Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

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Updated from 2.1.2 to 2.1.5 and deleted the Nether to reset it.
For some reason Nether Ores seems to be spawning everything.
I'm seeing Osmium, Mythril, Nikolite, etc.

Yup. That's what happens when I have to change the config settings. Things go weird. Now I have to fiddle more and figure out how to stop the stuff I didn't want.[DOUBLEPOST=1400346881][/DOUBLEPOST]
My game has crashed a further 3 times tonight and one of those times my world didn't show up in the game window after and I had to restore a back up. It seems to run for about 5 or 10 mins and then crashes. Interestingly the first 2 crashes I had on Thursday were client crashes whereas the latest crash reports from Friday say they are server crashes.

Here are the latest crashes reports:

Hi guys - any chance of a response to these as it's preventing me from playing.

Update to : http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/68023-mariculture/files/2202262/download

if that fixes it for people with that crash I'll push a hotfix to the launcher.[DOUBLEPOST=1400347038][/DOUBLEPOST]
Am i missing something, or high oven wont go over 1000°C so it wont melt steel as of v.2.1.5

Did you red the quest update? The high overn needs to be 4 high to go hot enough to make steel.
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As these are client-side update it yourself.
But if there are issues, you'll find out quickly why the mod pack creator's run betas and Not Recommended versions.
Also if there are issues, any issues wont be able to be fixed on here. As you've modified the Modpack.

When I tried updating (thinking it was a client-side only thing), I got a message from FML on joining the server that my mods did not match the server.

Yep, just verified it now with the 2.1.5 pack -- I'm forced to use the same version as the server.
I have a Bloodwood tree being harvested and shearing leaves.. What the harvester gives me is "block.leaves..name 3258:10" These fail to convert to dirt as they will not allow themselves in a barrel to compost, if I shear the trees be hand I get Bloodleaves 3258:2
I have a Bloodwood tree being harvested and shearing leaves.. What the harvester gives me is "block.leaves..name 3258:10" These fail to convert to dirt as they will not allow themselves in a barrel to compost, if I shear the trees be hand I get Bloodleaves 3258:2
For a temp fix try placing one manually sheared leaf in a barrel and have the new ones routed into it.
It appears there are some dupe bugs with Knapsacks, no errors or anything just every now and then theres a random crash and the contents of my knapsack are in my inventory / knapsack, both functional. Also green / yellow heart canisters do not give the extra third /fourth hearts, nor any hearts in the yellow bar. Edit : also, these crashes disable my TE itemducts and redstone conductives.... thats getting annoying :( They wont output power and the ducts drop items.

Edit2: Going to the nether is what is causing the pipes to be funny.

Edit3: You really fluffed up something. My resonant energy cell that is in the nether, being all nice and powering my ender quarry, just reappeared back at its charging post, and is full
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I have a deep tank from Tinkers' Construct built as per the steelworking book, and every time I place the controller, this happens:

net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Ticking tile entity
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:674)
        at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(DedicatedServer.java:276)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:587)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:484)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:583)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: tsteelworks.blocks.logic.DeepTankLogic cannot be cast to tsteelworks.blocks.logic.HighOvenLogic
        at tsteelworks.blocks.logic.HighOvenDuctLogic.getHighOvenController(HighOvenDuctLogic.java:179)
        at tsteelworks.blocks.logic.HighOvenDuctLogic.getOutputInventory(HighOvenDuctLogic.java:430)
        at tsteelworks.blocks.logic.HighOvenDuctLogic.insertItemToInventory(HighOvenDuctLogic.java:204)
        at tsteelworks.blocks.logic.HighOvenDuctLogic.updateDuct(HighOvenDuctLogic.java:95)
        at tsteelworks.blocks.logic.HighOvenDuctLogic.func_70316_g(HighOvenDuctLogic.java:77)
        at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:2209)
        at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72939_s(WorldServer.java:550)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:668)
        ... 4 more

It takes down the server and corrupts the world.

Yup. That's what happens when I have to change the config settings. Things go weird. Now I have to fiddle more and figure out how to stop the stuff I didn't want.

Looks like a setting was changed that did not need to be change to fix the issue with iridium.

# If true, will spawn nether ores regardless of if a furnace or macerator recipe was found. If false, at least one of those two must be found to spawn the ore.

That option should be false like was in the previous release configs.

Simply changing the BlocksPerGroup for Iridium would have fixed it.

Not that it matters since you can get them via other means, but Nether Emerald and Nether Uranium still do not generate because they are still BlocksPerGroup=2.

On another note, you can also disable individual Nether Ores by changing the "Disable=false" to true in the worldgen portion of the nether ores config and this will override other settings.

To fix the issue, just change the ForceOreSpawn option back to false. I have verified that this fixes it and the Nether Ores that do not have recipes no longer generate like previous versions of the mod-pack.
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Looks like the red, yellow and green dye textures are missing from mariculture. mariculture version 1.2.2c

I haven't had any other issues with my auto fisher or feeders since the update though :)
This first "occurred" in 2.1.3, 2.1.4 didn't fix it.

A friend of ours started out in the single player map (Home sweet Home Q according to him). He quite quickly however started up a server with his SSP map.
He didn't change anything beyond just booting the server with the save"world" loaded.

Our nether seems to be quite... "empty" mob-wise. Very occasionally an imp will spawn, and i've found hellfishes in 1 (remote) spot but no ghasts, almost entirely no pigmen, no blazes (unless spawned by a spawner in a fortress), no wither skeletons, nothing.

I have however found a weird spot in the nether. Regular (non-thaumcraft) bats seem to be spawning in an alclove. If you wait for a while they just keep on spawning.
screenshot : http://wrongplace.be/files/2014-05-17_22.12.52.png
(look at the minimap entity radar).

We have absolutely no idea why this is happening. Mining nether ores doesn't seem to spawn anger/spawn any pigmen either.

Edit: In the total amount of time I've spent in that nether I've just seen about 1 ghast, 1 (infernal, but harmless) pigmen which went through the portal but didn't seem to end up on the other side, a couple of hellfishes and a handful of imps spawn naturally.
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This first "occurred" in 2.1.3, 2.1.4 didn't fix it.

A friend of ours started out in the single player map (Home sweet Home Q according to him). He quite quickly however started up a server with his SSP map.
He didn't change anything beyond just booting the server with the save"world" loaded.

Our nether seems to be quite... "empty" mob-wise. Very occasionally an imp will spawn, and i've found hellfishes in 1 (remote) spot but no ghasts, almost entirely no pigmen, no blazes (unless spawned by a spawner in a fortress), no wither skeletons, nothing.

I have however found a weird spot in the nether. Regular (non-thaumcraft) bats seem to be spawning in an alclove. If you wait for a while they just keep on spawning.
screenshot : http://wrongplace.be/files/2014-05-17_22.12.52.png
(look at the minimap entity radar).

We have absolutely no idea why this is happening. Mining nether ores doesn't seem to spawn anger/spawn any pigmen either.

Try entering the command.
/cofh killall
This will kill off all of the existing hostile mobs and reset the hostile mob cap. There are probably a ton of Hellfish hiding in the netherack eating up the hostile mob cap not allowing any of the other hostile mobs to spawn.
Try entering the command.
/cofh killall
This will kill off all of the existing hostile mobs and reset the hostile mob cap. There are probably a ton of Hellfish hiding in the netherack eating up the hostile mob cap not allowing any of the other hostile mobs to spawn.

Why didn't I think of that :p. I use that command quite regularly in our private pack because hecates are bugged and cause the same issue. And yes, that did seem to fix it indeed. Thanks.

2014-05-17 22:38:47 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Removed 118 hostile entities. (ºc118ºfxºeNetherOres.netherOresHellfishºf)

Kind of odd though, the chunks that I found them at are quite the distance away from my chunkloader and therefore shouldn't be loaded into memory...
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