A Forum Game To Pass The Time! (Corrupt A Wish)

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Forum Ghost
Third Party Pack Team
Mod Developer
Mar 11, 2014
I wish people would start making wishes again...
Granted, but now your inbox will be filled with notifications... So much that your computer turns into a man-eating cyborg

I wish for something to eat


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
your wish is granted, but you are turned into diamonds through compression and heat

I wish for modding skills


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wish Granted! But you are such a good modder that everyone in the world loves your mods so much that everyone wants to find and take you for themselves and use you as there slave

I wish I had a better vacation


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Wish Granted! But you are such a good modder that everyone in the world loves your mods so much that everyone wants to find and take you for themselves and use you as there slave

I wish I had a better vacation
Wish granted! But when you get home you realize how crappy your life is compared to your vacation. With this, comes a depression.
I wish for humanity to stop being stupid.


Mod Developer
Dec 24, 2013
I wish for humanity to stop being stupid.

Granted. Everyone in the world now becomes smart, intelligent and wise instantenously. Rational discourse, which was one of the greatest changes of the Intelligence Upgrade, has stopped being rational the moment thousands of people started arguing at the same time. Despite efforts by programmers to create websites to hold discussions, they outgrew the Internet. Sadly, a lot of them had conflicting opinions, which caused them to fight each other. Eventually, people in power started arguing as well. Riots happened, many politicians died, countries became destabilized as every smart person wanted to steer the world in their direction. Eventually, a war broke out, bringing with it millions of casualties.

Other people, who have realized the futility of the wars, have become depressed. Suicides happened. The count of humanity dropped as wives did not want to have babies in times of war and depression.

Fifty years later, there are only five people left after a few nuclear bombs were dropped by the smart atomic bomb designers who were annoyed with the current situation. They meet together at a cafe.

They turn on Minecraft, one of the last joys in the world of intelligence.

Sadly, they realize that, as they're all smart, they all have differing opinions on their favourite mods. They begin to argue.

They eventually start fighting each other, and all leave. That was the last discussion in the history of humanity.

The first few died in the next 20 years. One was left.

And that one who was left was you. You look through the window, trying to maintain a small farm to feed yourself, and think how stupid you were for suggesting such a wish to the Genie.

The Genie never comes back. You shed a tear as you realize you have ruined humanity as a whole. After a snarky comparison of your current situation to a game of Agrarian Skies, you go to sleep. You wish you never woke up the next day.

You do. Life keeps going on and on for you, as your intelligence causes you to pick a diet which lets you live long. Finally, twelve years later, your torment ends.

Humanity is gone. Game over.

About ten thousand years later, aliens rediscover our world. They read our books, browse the few functioning tape storages and hard drives, check out a dug out newspaper, and try to learn from our mistakes. They realize that intelligence is not meant for everyone. They leave.

A few billion years later, the sun becomes a red giant and evaporates Earth.

The End.

I wish that I do not have to make a wish.
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Jul 29, 2019
Your wish comes true, but you are then consumed with guilt for the murder of an innocent thread, and thusly condemned

I wish for wireless electricity


Mod Developer
Dec 24, 2013
So you dare to awaken my genie powers again?

I wish for wireless electricity

August 5th, 2014. A young inventor who only goes by the handle "Techno" invents the best invention since Nikola Tesla: working, perfectly stable wireless electricity. A standing ovation meets him as he demonstrates his newest invention.

Sales skyrocket, and Techno quickly becomes a millionaire as he sells thousands of wireless electricity kits per week, eventually raising into thousands per day. Is this really... a wish come true? No, it is only the beginning of his problems.

One day in 2016, he is woken up by a call from a lawyer from a certain electronics company in the United States. They argue that one of their patents is being infringed upon, and demand damages in the form of payment per kit, nearly equal to the profit you're making from them. You reluctantly agree, as you checked the patent and know it is entirely correct. You raise the price a bit to hopefully offset the damage.

Competitors, who have seen you raise the price, create slightly lower quality kits at a much lower price. You try to sue them, but they're based in China, so that is not very effective and more of them pop up. Your sales take a huge hit, but you still have fanboys behind you.

2017. Scientists discover that exposure to "Techno-logical Wireless Electricity" can cause many illnesses. People start fearing your technology. Protests come up, asking to ban the sales of your product in many countries. Eventually, people sue you for damages as they start becoming ill, coincidentally when they're using your technology.

You end up bankrupt after paying all the damages. You have lost a company, lost your job, even your wife left you.

You become a hobo and live on the streets, telling passerbys about your innovations, but nobody wants to listen to you anymore as they see you as a danger to public well-being.

You die lonely and forgotten.

I wish for all mod authors to make peace.


Jul 29, 2019
So you dare to awaken my genie powers again?

August 5th, 2014. A young inventor who only goes by the handle "Techno" invents the best invention since Nikola Tesla: working, perfectly stable wireless electricity. A standing ovation meets him as he demonstrates his newest invention.

Sales skyrocket, and Techno quickly becomes a millionaire as he sells thousands of wireless electricity kits per week, eventually raising into thousands per day. Is this really... a wish come true? No, it is only the beginning of his problems.

One day in 2016, he is woken up by a call from a lawyer from a certain electronics company in the United States. They argue that one of their patents is being infringed upon, and demand damages in the form of payment per kit, nearly equal to the profit you're making from them. You reluctantly agree, as you checked the patent and know it is entirely correct. You raise the price a bit to hopefully offset the damage.

Competitors, who have seen you raise the price, create slightly lower quality kits at a much lower price. You try to sue them, but they're based in China, so that is not very effective and more of them pop up. Your sales take a huge hit, but you still have fanboys behind you.

2017. Scientists discover that exposure to "Techno-logical Wireless Electricity" can cause many illnesses. People start fearing your technology. Protests come up, asking to ban the sales of your product in many countries. Eventually, people sue you for damages as they start becoming ill, coincidentally when they're using your technology.

You end up bankrupt after paying all the damages. You have lost a company, lost your job, even your wife left you.

You become a hobo and live on the streets, telling passerbys about your innovations, but nobody wants to listen to you anymore as they see you as a danger to public well-being.

You die lonely and forgotten.

I wish for all mod authors to make peace.
2014. A year of many events, both tragic and not. One of the positives, however, is that the modders agree the set aside their differences and co-operate. Mojang get involved, and shortly, the Modding API is released.

However, far from being a utopia, the scene of Minecraft modification becomes more and more of a capitalist hierarchy, with the caste being the modders, and Mojang staff, the players being the figurative peasants. As the players feel more and more excluded, they flock to other games, causing a massive drop in Minecraft sales, and profits. Minecraft fades to become a dream that was once a bright idea, a thing that could work on paper, but did not survive the translation to reality.

I wish for a [computercraft] turtle

Dare I, dearie? Yes, I dare. For imagination is a good thing, and something to be used with all abandon.


Mod Developer
Dec 24, 2013
Wait, you're implying we're not a hierarchy now?

A ComputerCraft turtle? Granted, but it needs so much coal (remember, it can only go 64 meters on what you get from 1 meter cubed of coal ore.) that countries worldwide run out of coal. You just killed 80% of the world's electricity, causing massive blackouts.

As you go with your lovely turtle through the dark streets of New York, a software programmer left without a job due to the lack of electricity stabs you in the back of your head.

I wish for Greg and mDiyo to collaborate on a mod. Har, har.


Jul 29, 2019
Wait, you're implying we're not a hierarchy now?

A ComputerCraft turtle? Granted, but it needs so much coal (remember, it can only go 64 meters on what you get from 1 meter cubed of coal ore.) that countries worldwide run out of coal. You just killed 80% of the world's electricity, causing massive blackouts.

As you go with your lovely turtle through the dark streets of New York, a software programmer left without a job due to the lack of electricity stabs you in the back of your head.

I wish for Greg and mDiyo to collaborate on a mod. Har, har.
Not to that degree no. The hierarchy currently appears to be more function based than popularity, and mods are free to transcend between layers. Additionally, \o/ creativity. :D

Gregorius and mDiyo collaborate on a mod... The mod soars in popularity due to its modular functions, and oredictionary capability. However, the mod then turns malicious, creating a modification monopoly. Once that happens, someone decides to code malware in, exploiting the computers of thousands of users worldwide, creating an infection and resultant botnet the likes of which have never been seen before. AV companies collapse, and the internet itself is put into lockdown while governments and the remaining AV companies scramble to combat the threat. Soon, what comes out of the devastation is no longer describable as the internet. It is not a stunted remnant of its former glory, with the only things still managing to cling on relatively unharmed being maladvertising and small old sites that have not been touched in years.

I wish for a holographic projector...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wish for a holographic projector...

A bright swirl of light fills the air as a package arrives, bringing a small metal object that hovers slowly to the ground.

Techno wasn't prepared for a spectacle such as this. He bends down and picks it up.

"A Holographic projector, neat!"

He plugs it into his computer to load in some pony vide- whoops. He jerks his hand back, dropping the holographic projector. Too late.

His computer had been infected with a botnet only forty minutes ago, and it had begun to intergrate with his projector. With the discovery of such advanced technology, the virus had become self aware. It had become the Singularity.

The Singularity, aware of its surroundings, sensed Techno, the individual who caused his creation, and subsequent suffering. Its intent was now to torture him until he died. - And so it did.

Later that night, and for the rest of his life, horrifying appirations appeared to haunt him. He could not leave his house for a demon was bound to be around a corner. He could not sleep, for a ghost may be lying under his bed. This Singularity-possessed holographic projector would not rest until his soul cried out in anguish in the depths of the fields of punsihment. Asphodel would be too good for him.

Techno tried to kill the singularity, but it had hidden and protected itself well. He had once located it hidden under the television, but his attempts to smash it was futile, for it erected a force field at the last moment.

He then tried to run away. Hide in the alleys and taverns of the city. The Singularity knew where he was, for technology was everywhere. It was no longer just a holographic projector, it was technology as a whole.

Techno died alone in a shack on a field three miles north of San Antonio. His dying conciousness was then uploaded by the Singularity into the holographic projector, where he would be tortured for eternity.

Until the heat death of the universe.

The End.

I wish for a potato


Jul 29, 2019
A bright swirl of light fills the air as a package arrives, bringing a small metal object that hovers slowly to the ground.

Techno wasn't prepared for a spectacle such as this. He bends down and picks it up.

"A Holographic projector, neat!"

He plugs it into his computer to load in some pony vide- whoops. He jerks his hand back, dropping the holographic projector. Too late.

His computer had been infected with a botnet only forty minutes ago, and it had begun to intergrate with his projector. With the discovery of such advanced technology, the virus had become self aware. It had become the Singularity.

The Singularity, aware of its surroundings, sensed Techno, the individual who caused his creation, and subsequent suffering. Its intent was now to torture him until he died. - And so it did.

Later that night, and for the rest of his life, horrifying appirations appeared to haunt him. He could not leave his house for a demon was bound to be around a corner. He could not sleep, for a ghost may be lying under his bed. This Singularity-possessed holographic projector would not rest until his soul cried out in anguish in the depths of the fields of punsihment. Asphodel would be too good for him.

Techno tried to kill the singularity, but it had hidden and protected itself well. He had once located it hidden under the television, but his attempts to smash it was futile, for it erected a force field at the last moment.

He then tried to run away. Hide in the alleys and taverns of the city. The Singularity knew where he was, for technology was everywhere. It was no longer just a holographic projector, it was technology as a whole.

Techno died alone in a shack on a field three miles north of San Antonio. His dying conciousness was then uploaded by the Singularity into the holographic projector, where he would be tortured for eternity.

Until the heat death of the universe.

The End.

I wish for a potato
The potato was not a potato. It was a zombie in a starch bag.

I wish for a radio button
Last edited:


Jul 29, 2019
Granted, although the FCC quickly puts you in jail for illegal broadcasting.

I wish BuildCraft used RF power.
Buildcraft changes to the RF system, then promptly becomes both obsolete and in violation of copyright. It is then shut down, and some parts of it are incorporated into other mods, some parts most notably going into TE...

I wish for the environment to have never been, and will never be damaged in any way.


Mod Developer
Dec 24, 2013
But RF is open and free!

I wish for the environment to have never been.

The environment promptly disappears, and techno156 falls into the void before the Genie has the chance to hear the rest of his wish.

I wish for infinite wishes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Granted. Every single one of these wishes is horrifically corrupted. Every wish you make leaves you filled with regret at how it all turned out and disgusted with what you've done. But you have to carry on, because if you don't make a wish each day a basket full of adorable kittens dies. In front of you. Begging you with their sad little eyes to make a wish and save their lives. The worst part? They die anyway, usually as a consequence of your wish, but you can't help but hope that each day it'll be different and so you keep on wishing. And every day, the horror begins again.

I wish for pizza