You can get apiaries which are better than apiaries?
I'm pretty sure you mean alvearies are better than apiaries, because that doesn't seem quite right.
I think trying to browse the forums on mobile is the worst part of having lost my LAN card. The one on the Motherboard was broken when I installed it, and it'll be Tuesday at the earliest before a new one gets here.
You're welcome for the compliment, and welcome to bees. The buzzing pain only gets worse. But now I believe you can get Apiaries which I am informed are vastly better than Apiaries.
I use Tapatalk on my mobile, it's not bad - not great either but there you go
So if I understand correctly, alviaries can adjust temperature which will let me breed my snow bees in a different biome?
My Age of Engineering Series:
There are a couple of ways to get bees to breed in the wrong biome:
* Use a terraformer to just change the biome. AOE has one of these.
* Use a Forestry greenhouse. Search NEI with "@for green" for a list of the relevant blocks. It includes dryers, heaters, fans and valves that will nudge the appropriate environmental condition at least 1 notch away from the biomes base value.
* Use a Forestry Alveary. Again it includes heaters fans etc (which must be directly wired with RF) that will adjust the environment the bees experience by at least one notch.
* Cross breed the bees to give them better environmental tolerance alleles. The bees preferred environment is set by the bee species, but both humidity and temperature have modifier alleles: "None", "Up_1", "Down_1", "Both_1" etc.
Depending on the species, and the biome you want to automate them in, you might need a combination of greenhouse, and alveary, Humidity is a 3 notch scale: arid, normal, damp, and temperature is a 5 notch scale: Icy, Cold, Normal, Warm, Hot, Hellish. So a greenhouse or alveary will always be able to make the humidity tolerable for any bee, But you might need to stack them to get a Hellish temperature bee to tolerate a normal temperature biome if it doesn't have a Down_2/Both_2 or better.
I find Tapatalk irritating. More so than manually posting.
Yeah, stacking an Alveary inside a Greenhouse. I haven't actually used a greenhouse yet though, so I'm not sure how to build one. And I haven't seen an article on how.
The greenhouse seems to have been developed as a freeform structure. It doesn't need to be a simple cube shape. Shapes with a floor of greenhouse bricks and walls and a roof of bricks or glass should work. I think the walls need to be straight the floor possibly flat, but you can shape the roof as long as you don't leave gaps.
NB: For bees that have a listed "Speciality" - the Speciality will only be produced if the bee is in its preferred environment, not merely a tolerated environment.
I find Tapatalk irritating. More so than manually posting.
Yeah, stacking an Alveary inside a Greenhouse. I haven't actually used a greenhouse yet though, so I'm not sure how to build one. And I haven't seen an article on how.
DUDEAnyway, here is episode 46! Finally... The space age
Good luck installing your new LAN card (that sentence does not belong in this century lol)Yes! My part has arrived. I may resume uploading and also annoying the entire world with comments! (Not that I stopped the latter.)
Notifications here are always a bit finicky. Usually happens if you check while a new comment is being posted.
Hmm I don't think you're alone there, I've seen a couple of people say they've had issues with notifications about threads!This forum is buggy..... I stop getting alerts from the thread if I don't post to it? Which doesn't fit with my new world view of you only say things if they contribute to the conversation.
You deserve more subscribers.
You make high quality, well edited, and good content videos.
Verses some other youtubers that do barely any editing, the video is 3 minutes long with a clickbait title and they get 100k views. Disgusting
But anyways enough ranting, back on topic.
One thing about the coke oven, I believe unless this has changed since 1.7.10, if you make the interface a half block and then put it directly on top of the crusher, it works just as well as putting the dropper there.
Me too! I made a few hundred Overclockers and then stripped out my steam boiler! Glad to put the old girl to use once againthets a nice one you pulled out, it even give a use for my steam boiler a had sitting in the wall for the pahoehoe lava, btw, alvearies are a bit buggy in the 1.10 version of forestry, you wont get the icy temperature dont matter what you do(with the exception of IC2 terraformer, that one i didn't test), i needed to get to a icy spikes biome to get my ice shards(i made more than one so i could make the super cooled frames, as they really make it worth having then)