Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

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You can use opis to kill certain groups of entities. Use the tracking tab and entity type sub-tab and use the "kill all" button when you have a type of entity selected. It will delete all entities of that type.

Thanks, I tried that, I was pressing tab but it wouldn't come up with anything. If I do work it out though, what would be the infernal mobs to kill.

Edit: hang on, what's opis? lol
Thanks, I tried that, I was pressing tab but it wouldn't come up with anything. If I do work it out though, what would be the infernal mobs to kill.

Edit: hang on, what's opis? lol
Opis is a mod to help find sources of lag. It is disabled on default in Agrarian Skies. You use the command /opis to start it up
Do you have NEI in cheat mode? If you can't give them try going in to create temporarily?

Also, you say it crashes when the fish feeder ticks over? Are you able to try and recreate that and get a report for me?
Maybe it was only when they were still processing from prior to the upgrade. I can't seem to make them happy enough to want to actually breed now at all.

However, i went into creative and grabbed 2 new fish and i put them in and it instantly crashed again when I hovered over the health bar. crash attached. server and client this time.


Maybe it was only when they were still processing from prior to the upgrade. I can't seem to make them happy enough to want to actually breed now at all.

However, i went into creative and grabbed 2 new fish and i put them in and it instantly crashed again when I hovered over the health bar. crash attached. server and client this time.

Strange the new fish shouldn't crash. *Stick a debug fish live any condition* in a fish feeder to make them like any condition to test that one. Either way I'll release the fix for this tomorrow. Bit late now.
My game crashes every 10 or so mins, so I think it's the same problem (if that's a common one)
I hardly use the fishing stuff, so must just be infernal mobs

I don't think it is; from the stack trace this looks like the same crash MiniMoggle is getting, and indeed the same one I am experiencing since upgrading to 2.1.5 and which brought me here. It appears to be distinct from shdwDragon's crash.

I have never been to the Nether in this world and have no Nether portal; as I understand it Overworld mobs shouldn't spawn infernal.

Crash reports: https://gist.github.com/pao/60c17d47aa263a60d27c

EDIT: The proximate cause is something with the Ex Aliquo-Mariculture bridge. And an Oyster block handler is deeper in the callstack. But I have no idea why--my world shouldn't have any oysters, either.
I have been playing this pack for a while, and its great, but since the pack was updated just today (for me at least) i have been having a pretty terrible bug. Every time i open a blocks gui (like a chest or machine, for example) my game closes. It seems like a crash, but i get no crash report. Any help please?
Mechman/pao your crashes are because you have fishing nets.

"at mariculture.core.blocks.BlockOyster.func_71847_b(BlockOyster.java:251)"

Fishing Nets and Oysters use the same block id.
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Reactions: pao and Mechman007
Mechman your crash is because you have fishing nets.

"at mariculture.core.blocks.BlockOyster.func_71847_b(BlockOyster.java:251)"

Fishing Nets and Oysters use the same block id.

Oh thanks so much! Is it safe to replace them or just take them out altogether? Also am I fine to keep them in item form rather than throw them? (Don't want to be throwing out oysters!)
Oh thanks so much! Is it safe to replace them or just take them out altogether? Also am I fine to keep them in item form rather than throw them? (Don't want to be throwing out oysters!)

Oysters should be fine and not crash, so you can keep those placed. But I'd pick up your fishing nets for now. They won't do anything in your inventory.
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Mechman/pao your crashes are because you have fishing nets.

"at mariculture.core.blocks.BlockOyster.func_71847_b(BlockOyster.java:251)"

Fishing Nets and Oysters use the same block id.

Aha! Stars from above. I'll just go break all those then. Thanks!
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Strange the new fish shouldn't crash. *Stick a debug fish live any condition* in a fish feeder to make them like any condition to test that one. Either way I'll release the fix for this tomorrow. Bit late now.
Just tested and they seem to be processing fine. So I'm not sure what to say. I just know that when they were running originally when I upgraded it would crash whether I was in the feeder interface or not.

Just tested a couple of new fish again. I went into creative and got a couple of Cod (last time was Neon Tetra). put them into the fish feeder with no upgrades in it. They weren't happy, so hovered over the health bar and instant crash.

Thanks for working on this so quickly joshie!

Let me know if you want a copy of the most recent crash from the Cod or any other testing in regards to this. Have a great night!
Probably not a bug, but really annoying seeing it on the console and logfile.

Upgrading from 2.1.1 to 2.1.5, i now have this message in the console window repeating itself every second or so:

Do a /cofh kill all in the world. It looks like Infernal Mobs is having trouble removing the ender tag.[DOUBLEPOST=1400302056][/DOUBLEPOST]
okay maybe that should have been in the update that just happened then lol. I will delete it. I am sure anyone who has shift clicked has found it already. It's really annoying though. keep throwing stuff into the void[DOUBLEPOST=1400295832][/DOUBLEPOST]
All my quests saved between updates. maybe your world got written over. load a backup if at all possible

The updates to recommended are usually whatever was in the last non-recommended with a few minor additions.
Updated from 2.1.2 to 2.1.5 and deleted the Nether to reset it.
For some reason Nether Ores seems to be spawning everything.
I'm seeing Osmium, Mythril, Nikolite, etc.
Recently on my SMP server running 2.1.4 i have noticed this message popping up in the console, it is not causing a crash but it concerns me. Does anyone have any thoughts? i tried rolling back before the first instance of the error i could find in the log, but no luck. Related issues i found from other FTB packs lead me to believe its the begging of some world file corruption, but i cannot confirm as the issue/circumstances are not identical.

Loading pulling the world onto my local machine and running in single player does not seem to have the issue, so im really unsure what the cause could be.

Edit: Also if the dev for the aroma backup reads this thread, any chance you can friendly it up a bit for linux? Right now your intended directory structure is not compatible with linux, i would be more than happy to help test a new revision before release.

Server specs, ubuntu 12.04 LTS
java version "1.7.0_55"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_55-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.55-b03, mixed mode)

2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(HashMap.java:926)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at java.util.HashMap$ValueIterator.next(HashMap.java:954)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound.func_74734_a(SourceFile:25)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase.func_74731_a(SourceFile:119)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound.func_74734_a(SourceFile:26)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase.func_74731_a(SourceFile:119)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound.func_74734_a(SourceFile:26)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList.func_74734_a(NBTTagList.java:49)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase.func_74731_a(SourceFile:119)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound.func_74734_a(SourceFile:26)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase.func_74731_a(SourceFile:119)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound.func_74734_a(SourceFile:26)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTBase.func_74731_a(SourceFile:119)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.nbt.CompressedStreamTools.func_74800_a(CompressedStreamTools.java:140)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilChunkLoader.func_75821_a(AnvilChunkLoader.java:198)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilChunkLoader.func_75814_c(AnvilChunkLoader.java:184)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.world.storage.ThreadedFileIOBase.func_75736_b(SourceFile:30)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at net.minecraft.world.storage.ThreadedFileIOBase.run(SourceFile:23)
2014-05-16 19:41:04 [INFO] [STDERR]    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
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No idea if it's intended or a bug, but the MFR Planter can't handle Amaranth Sapplings, ie it wont plant them. The MFR Harvester does harvest them though. If it's intended, good grief...
Just in case, you can use the Thaumcraft golems as a very good (and quite cheap) substitute to the MFR Planter. One golem is largely enough to handle a 9x9 (unfertilized) farm for exemple.
Hi. Yesterday my game suddenly started crashing to desktop using version 2.1.2. It did this twice. Both times I was right clicking on my AE remote access after looking in the quest book. Today I updated to the new 2.1.5 version and it crashed again twice while fixing some fluid issues with my AE system as the fluids in my level emitter ui had changed during the update.


These are the 4 crash reports:

My game has crashed a further 3 times tonight and one of those times my world didn't show up in the game window after and I had to restore a back up. It seems to run for about 5 or 10 mins and then crashes. Interestingly the first 2 crashes I had on Thursday were client crashes whereas the latest crash reports from Friday say they are server crashes.

Here are the latest crashes reports:

Hi guys - any chance of a response to these as it's preventing me from playing.
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