A Shitstorm

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This got lengthy faster then I expected...

Here's some "proof" that Greg is a good person:
...The heck?

I've been away for modded Minecraft and FTB for the past eight months, because at the time a KSP addiction coincided with a general feeling of a degeneration in quality of the FTB community as a whole due to modding-related drama - I noticed a good number of active FTBers going out of their way to sign up on other boards for the sole purpose of posting expletive-filled, person-attacking hate tirades against a few modders who they happened to disagree with. I felt like these forums were quickly becoming a place I did no longer want to be associated with. Thankfully, from the little peeks I occasionally took during the hiatus, things quieted down a lot and people seemed to focus more on actually playing and discussing gameplay rather than treat Minecraft and its mods' ongoing development as some sort of internet justice war with mandatory draft.

Then I picked up modded Minecraft again, and decided to stop by at the FTB forums to chat a bit about the various new and interesting things I'm finding in today's gameplay environment. And the very first thread that stares into my face when entering the Mod Discussion forum is... this?

Dear @Queue: in your opening post you seek to group yourself with "[t]he rest of the civil, and literate people" while simultaneously blanket-insulting every single reader that clicks on your intentionally misleading, click-baiting and irrelevant title. You condemn those that "simply shout and complain", and then proceed to make a post with nearly other content beyond shouting and complaining (in boldened, upsized fonts) about a development you do not understand, but most definitely do not like. I'm honestly disappointed to a great extent that this kind of post seems in any way, shape or form acceptable to the FTB forum moderation.

Your post was not in any way exemplifying civility or literacy. In fact, it was hypocritical to the highest order and so far removed from what you heatedly claimed to associate yourself with that I felt the need to type up these four frustrating paragraphs solely because I feel so utterly embarrassed to actually share your opinions to a large degree.

I too am sort of disappointed by the fact that the depth-less TE baseline implementation of the Redstone Flux API (which is capable of supporting much more) seems to become a kind of "lowest denominator standard" for everyone to fall back on because it's impossible for anyone to do it wrong. I have no desire to create RF, I have no desire to build RF power networks, and I have no desire to see more mods discontinue interesting game mechanics in favor of another "number goes in, number comes out, stuff starts working by itself" model. I'm an engineer at heart, and that's not engineering; that's just putting together a puzzle comprised of 5 pieces that can fit in any combination. In other words, it's a puzzle only in name.

The thing is, though: that doesn't make the world end. A lowest common denominator doesn't have to be all negative. It only "dumbs down the game" if you let it - if you use nothing else. There are mods today that offer highly complex, engaging power systems, and then give you a block that converts that power into RF. Rotarycraft is just one example, and that ought to be complex enough for anyone. So what keeps a player who is desperate for depth but still wants all those RF powered machines from having it both ways? Create your power network with Rotarycraft's shaft power, and simply place that conversion block right in front of your RF machines, to convert the power on the last meters to something the machines can use. Voila, complex power system and widely-supported lowest common denominator power standard at the same time! That wasn't so hard, now was it?

Ultimately, what we need to realize is that as long as there are people who enjoy engineering complex power systems, there will be modders who make complex power systems. And if there are not enough complex power systems - or not those that we want - then it's up to us as players to encourage mature discussion and lobby for new and improved mods to fill that need, or maybe take up the torch ourselves if we possess the necessary skillset (or the time and means to learn them).

But it is never our task to flamebait or "shitstorm", as it were, especially not when we lack all pieces of the information puzzle. It's not our task to hate on people, least of all those who invest countless hours of their lives to provide a free product or service to the Minecraft community. It's okay to not like things, but it's not okay to be a dick about it. Don't attack the developer who picks up Redstone Flux; rather, encourage another developer to provide an alternative. Or practice what you preach, and provide one yourself.

There's no excuse for threads like these. None.
All good points. Although I will say that this discussion has been less flamewar/shitstorm than discussion. We all hate flamewars
It can, the mod maker himself, in this thread, stated so. Again, it's up to the modders to do with it what they will.
It can, it will be a PITA, but me and Santa are planning just that. I think we've gone from RF to power creep though now...
Okay, point taken, that is how it is spelled on the forums isn't it.

but if I see one more *like* to a post that is bashing somebody for grammar or spelling, I'll be back to remind you that names get capitalized. ;)
It's technically an abbreviation, so it technically should be TRAJING. I personally think no caps is better than all caps (this was all a while ago) and thus my name was made.
No, I'm not telling you what it's short for.
not me, infinite teenage energy FTW
I would, but it's hard to do that when you pulled an all-nighter last night.
I for one am the kind of person that genuinely enjoys solar power and Mekanism's wind turbines. I know I know, it's boring as all hell and requires 0 thought to it, but I'd rather not think too much after dying three times to lava, losing all my stuff and restarting the world out of frustration. Hell, I even started with Dartcraft for the sole purpose of getting back up on my feet faster than before.

In a first playthrough or first foray into a particular modpack, I would go for the more thought provoking things, but after dying and getting frustrated and reseting myself, I'd rather just blaze through the path I've already trekked.

Even if MJ becomes the secondary power system, rather than RF, it should still be there. We should never lose our choice, even if there's a majority of people using RF. More mods should integrate acceptance for all power systems, even the more obscure ones. (Where's my TE compatibility with Electricraft lol)
Ok. Thank you for participating in the shitstorm.

[Do I need a mod to lock this thread?]
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