Closet Gamer
Nah, infrastructure isn't boring! Its all part of the game. With regards to autocrafting, obviously you'll need some Molecular Assemblers and Interfaces, I'd dedicate a dense cable off one side of your controller just for that. In terms of early recipes, you'll want your patterns automated, as well as things like cables and such. If you haven't already done it, I'd make some Calculation Processors as soon as possible - you need those for acceleration cards, and boy do those make the inscribers quickerand the Molecular Assemblers too!
I guess because I watch each episode at least 4 times (once when I actually record it, once when I edit, once following transcoding and once after uploading) that the infrastructure parts get old quick!
A pattern to automate the production of more patterns! Sounds good!
You should be able to automate crystals (fluix, and pure fluix, pure certus and pure nether quartz) without much bother at all - you might as well use one water source block with 5 crystal growth accelerators around it for all of those. The Actually Additions ranged collector is your friend - you can use AA filters to set up a whitelist so only the fully grown crystals are picked up - then just have that going back to the interface. The AA Automatic precision dropper (set to deactivation mode rather than pulse) will work wonders for dropping the items in.
That what I was thinking! A dropper and a collector should do the trick perfectly, all hooked up to a chest with an ME interface on it...
I would automate the crafting of EnderIO conduits first to be used in all of the other projects. Your gonna have to do it at some point, you need several thousand of the alloys near the end of the pack.
Nuke makes a good point about the conduits - while the crafting of those is simple, the alloys used to make them are less so. Again, blocking mode should help to prevent alloy recipes getting screwed up, and you should be able to set the same side to push/pull, meaning you won't need to run conduits from the output back to the interface (double check that).
I had completely overlooked this... Alloys are a massive pain in my ass but I imagined it was a mid-game thing that goes away... If I'm gonna be needing loads then this is definitely on the cards
You haven't got any IE presses set up yet, have you? You'll probably need a couple of those at some point, but if you don't need them yet I wouldn't worry too much. It tends to be for things like gears and rods where they are either needed, or cheaper.
Re the Atomic Reconstructor, that's another one where the Ranged Collector and the Precision Dropper are super handy.
I have none of these setup at the moment but I made a test world with some... The noise they make sounds amazing... Like an old printing press
My god, it's going to glorious!
*Never be afraid to ask when you do not understand*
My Age of Engineering Series: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUZaEaeCvlj6ChY3jks-N8rW74_3qEtmD