I've never done bees before.. it always seemed very tedious.
I'm just getting into things now and am going straight to Gendustry. Can someone kind of.. tell me what going only with Extra Bees would entail? Would I just not be able to make mutations directly?
I was thinking of getting every bee species for the challenge.. not sure I can do that without Gendustry in a feasible time frame.
Pre gendustry, the technique for breeding bees is:
Get a princess from the one source species, and a few drones from each source species.
If you have any extra bees serums for fertility, ensure the princess and the starting drone have max fertility, negative effects are removed, lifespan is as short as possible, temprature and flower tolerances match wherever you are breeding.
Setup a hive in the required biome, on the required block, to "unlock" the desired mutation...
And spend the next few hours analyzing every drone that results for "fitness" (remembering that, even when the new species does occur, that the other attributes of the new species are independent alleles and thus can be lost) and keep on rebreeding drones until (a) the desired mutation occurs (b) you have successfully duplicated it so both the princesses and drones are pure and not hybrid and (c) you have not lost any other desired attributes such as extended tolerance or effect.
The mutation might introduce a lower fertility allele or a negative effect - if thats on the queens active allele, use the extra bees machines to patch it off.
Breed the new bees until you have a stack of drones - use the extra bees machines to save any "improved" attributes as a serum in your serum library.
And decide on the next species to breed up to.
With gendustry, you just pop a princess and drone from each type into the mutatron, and get a purebred example of the new queen in one easy step. As with extra bees, you can use the other machines to "patch" the new queen to be tolerant of whatever environment you have for her (such as, for example, removing her preference for dragon eggs)
If this is your first time with bees then:
* Discard any ignoble queens. They are useless for breeding, but can be used safely in non automated scenarios (or in gendustry industrial apairies with a specific upgrade).
* Any species princess can be converted into a target species by placing her into an automated apiary with a stack of drones.
* during breeding, short lifespan / high fertility is good. Unless you want lots of drones (for dna) after breeding, it is convenient to have extended lifespan and low fertility.