Minecraft day = 20 minutesIn response to the OP:
If I calculated correctly, using a basic IC2 solar panel to make 9UUM (7 for Iridium, 2 for other thing) in a world where there is 20 minutes of sunlight, and the server is constantly running, it would take 86 REAL LIFE days to make (plus you then have to use a diamond and other various materials to make a solar that outputs 8 EU/t.
So, the mod author changed the configs to allow recipe changes (and added awesome new solar hats)
20 ticks/second
60 seconds/minute
60 minutes/hour
24 hours/day
Basic IC2 solar panel gives 1 EU/t during day and none during night
1*20=20 Eu/S
20*60= 1200 EU/Min
1200*20=24000/MC day
Assuming you are on a server, there are 24 hours * 60 mins/hour in one real life day/30 mins per minecraft (day+night)=48 days and nights on MC in one RL day.
24000*48= 1152000EU/one rea life day
9 UUM= 16,666,666*9=149999994 EU to get 9 UUM
So actually I think it's 130 real life days