Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

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Greatwood wand with gold caps?
That's the thing: I need the infusion altar so I can make a greatwood sapling. That\s the problem, it basically puts you in a closed loop: I need greatwood to make a runic matrix, but I need a runic matrix to make an infusion altar that will allow me to make a greatwood sapling.
Those are my only 2 choices? Well, guess I'mma better build a third darkroom then, at least I found the magical forest biome...
anyone know a use for applied energistics ender pearl dust in this pack? I am getting it as a bee byproduct, but it seemingly has no use in NEI.
as noted multiple times in this thread already, you will thank yourself later with the pech vs any other approach. your next hurdle would have been taking your greatwood and somehow enabling yourself to get a node in a jar, which would have required 75 from a capacity 50 wand, with the node being the center item in the silverwood infusion recipe. the pech can turn up silverwoods from trades, and very very slowly from kills.

then again if you are using a close to unstable testing version of the pack, using the sky alchemy tabs gold+silk mesh for vis filters, and building up some goodies doable without infusion, one of the rewards is a greatwood sapling, which in turn can be handed in for some more stuff. ie quest "alchemy" unlocks moving essentia which requires no infusion and rewards a greatwood sapling. that sapling can be used immediately to hand in "skyblock magic" for a greatwood sapling and silverwood sapling.

use the power of the quests people.
anyone know a use for applied energistics ender pearl dust in this pack? I am getting it as a bee byproduct, but it seemingly has no use in NEI.
quantum network bridges. think tesseracts for extending an existing ae network remotely, or even cross dimensionally.
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as noted multiple times in this thread already, you will thank yourself later with the pech vs any other approach. your next hurdle would have been taking your greatwood and somehow enabling yourself to get a node in a jar, which would have required 75 from a capacity 50 wand, with the node being the center item in the silverwood infusion recipe. the pech can turn up silverwoods from trades, and very very slowly from kills.

then again if you are using a close to unstable testing version of the pack, using the sky alchemy tabs gold+silk mesh for vis filters, and building up some goodies doable without infusion, one of the rewards is a greatwood sapling, which in turn can be handed in for some more stuff. ie quest "alchemy" unlocks moving essentia which requires no infusion and rewards a greatwood sapling. that sapling can be used immediately to hand in "skyblock magic" for a greatwood sapling and silverwood sapling.

use the power of the quests people.

quantum network bridges. think tesseracts for extending an existing ae network remotely, or even cross dimensionally.

Thanks so much! Familiar with AE, but not that aspect, and the no recipes in NEI was throwing me off.
OK, getting there still. I'm still way short on the cobble quest, I only have about 6.5 million, I think I need to spend a bit of time expanding my cobble gen.

I managed to capture a blizz and pech in Safari Net, so I'm spawning blizzes at the moment to get blizz powder for the Gelid Cryotheum. I'm getting Niter by pulverising sandstone. I've only got 2 quests on Hells Kitchen to go, the lettuce and tomato, I've got about 32K Lettuce, and about 8K Tomoto, so nearly done. Still getting there slowly, but still enjoying it.

As someone up thread said, I'm really enjoying this pack, I usually play to a certain point and get bored, in this pack, there are things to aim for at all times.

Next on my to do list is update my reactor to use Gelid Cryotheum for cooling (currently using Liquid Ender), probably build it onto a actively cooled and get a turbine at some point. Need to still do a certain amount of work around the Wizard Stuff as well as Bees.

Edit: Also, for the power hoarding and the last quest in the learning to skyblock, you can submit an empty flux capacitor, and it will be accepted.
... *blink* ...

the AE grindstone, a bit of a joke that the recipie isn't blocked, or am I doing it wrong?

Doesn't really server a purpose since the only thing you could usefully grind early on would be bones. ExN ores don't work.
Sorry, I've just been playing for over 3 minecraft days waiting for a blzz to spawn while i wait for other things

I put a platform (unlit) in a Taiga Biome, and covered it in snow blocks. Then for fun and games, I took pot shots at a distance at anything that wasn't a blizz.

I actually had them spawn the first night, but before I could get a safari net, they either despawned, or fell off the edge. The same happened the second night. I think it only took four nights or something really short.
No. In that case services are already interrupted, which is why I'm resetting the network in the first place. My reply about interruption was specifically aimed at the "turn it off to save power" bit. I don't turn my network off, ever, unless it is already broken. Well, I do sometimes segment it specifically to move stuff off of drives into external storage---and this is actually a great place for a dark fiber switch, between the drive enclosures and the main network, since it allows you to almost instantly determine if something is completely in external storage or not.

And hey, I wasn't complaining about breaking and replacing the controller. In fact I was saying how much nicer it was to simply do that than to play hunt the stuffed duct. It isn't something that needs a new option, it works great. Between the godlike pick and lvl 8 mysterious magnet in my inventory it takes all of a couple seconds.

The simplest solution I've found is to right click the MAC and remove and replace a crafting pattern. I don't think you need to event open & close your inventory, just removing it from the MAC pattern provider interface briefly will cause it to update it's crafting recipes.

This doesn't require re-doing any existing crafting requests in my experience.
Always read the patch notes. I just spent an hour trying to figure out why my High Oven would go to 1004, then to 1000 and stop.
Why would you need a node in the jar with a greatwood wand? Can't you just make one of the other cores and then have a wand capable of storing 75 vis?

Also, I figured out how to automate the production of earth shards without using silk touch. Since you need grass blocks, place a 3 X 10ish area of dirt and plant grass. Next use a block placer to place dirt, and a piston to push the center row towards an activator with hammers. When a dirt block is broken, you get dirt. If it is grass, you have a chance at a shard. Recycle the dirt blocks back to the block placer. Grass will grow on the dirt as it is being pushed towards the activator providing a way to get earth shards automatically.
Why would you need a node in the jar with a greatwood wand? Can't you just make one of the other cores and then have a wand capable of storing 75 vis?

Also, I figured out how to automate the production of earth shards without using silk touch. Since you need grass blocks, place a 3 X 10ish area of dirt and plant grass. Next use a block placer to place dirt, and a piston to push the center row towards an activator with hammers. When a dirt block is broken, you get dirt. If it is grass, you have a chance at a shard. Recycle the dirt blocks back to the block placer. Grass will grow on the dirt as it is being pushed towards the activator providing a way to get earth shards automatically.

Gelid Cryotheum and water pools. Water shard automation.
Why would you need a node in the jar with a greatwood wand? Can't you just make one of the other cores and then have a wand capable of storing 75 vis?

Also, I figured out how to automate the production of earth shards without using silk touch. Since you need grass blocks, place a 3 X 10ish area of dirt and plant grass. Next use a block placer to place dirt, and a piston to push the center row towards an activator with hammers. When a dirt block is broken, you get dirt. If it is grass, you have a chance at a shard. Recycle the dirt blocks back to the block placer. Grass will grow on the dirt as it is being pushed towards the activator providing a way to get earth shards automatically.
okay just deleted a boatload of answer, let us try this. the point was people keep skipping to the end and shooting themselves in the foot and would do so again because basically, they didn't "read the fine questbook" to strain a phrase. i cannot blame them as the quest line used to be different int eh 1.x.x line of agskies, so here we go.

to wit, even if pech spawning failed.

this page in the questbook

the quest that branches into 5 parts

which unlocks the one to the right which gives greatwood

which can then immediately be used in the one to the left

for silverwood and the greatwood back
with the alchemy machines and pipes needing vis filters which instead of silverwood can be made by unlocking this recipe

as opposed to jumping the gun and trying for this

instead of using the unlocked recipe for


and then finally being able to make

which will still require the alchemical goods to be made to use in order to perform the infusions, of which the silverwood sapling infusion requires said node in a jar.
would still have gotten them the saplings BEFORE needing infusion. also, very very slowly, mana beans from dirt sieving for salis mundus is doable, while shard hammering is very basic as well.

everything needed to that point in the qb chain is entirely doable with iron capped wood wands, albeit refilling many many times over. list: thaumonomicon and sacrificial orb, 1 of each shard, a table, a focus pouch and a gold wand cap. ditto for the tubes and alchemical hardware, which in turn means a 50 vis wand with gold caps is entirely doable circumventing the full wand robes and other hijinks entirely and laying a clean pathway to infusing the wood from the silverwood you have, not the one in the proverbial bush :p. also amazing how many people think the silverwood sapling infusion is a warded jar not a node in a jar.

so question: useful?

edit 4: oh and the jarring process needs 70 of multiple types my error there. i'll be honest, i generally don't bother with the other varieties and yes they do store 75 while generally being doable with an wooden wands worth of vis to craft, at least with gold caps. the problem you see, is that to craft the alternate wand cores, you *would* need infusion.
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So...I'm all set up to make myself some bound armor, but I'm not sure which sigils/whatnot to put in it. Normally I'd do Sanguine Helmet, Haste, Magnetism and an Air Sigil, but Haste and Magnetism seem kind of silly in AS (Magnetism mostly because it would mess with sieving operations) and since I'm not going to be node-hunting (I have 24 nodes from quest rewards), the sanguine helmet seems semi-pointless full time. I was thinking Green Grove would be useful, as would Phantom Bridge, but I tried Phantom Bridge in Bound Amor previously and it was incredibly annoying (mostly because the spawned blocks weren't despawning and I was leaving a huge trail behind me.) I was thinking just setting it up for nether exploring (Lava Sigil, Air Sigil, Haste, Magnetism, probably) but I'm not sure I'll ever even go to the nether.

Anyone have any suggestions?