Advanced Solar panel too expensive?

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Do you find this ridiculous?

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    Votes: 28 31.8%
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    Votes: 60 68.2%

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The new recipe is surprising, however the old recipe was way too cheap. That was the ridiculous part.

The new recipe just puts it outside of use for a 8eu/t power generation system.

What needs to be done is balancing solar panels by making them require some form of additional cost in regards to upkeep, as opposed to resources as resource-balancing will only end with the cost ending up at a netherstar per advanced solar panel before the issue is resolved.

But yeah, it's so easy to make power sans solar panels that I'm not sure why anyone would use them. Steve's Cart and nether lava are the two easiest ways to make more power than you might ever need, and add to that power converters converting steam from Factorization steam turbines or biofuel, and you're golden goose good.
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Considering all the other options out there for power, I think it's great that the recipe for advanced solars was changed. Requires a bit more thought to build a sustainable power source than just plopping down a magic derp box that creates far more energy than it should...Just my thoughts, I still think they're worth building in late game, I just don't like them being an early game alternative to creativity.
Considering all the other options out there for power, I think it's great that the recipe for advanced solars was changed. Requires a bit more thought to build a sustainable power source than just plopping down a magic derp box that creates far more energy than it should...Just my thoughts, I still think they're worth building in late game, I just don't like them being an early game alternative to creativity.

Why are they worth it in the endgame when you can just expand your Steve's Cart tree farm to get loads more power cheaper?

At this point, solar panels are a dead-by-nerf joke and should either just be discontinued, or given a rethink into how balance needs to be considered.
The new recipe just puts it outside of use for a 8eu/t power generation system.

What needs to be done is balancing solar panels by making them require some form of additional cost in regards to upkeep, as opposed to resources as resource-balancing will only end with the cost ending up at a netherstar per advanced solar panel before the issue is resolved.

But yeah, it's so easy to make power sans solar panels that I'm not sure why anyone would use them. Steve's Cart and nether lava are the two easiest ways to make more power than you might ever need, and add to that power converters converting steam from Factorization steam turbines or biofuel, and you're golden goose good.
Agreed. I think someone else said it before, nerfing the output would have been better or your idea of upkeep cost or degrade over time.
Ooh, degrading overtime from 512 to 1 eu/t?
Yes. That'd be hilarious. They use Uranium, give it some kind of "half-life".
History has shown that people will, given the choice, just keep making more of those boring boxes rather than use a real power solution. It's sad, because it's possible to make way cooler systems that output more energy in less space with less cost to the server and more originality. But... solar!

You are quick to overlook the possibility that for a lot of us, toiling over the energy meta is not a motivation to play the game. In a pack with the scope of any of the FTB packs, generating energy is such a tiny component of the gameplay potential that you can hardly fault someone for wanting to get some no/low maintenance power options in place so they can focus on other things.
I wonder if anyone's tried a Redwheat setup that "burned" redstone to make power. Haha seems so wasteful, 500 eu per redstone.
You are quick to overlook the possibility that for a lot of us, toiling over the energy meta is not a motivation to play the game.

What is? I was under the assumption we were all in the business of building beautiful, intricate things so that we could then use them to build more beautiful, intricate things. That work has value to us.

And "toil" is hardly the word I'd use for builds that generally can be fleshed out in an hour or three of play if you have the resources on hand.

In a pack with the scope of any of the FTB packs, generating energy is such a tiny component of the gameplay potential that you can hardly fault someone for wanting to get some no/low maintenance power options in place so they can focus on other things.

Incorrect. I can and will fault them. Energy production and maintenance is full of fun intricacies. It's like half of IC2's mechanics.
Naww, he made it easier.
easier? just to make the freaking matter fabricator you need iridium, which has the lowest spawn rate of anything, so the only real way to get it is to quarry the nether, and you require scrap to make the UU, it was built to be a boost, not a necessity.
History has shown that people will, given the choice, just keep making more of those boring boxes rather than use a real power solution. It's sad, because it's possible to make way cooler systems that output more energy in less space with less cost to the server and more originality. But... solar!
You know what we could do? Keep solars as they are or even nerf them. Some people who like them would use them because they like solars. Some people who are lazy won't get the same EU, it's their loss. Then they can still use solars as a weak, early game power source, and just buff the nuclear reactors and such. I actually think advanced solars are incredibly overpowered, but I feel it'd be better to just make other things more powerful compared to this.
easier? just to make the freaking matter fabricator you need iridium, which has the lowest spawn rate of anything, so the only real way to get it is to quarry the nether, and you require scrap to make the UU, it was built to be a boost, not a necessity.

  1. Make Mass Fabricator
  2. Make Iridium
  3. Make Matter Fabricator
  4. ???
  5. Profit
All you need are 9 pieces of UU-Matter, which shouldn't be hard at all to obtain, even with a little setup involving Geothermals/Wind/Water mills.
Unless you're using GregTech. In that case, well, it was your choice.
What is? I was under the assumption we were all in the business of building beautiful, intricate things so that we could then use them to build more beautiful, intricate things. That work has value to us.

And "toil" is hardly the word I'd use for builds that generally can be fleshed out in an hour or three of play if you have the resources on hand.

Incorrect. I can and will fault them. Energy production and maintenance is full of fun intricacies. It's like half of IC2's mechanics.

I don't know about you, but I don't have 1-3+ hours to invest in something I don't want to do in the name of entertainment. You're expressing a disturbingly narrow point of view, not because of your opinion but because of your inability to see valid alternatives. You're apparently fine with an energy source that involves trees growing from sapling to maturity in the blink of an eye, but solar power is repugnant to you. You've got hours to invest up-front in a viable energy system but one that involves bits and pieces coming together over time with no follow-up maintenance is a lesser option. There's a word you may wish to examine for its potential benefits in your day to day activities: objectivity.
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I think advanced solars should be completely deleted, I mean, is like doing a super advanced water mill setup, or like a mega windmill, solar panels, at least in my opinion, are just like water mills and windmills, to power stuff early game, not to power a massfab. At least compact solars make a bit more sense.
Agreed. I think someone else said it before, nerfing the output would have been better or your idea of upkeep cost or degrade over time.

Indeed, but so it goes. We've got Compact Solar as well assuming you don't mind wigglin' in another mod into the pack.
In response to the OP:
If I calculated correctly, using a basic IC2 solar panel to make 9UUM (7 for Iridium, 2 for other thing) in a world where there is 20 minutes of sunlight, and the server is constantly running, it would take 86 REAL LIFE days to make (plus you then have to use a diamond and other various materials to make a solar that outputs 8 EU/t.
So, the mod author changed the configs to allow recipe changes (and added awesome new solar hats :D)