Closet Gamer
I've had the odd prank done to me, which was great fun - two that come to mind are:
When we were playing Agrarian skies together, it was coming up to Christmas, and I'd built a massive Christmas Tree on my platform, with different coloured lamps, wool as tinsel, the works. Some presents appeared under it, made with wool (and looking awesome) and when I cracked open one of them, I was met with a literal tide of chickens streaming out. I don't know how they'd got that many chickens into it, and I don't want to know. I was chasing those little cluckers around my base for about half an hour
On the Regrowth server, I told my friends that I was going AFK for a minute, and I came back to darkness. Turns out they'd surrounded me with diamond blocks, which I was allowed to keepBut when one of them accidentally killed my cow with an AcademyCraft passive lightning ability, he was very apologetic and replaced it as soon as he could with two more named ones. I think he called them "Tesla" and "Faraday"...
That is hilarious, pranks like that are cool. A friend once made a 64ish block tall zombie on my roof. My game was lagging and I couldn't figure out why until I broke one of its feet and he had spawned loads of zombies inside! The jerk! Haha like a Trojan zombie
Yes! You make a good point, in fact I have just sorted the plutonium for my next episode coming out today at 5pm (that's my new regular upload time).Sorry for the double post:
Easy, geezer - I've just had an idea for something you could work on! Naturally your plans for a Molecular Transformer are good, and you should definitely do that; likewise getting hold of speed and energy upgrades for your calculator stuff is a good plan. But, that's not what I was thinking.
I reckon you should consider setting up your depleted fuel rod reprocessing, and obtaining plutonium (ideally in a way that means you don't have to touch it!). Looking into Advanced Generators, the recipes have been tweaked so you'll need RTG fuel, and a fair bit of it, but I reckon at least looking at precursors will serve you well. Manyullyn turbine blades are one of the best you can get, and a good use for your cobalt and ardite. I'm not sure if any parts of the AG machines are gated behind something in the next age or not, but if not I'd really look at getting started on the multiblock for that - it's gonna be a bloody useful EU source for... basically the forseeable future!
You'll need fuel for it; you could go Forestry biofuel, which isn't too bad to set up but you'll need to go ham on your tree farm (EnderIO farming station may be your friend there); or empowered canola (again, not a terrible thing to set up). I don't know if IE biodiesel works, but if it does that could be a great one to go into too - you'll possibly need extra squeezers, fermenters and refineries, but it could be worth the investment.
I was watching a spotlight on advanced generators, they look really cool and I'll get into those - as you say they are heavily upgradable. As for the fuel source I'll have to do some testing but I think Ethanol is good along with biodiesel, so I may be able to tap into my existing infrastructure with a few upgrades to boost production.
*Never be afraid to ask when you do not understand*
My Age of Engineering Series: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUZaEaeCvlj6ChY3jks-N8rW74_3qEtmD