Unsupported Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting

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Then dump the unifiers. AE should be able to use any of them.
Thats like stopping road accidents by chopping off peoples legs so they can't drive. Overkill and getting rid of a useful block without doing any actual bug solving.
And besides, I use the Unifier for legit purposes. mostly to consolidate my Ingots to 1 form in my AE so it doesn't take 3/4 types.
That would ruin all of it.
Just found an interesting bug. If you have the "reaper" enchantment from Mariculture it somehow makes you not lose a life when dying. You still get the respawn/title screen window and the minimap tracks your last death location, but your remaining lives stay the same.

Also not sure if really a bug, but I have all the available quests completed and still am at 87% of "The End" and about 70% of "Bragging Rights". I've read somewhere that there are hidden quests, but it's seriously annoying when you're going for a full 100% and you don't know which of the over 8000 items you're supposed to craft to unlock them.
Just found an interesting bug. If you have the "reaper" enchantment from Mariculture it somehow makes you not lose a life when dying. You still get the respawn/title screen window and the minimap tracks your last death location, but your remaining lives stay the same.

Also not sure if really a bug, but I have all the available quests completed and still am at 87% of "The End" and about 70% of "Bragging Rights". I've read somewhere that there are hidden quests, but it's seriously annoying when you're going for a full 100% and you don't know which of the over 8000 items you're supposed to craft to unlock them.
Never heard about the reaper one.
For the others. send me a screen shot of the sets that aren't 100% and i'll let you know
Never heard about the reaper one.
For the others. send me a screen shot of the sets that aren't 100% and i'll let you know
I only lack :"The end" and "Bragging rights". This is how they look
2014-07-08_12.24.31.png 2014-07-08_12.24.40.png
PS.Sorry for not sending it via PM, but I couldn't find an option to add files to a PM. m(_ _)m
Yes, I know, but all the quests currently visible to me are completed and I don't know the requirements for the rest to open (everything else is at "All quests Completed" status).
Same here.
In 'The End', we have completed 'Hydraulic Guild', '5 Star Chef', 'Apprentice Arch-Mage', 'The Farmer', 'The Industrialist', 'Biologist' and 'Jack of all trades'. Currently stands at 87%
In 'Bragging Rights', we have completed 'Thermal Expansion', 'McAurey's', 'Vanilla Lover', 'Mine factory Reloaded', 'Tinkerer', 'Bee Domination', Applied Energistics', 'Interior decorator', 'Blood magic Adept', 'Armoursmith', 'Thaumcraft', 'Open Sesame' and 'Passive slaughterer'. I did have the 'Hostile Mobs' quest, but when I got to 95% it disappeared. Bragging Rights currently stands at 86%.
Small, yet very annoying bug report:

Bug #1

Version: 3.1.1
Modded: No external mods added
Issue: Mariculture's Ingot Caster does not soldify metal (any) if you pour some of said metal into it (not full) then close minecraft and reopen it. Upon loading the world Ingot Caster is stuck, won't soldify what it has in already - you have to either break and replace or use fluiducts to pump out the metal that was already in.
This is very annoying as I automated my ore doubling using Mariculture. Now each time I start new session I am forced to replace the Ingot Casters :c

My setup is:
Mariculture's Crucible fueled with lava tank below, Ingot Caster is adjacent to the Crucible and a vMC Hopper is pulling out of the bottom of the Caster.
But, personally, I think it's some issue with Caster's data loading upon world load.

Bug #2

Platinum Ore Dust (ID 3757:2) is not registered within Mariculture's Crucible smelting list.
It won't smelt even at 2000C.

Figured out solution:
At minetweaker folder at mariculture.cfg:
mods.mariculture.crucible.addMelting(1768, items.crowley.skyblock.platinum_dust, fluids.platinum.molten * 288);
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I got a mystery safari net from one of the quests, and it spawned an invisible slime with half a heart. As i ounched in the direction of the slime, i heard it die, then my whole screen turned a navy blue color, only showing the durability of my tools and the outline of the minimap. It also shows the blue in the esc screen, not showing any buttons. The issue fixed when i restarted the modpack, as logging in and out of the world didnt help.
I just found a bug! I dont know if it already post but if yes please ignore this! "gendustry" "gene sample" when place in squeezer in forestry "dont" consume but instead create infinite "empty gene sample" and "liquid DNA".
I found 2 bugs but i could only recreate 1 of them, #1 Mariculture's Vat while i was trying to remove obsidian, if i had obsidian in my hand it would go in the vat and become stuck there i had to remove obsidian i was creating with an empty hand to prevent putting more in the vat this happened several times but i could not recreate it after restarting. #2 Simply Jet packs while wearing a lead stone jet pack i noticed if you open the bookbinder then a book inside of the binder and exit the power supply of the jet pack does not go down allowing for infinite flight however the jet packs energy still goes down just not visual on the HUD and when the energy is gone you can no longer use hover but you can still fly forever just without hover on. i noticed opening your inventory usual fixed it.
Then dump the unifiers. AE should be able to use any of them.
Yeah, you do realize one of those unifiers is JABBA barrels? Which is one reason why this was such a big exploit, because you could pull this off from the very beginning.
Thats like stopping road accidents by chopping off peoples legs so they can't drive. Overkill and getting rid of a useful block without doing any actual bug solving.
And besides, I use the Unifier for legit purposes. mostly to consolidate my Ingots to 1 form in my AE so it doesn't take 3/4 types.
That would ruin all of it.

It's far easier to run the alternate ingots through the high oven and use that as a unifier than making a unnecessarily complex system to posses all the sand and gravels.
It'll take a bit more time to run everything through but it's not like it's important to process the materials instantly. Besides the high oven is the highest speed smeltery we have in ag skys there should be no reason to use any other. It'll handle dusts ores and even nether ores.

It's the simpler better solution. Taking out one or two redundant blocks than crash the usefulness of like 20 different items.

Yeah, you do realize one of those unifiers is JABBA barrels? Which is one reason why this was such a big exploit, because you could pull this off from the very beginning.

A exploit should never be an excuse for gimping a feature. If they are going to use an exploit like this they are just as likely to simply creative spawn the materials. It's stupid to make things harder for us all just to stop a few who are going out of there way to cheat the game.
That is because the high oven, apparently, only smelts stuff [that] is oreDictionary'ed to ore. Dusts are, Sand and gravel are not. They used to be, but, well, you should be able to see the problem with having an ore gravel, sand, and dust with the same ore dictionary tag plus having several items in AgSkies that can unify based on ore dictionary. Massive, massive exploit that I just realized for my own pack and closed.

Thanks to the magic [of] Modtweaker you could re-add ore gravel and ore sand to the stuff that the High Oven can smelt. I'm not sure if Jadedcat will bother, as it was a pita to do (btw, Jadedcat, if you'd like to borrow that code, I'd gladly send it to you, you would need the latest Modtweaker, though).

Honestly, though, thanks to the packager it isn't that big a deal to work around. One activator to place the ore gravel and sand, another to smack it with a hammer, the packager to make all the bits back into blocks and a bit of duct work to route things to their proper places. It is a neat challenge.

You're right, it's not a big deal. I was mainly trying to determine if this was a bug, a side-effect, or an intended change. I'm counting it somewhere between side-effect and intended change.

I already came up with my own similar solution. I've got an ME system with a MAC to manage transporting the ores and crafting hammers on demand for a few activators (three for deploying, three for smashing). A vacuum hopper sucks the bits back up into the AE system. I already had some precision export busses set up to automatically assemble the crushed and pulverized bits into sand and dust, respectively. I can post a screenshot, if anyone is interested.

Iskandar, I am curious to see that code for re-adding the ores back to the High Oven, if you're willing to share it.
I think I managed to find a game breaking bug.
I set up an autopacker to the right of a JABBA barrel that feeds it compressed cobblestone (9 cobblestone) and set up an empty barrel to the right of it to fill up with double compressed cobblestone (81 cobblestone). Upon powering the autopacker my game closed instantly and continues to do so as soon as I load the world, before anything is rendered.

I can provide world save if you wish.

Also lots of typos in the quest book but that's not too big of a problem.
I was going about in my world, looking at NEI recipes (though I can't recall which exactly it was that I was looking at) and then my world crashed, along with the FTB Launcher.
The crash report has '-server' at the end of the name of it:
I have not modified the pack in anyway. It crashes (abruptly) while on the "Loading world" screen. It was in version 3.0.0 (or possibly 3.0.1?) when it first crashed.

EDIT: I loaded a backup from around 15 minutes before the crash, and it worked for a while. But then it crashed again (presumably corrupting the world - again).
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I was going about in my world, looking at NEI recipes (though I can't recall which exactly it was that I was looking at) and then my world crashed, along with the FTB Launcher.
The crash report has '-server' at the end of the name of it:
I have not modified the pack in anyway. It crashes (abruptly) while on the "Loading world" screen. It was in version 3.0.0 (or possibly 3.0.1?) when it first crashed.

EDIT: I loaded a backup from around 15 minutes before the crash, and it worked for a while. But then it crashed again (presumably corrupting the world - again).
It's something to do with your autopackager.
If this is on SSP,
remove the autopackager Mod,
Open the map,
Close the game and re-add the mod.

That will remove all autopackagers.
Then check your autopackager input chest for things that shouldn't be there that it was trying to craft.
I recently downloaded the most current server version so me and my friends. When I log-in I immediately spawn then fall through the void. The server seems to consider the point i spawn at a "wrong location". the related portion of the log is attached - http://pastebin.com/7J0BZ76K
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