99%, autodisenchenter to remove fortune, autoanvil to reapply it (how do you pipe in there btw)
Two: have a man made supply of fortune 3 unbreaking 3 hammer and keep them in the activator
Three: apparently, according to ex aliquo, there is a modifier for Tico tools to make them act like hammer, but it also says you can't put fortune on it...

Anyone have another method (knowing I want at least fortune 3 on them hammers)
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, after upgrading my 18 cyclic assembler setup, two 8 high smelteries couden't keep up with my production (2 gravel, 1 sand and 1 dust sieving all with 3 autonomous, all smashed with a fortune 3 hammer)(ps i am still looking for a solution to keep fortune 3 hammer, probably will use biblio craft since the MFR autoanvil didnt want to accept my diamonds) so i upgraded to 27 cyclic with a diamond chest/hopper system for overflow. I can run at full speed including 2 hammering setup.

So for keeping hammer up, i had 3 idea:

One: pull it out at 99%, autodisenchenter to remove fortune, autoanvil to reapply it (how do you pipe in there btw)
Two: have a man made supply of fortune 3 unbreaking 3 hammer and keep them in the activator
Three: apparently, according to ex aliquo, there is a modifier for Tico tools to make them act like hammer, but it also says you can't put fortune on it...

Anyone have another method (knowing I want at least fortune 3 on them hammers)

TiCo weapon with hammering modifier and lots of luck added (to simulate fortune), and a flux capacitor to use energy versus durability. You could have an item duct connected to an energetic infuser to recharge and a PRC controlling how often the item duct pulls the item out to recharge.

I do something like this for a small autospawner setup I have for when I need specific items (like wither skulls/hearts/witch drops/liquid xp/etc)

I had a similar issue with the autoanvil and just using diamonds. I did get it to repair a hammer if I actually made another one to go in there, but that can get expensive fast.

I've gotten to the point where I have so much of the sieve materials that fortune doesn't matter anymore so I just use stone hammers.