[64x] Soartex Fanver - Smooth and Clean FTB

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Edit: never mind, I downloaded the wrong file. All is fixed now ;)

I get this error when running the 1.2 patcher

[12:36:56] [SEVERE] The externalconfig.txt file is the default!
net.soartex.texture_patcher.Texture_Patcher_Exception: The externalconfig.txt file is the default!
at net.soartex.texture_patcher.Texture_Patcher.loadConfig(Texture_Patcher.java:316)
at net.soartex.texture_patcher.Texture_Patcher.run(Texture_Patcher.java:137)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Hey Shoe, you must have missed the memo. Ender Chests textures have changed location, so yours won't load. They now need to go in \codechicken\enderstorage\gfx\ instead of just \codechicken\enderstorage where they used to be. Heads up!
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The download page on our website needs to be updated but, you need to download the soartex patcher. It is on the texture patcher page at the bottom. Its a bit confuzing, but here is the link: http://files.soartex.net/texture-patcher/soartex/Soartex-Texture-Patcher-1.2.jar

I have just tried the patcher for the first time as I have mods installed that are not part of the direwolf20 pack but the file i get looks like it is only for vanilla textures and not the mods. Is there a problem creating a pack. I assume that you just select the mods you want and click the download pack button at the top of the screen.

Edit: I got it now you need to click patch as well. oops.
I have just tried the patcher for the first time as I have mods installed that are not part of the direwolf20 pack but the file i get looks like it is only for vanilla textures and not the mods. Is there a problem creating a pack. I assume that you just select the mods you want and click the download pack button at the top of the screen.
You select the mods you want and then hit "Patch". The download pack button will only DL the vanilla pack.
I tried this texture pack and some of the ores are missing. Also marble isn't textured. On top of that my cross-hair is a white square with no texture. I tried downloading the correct optifine version and that made it worse, all the buttons were white and my item bar at the bottom of the screen was white too. I've seen many recent let's plays using the feed the beast- mindcrack pack with this texture pack and all their stuff was textured. I also tried the download from the soartex website and the same problems occured.
I have been having the exact same issue. A clue as to how to fix would be greatly appreciated.
Flowers, anyone? http://i.imgur.com/GcgxLWI.jpg
I posted them here: http://www.soartex.net/threads/extrabiomesxl.249/page-2#post-6687
I'm thinking about Xycraft crops next. Don't worry, I'm still working on unstitcher configs to convert Soartex to 1.5.

@DepOpt and mattie:
When Minecraft is launched, it gets an allowance of 1GB of memory. Memory holds files the game is using, such as Soartex textures and the world around you. If Java/Minecraft runs low on memory, it will remove files to free up memory and prevent Minecraft from crashing. You can fix this by giving minecraft more memory. Keep in mind you'll need a 64 bit computer/java to go over 1GB. If you have a 32 bit java, you can just use Soartex for vanilla minecraft, thus reducing the number of large textures in memory or you can open the FTB pack you are using and delete a bunch of files you don't use.

If that doesn't work, 1.5 handles textures differently and it is likely to lower the memory usage of Soartex, especially for FTB. Currently there are hundreds of sheets of sprites. In 1.5 there will only be a few mega sheets of sprites.

@Kal: Huh, well that's a bummer. I'm going to have to remember to fix that...
The silverwood planks don't work for me. Just an opinion you should remove the strip on the side off the planks, so they blend together better as a big floor :) (using the ultimate pack)
I have a problem with xycraft (recently decided to install) and some old version of soartex (2.3.1 as my minecraft 1.4.7 says). All ore is nicely skinned, but aluminum's "color" is invisible and i can litteraly see through it into the world. I tried the newer verison of soartex, but the only thing i didnt like is the new skin for xycraft ore.


Am I the only person urked by the lack of textures for vanilla food and armor? :S I can forgive a pack for missing a few mods, but... come on, it's vanilla minecraft! Perhaps I did something wrong when I installed it...

Besides that, this is an amazing pack. Very clean and looks great and I will definitely use it. I'm sorry about my nitpicking, but I just had to get it out.

Things I would personally like to see added:
All of the missing vanilla items (dyes, food, armor icons)
Custom armor graphics for vanilla and mods (or just revamped original ones. This much isn't necessary because it keeps all the armor to the same rez and doesn't bother me as much.)
More Thaumcraft 3 (I.E. Axe of the Stream.)
Portal/Gravity Gun support
A way to get the song "Simple and Clean" out of my head.
Am I the only person urked by the lack of textures for vanilla food and armor? :S I can forgive a pack for missing a few mods, but... come on, it's vanilla minecraft! Perhaps I did something wrong when I installed it...

Besides that, this is an amazing pack. Very clean and looks great and I will definitely use it. I'm sorry about my nitpicking, but I just had to get it out.

Things I would personally like to see added:
All of the missing vanilla items (dyes, food, armor icons)
Custom armor graphics for vanilla and mods (or just revamped original ones. This much isn't necessary because it keeps all the armor to the same rez and doesn't bother me as much.)
More Thaumcraft 3 (I.E. Axe of the Stream.)
Portal/Gravity Gun support
A way to get the song "Simple and Clean" out of my head.

We do have minor parts of vanilla missing. We recently have stopped updating our core vanilla pack and have moved on to 1.5.1. It includes some food and all of the dyes.

Here is the current vanilla missing list from the MCF
As of 2.4:
-Mobs: enderman
-Items: Armor icons, chicken, fish, gold nugget, fermented spider eye, pumpkin pie
-misc: all armor, pig saddle, map icons, explosion, charged creeper, end armor
-GUI: armor indicator

We are slowly working on getting textures but assured it takes a while to create and get approval for the textures for the packs. Mod textures are not as easily controlled and the vanilla textures as we expect and want to have the highest of quality for the core part of the pack. (not saying mods get any less, they just go through approval faster). Hope that helps you. All the mods are on the todo list and TC3 and portal support are still heavily undone. It will all get done in due time!

Thank you and I'm glad you are enjoying the pack!
@Arcius: The vanilla textures in Soartex FTB are about five months of development behind the latest vanilla textures. I will add these new vanilla textures to Soartex FTB when FTB updates to the new file format. I think it will take FTB two to three months to update. At this Soartex development rate, you're looking at a doubling of vanilla texture support by the time FTB updates.

All said, I feel like I'm steering a cruise ship... and I'm in no hurry.

*finishes retexture of jungle leaves* *retextures sky* *makes random siding texture* *rando CTM animates biome specific bookshelves* etc. etc.
A quick little status update. Looks like ftb is probably not going to update to 1.5. The port for textures to 1.5 is going to continue however. A main downfall to this port is the massive amount of work. For people that are looking for 1.5 textures make sure you are usuing the latest patcher and you should be able to get the ones we have done so far.

For people will to help us and many other texture pack artist please think about helping with our unstitcher.
This will help so many people in the long run. If you want to see the work in action check out our github.
A quick little status update. Looks like ftb is probably not going to update to 1.5. The port for textures to 1.5 is going to continue however. A main downfall to this port is the massive amount of work. For people that are looking for 1.5 textures make sure you are usuing the latest patcher and you should be able to get the ones we have done so far.

For people will to help us and many other texture pack artist please think about helping with our unstitcher.
This will help so many people in the long run. If you want to see the work in action check out our github.

it won't be an official 1.5 release, rather it'll be a beta release that'll probably be available through a private pack.
Am I the only one who notices a few invisible items with GregTech?

Also, no offense but none of your flowers look very good in pots aside from the rose.

Are you only focusing on 1.5 now? Because I'd really appreciate some finished Thaumcraft/Twilight Forest/ MF Reloaded textures.

What would a person have to do if they wanted to submit their own textures? Would they just post them in a thread and see if the authors like them?
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Am I the only one who notices a few invisible items with GregTech?
Darn, I must have missed some. Thanks for the info.

Also, no offense but none of your flowers look very good in pots aside from the rose.
That actually happens to be a new feature in the upcoming update of the pack. I used CTM to overwrite the texture of all the flowers and cactus in a pot. Just one of those things I don't feel like back porting to 1.4.

Are you only focusing on 1.5 now? Because I'd really appreciate some finished Thaumcraft/Twilight Forest/ MF Reloaded textures.

What would a person have to do if they wanted to submit their own textures? Would they just post them in a thread and see if the authors like them?
I am only focusing on 1.5 now, but I'm happy to add textures from other people into the 1.4.7 pack. Feel free to post them in this thread or over on the Soartex.net mod forums.
Darn, I must have missed some. Thanks for the info.

That actually happens to be a new feature in the upcoming update of the pack. I used CTM to overwrite the texture of all the flowers and cactus in a pot. Just one of those things I don't feel like back porting to 1.4.

I am only focusing on 1.5 now, but I'm happy to add textures from other people into the 1.4.7 pack. Feel free to post them in this thread or over on the Soartex.net mod forums.

Thanks for the info - by the way, it seems like after using the patcher to add updated textures to Ultimate 1.1.0, any IC2 item placed in the world crashes the game. I tried placing the same items into the game using the default pack and JSTR and nothing happened so I guess it is a texture pack issue. Any idea why that happens?

Edit: I just inserted the ic2 folder from my backed up pack from 1.0.2 and it works now, after looking in the files, I found some of them were corrupt, such as the one with the armor/weapons/other items' graphics.
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Can you change the quantum, nano, solar helmets, and the garvisuite textures? I don't like how they are a suit, and sunglasses.
I am unsure if I am missing something, but is there any particular reason why several vanilla textures (for armour especially) are missing? Also, I see that you are missing Thaumcraft 3 textures. I am using Feed The Beast Ultimate v1.0.1.

If you like, I can put together a list of the items that lack textures, and possibly even provide you a picture.
1.5 conversions are being organized and picked up again. I took a hiatus from mods while working on Soartex 2.5, a vanilla revision/remake update. GoldBattle has cleaned up and split out the 1.4 mod repository into an archive branch and 1.4 branch. I cleaned up the 1.5 repo, and am currently rewriting the patcher's mod list for 1.5. Unused unstitcher configs will be implemented very soon, and I'll be preparing a more aimed pack at Tekkit.

@Kazekai: GoldBattle fixed it yesterday.
@Aetherr_: Mhm, someday... Sorry, I don't know when someone will get around to it. But someday.
@ChaosRain: Many vanilla textures are not completed, but many have been added in the 2.4 and upcoming 2.5 update. Armor hasn't been made yet. I know, lots of mod textures when vanilla isn't complete... I've had too much fun with mods, someone else can make armor.
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